
Lisa kept staring at him, she didn't understand why he is saying things like this, which seems to have deep meaning moreover she felt somewhat..... connected to him, she feel like she had met him before but didn't remember where, but she just couldn't shake off this feeling.


They waited for One hour before the manager finally came back, after instructing him to call her if anything happens,they left from there enjoining him to take care of gyeol.

Lisa and Jungkook reached at the ground floor where he asked her to wait for him at the exit of the hospital.

When he returned and saw her waiting near the exit, he stopped the car in front of her and she hopped onto the front seat, as she knew he'll definitely not like if she sat at the back.

The car finally left the hospital premises. On the way back, the atmosphere inside the car was same when they got here.

" To Lee Mansion or Park Residence " After a while, he asked breaking the silent atmosphere between them.

"huh!!?? " she looked at his side view profile seemingly perplexed as she didn't understood what he meant.

"Where I should drop you, Lee Mansion or Park Residence " he asked again and she looked at him in bewilderment, thinking ' how does he know that I either live at Lee mansion or at my parent's.....".

Instead of answering his question she asked him something which caught him off-guard.

" Have we met before " she asked unable to hold her curiosity anymore.

He looked at her with astounded expression on his handsome, which was just for a second before his expression changed back to normal as if the look of being shocked was never there at first place.

" What do you think " instead of answering her, he asked back.

She looked at him for a second before she finally parted her lips " I don't know.... but I feel like we have met before and I just couldn't shake this feeling off "

He didn't replied and continued driving but his focus was on her, all the time.

" Park Mansion " she said after a while and he nodded as he understood what she meant.

After about half an hour, car came to an halt in front of huge gate, Lisa moved to step out of the car but stopped in her moves as she remembered something, she turned to face the man who was already looking at her beautiful enchanting face.

" Thank you " she just said it simply as she don't know how to thank him for all the things he had done for her today.

" Your money.... " she paused for a while before she continued "I'll transfer it to you " after completing her sentence she hastily turned and stepped out of the car.

she didn't even stopped to look back at him and continued walking towards the huge gate. But just as she was about to take one more step towards the huge gate, she felt someone grabbing her wrist and when she was about to you turn back, to look what is happening, she was pulled back with a jerk which made her hit her back in something hard.

After calming herself down from the sudden turn of events, She opened her beautiful swollen eyes and lifted her gaze to only see jungkook's face just hovered above hers,which made her heart skip a beat and him looking at her with, perhaps her imagination,love in his eyes, which made her already beat skipping heart to jump even more.


The next second she heard him say.

" Firstly, if you want to make transaction you need detail, which you don't have so.... " he said as he took her phone from her hand and saved his number,giving a ring, he placed it back.

"Secondly, y.. you don't have to shake that feeling off, ju...just savour it.. " he stammered a little but completed it anyway in very soft voice before the look on his face changed into something mischievous.

"And Lastly, I think this will be more satisfying than just a simple thank you... " as soon as he finished speaking he leaned and gave a small peck on her cheek which made her eyes to widen and her heart to beat uncontrollably and wildly.

Jungkook stood there, covering her little body with his, looking at her face closely, savouring her change in expression.

After a long while, she finally came back to reality when she heard him say " See you VERY soon "

He said as he paid extra stress on the word very and smiled beautifully before he grabbed both her shoulders and exchanged their position,now his back against the car.

After looking at her for a second more,he moved and went towards the other side car door and sat inside before starting the car and leaving.

And Lisa just stood there as if lightning has struck her hard, she jolted back to reality when she heard the car engine start and the car speeding off.

' What did he do... he pec..... pecked on my cheek, really.... or am I dreaming, it's probably a dream,right!!?.... this can't be I didn't said it aloud right, I didn't!!...???'

Few minutes back,

When they arrived in front of park mansion she was thinking about the feeling she mentioned and he didn't replied, she, in trance, almost got out of the car, but before she could, she finally remembered to thank him but the man still didn't replied because he didn't got the time actually *poor jungkook, sobs* , and when she was about to ask how to send him his money back her gaze fell on his beautiful luscious lips and seeing them she literally had an crazy thought ' his lips..... ahhh so beautiful, so perfect, how great it would be if got to feel how do they really feel.... ' as she was busy thinking this she forgot the line she was about to say and instead said she will transfer his money and hurriedly stepped out of the car.


In Jungkook's car.

He was grinning like a crazy person thinking what he had done and Lisa dumbfounded expression, her widen eyes and her flushed face.

He took out his phone and opened the call section to see one missed call and he clicked on it and saved the number by "Princess".