
The next morning

Jennie's eyelids fluttered when faint sun rays kissed her smooth skin, she opened her eyes, sat up on her bed and yawned.

After stretching for a while, she went to the closet and picked up a pair of jeans and crop top, went to the bathroom to get freshen up.

After taking bath, she went downstairs, where all the family members were already chatting merrily among themselves, as they all were chatting and laughing, Butler notified them that breakfast has been served.

In the dining hall,

Today again Everything was prepared which was Jennie's favorite, from the day she returned everything is being made according to her taste, whether it's food or the room decoration.

Letting her to imagine that something fishy is on her way.

In the midst of the breakfast, elder Lee announced something, which shocked everyone to their cores except of course Jennie, as the announcement was as follows.

" V will be coming for dinner tomorrow night " he informed simply as if it is not a big deal but it shocked the hell out of the other members sitting there, they know who V is, obviously, they know yesterday evening, grandpa and Jennie went to the party which was hosted by him.

But coming for dinner, in Lee mansion, just after meeting once, they really had not expected this.

When nobody spoke for a long while, Elder Lee raised his head and looked at his daughter-in-law.

"Dinner preparations will be your responsibility and it should be magnificent" he said to her sternly, making her to come back to reality after being dazed.

After having Breakfast, Jennie's Father and Brother went to their work while grandma and grandpa Lee went to the gazebo, to sit in the pleasant air for a while.

Jennie's mother congregated the servants and gave them strict instructions even though V was not coming today, she understood from the tone of her father-in-law how important his visit is.

Meanwhile Jennie was left alone in the living hall, feeling bored. she got up to go back to her room, to continue her research on one particular matter.

When Jennie was about to turn to return to her room, she saw Lisa emerging from the mansions entrance, she smiled pleasantly and went to her side, asking.

" What did make you to take so long " she paused before she continued " I was going to literally die waiting for you "

Lisa smiled and pinched her cheek, softly. " Whenever I'm with you, you always busy yourself in searching..... and now when I went out just for a night, you are like this "

" ahhh... it hurts " she grimaced faking the pain "whenever you are around me, only then I do it seriously, you know that yet your are complaining " she said as she pouted.

"haa... you are really something, Jennie " Lisa said and the next second Jennie smiled brightly.

Lisa observed Jennie for a while, thinking she is acting really strange today, firstly she played coy, then acted and even pouted, now she is smiling Brightly. What's wrong with her today??, she thought.

" What have you done behind my back " Lisa asked her, scrutinizing her gaze at her.

" What I would have possibly done behind your back???" she asked back, as if she didn't understoodwhat she meant

"Did something happen when I was away " she paused and looked at her before continuing "or do you need something from me"

" ahh!!noth..... " she paused as she remembered something. " O Yes, that pervert is coming tomorrow for dinner "

" hmmp!?? " Lisa looked at her, with questioning gaze, and before Jennie could answer she asked.

" The pervert from airport?? " she asked and Jennie nodded.

" ohh that's why you are acting this way " she said, grinning mysteriously and now Jennie was looking at her with questioning gaze.

" What do you mean " she asked and Lisa stood up saying.

" Why should I tell you " and went towards stairs to go to her room and Jennie also followed her shouting to tell her what she meant by that.


In the gazebo, the old couple was sitting there silently, wearing worried expressions.

"What are you going to do now " Park A-yeong asked her husband.

"What will I do I can't possibly deny his request but can't accept it also" he replied.

" You are right, it is a vulgar request, how can we possibly agree " she said as she placed her hand on his husband's.

" But that boy definitely liked her, given his attitude towards her yesterday "he said and she didn't replied as she asked about someone else.

" She hadn't asked anything yet about her " she said.

" hmmp... she said she will ask when the timing will be right " he answered.

" I don't know what will happen when she will come to know what had happened back then " she sighed worriedly.

" Don't worry, nothing will happen "he replied in a assuring tone.

" You know she hadn't believed that she left us just like that even though she didn't said anything" she said.

" That's what I'm worried about " he said dazedly.

Back in Jennie's room,

Jennie didn't budge until Lisa told her why she said that, which was very unlikely of her. Then Jennie asked her about that boy from orphanage, to which she replied.

" He is alright now, I have to go check on him in the afternoon "Lisa replied and Jennie's expression suddenly changed and she looked at Lisa with puppy eyes.

"What's with that look" Lisa asked suspiciously.

"I want to go somewhere " Jennie said and moved towards her bed table, taking out some document on she sat on the bed.

" What's this and where you want to go " Lisa asked.

" I'm looking for a job " Jennie answered.

" WHAT!!??....But what's the need for job, you can manage that City S's branch " Lisa said as she heard it from her father about grandpa's plan to give that to Jennie.

" I want to move out so I can't accept that " Jennie said.

" Move out??, when did u made this plan??" Lisa asked looking at Jennie in disbelief, she been away just for a night and she already planed to move out.

" Last night " Jennie replied, smiling.

"Now enough, I'll tell you everything once we are out of here, we can't let anybody hear anything "

Jennie said and Lisa could only stop, knowing what's she is saying is right, if she is truly trying to move out,nobody should know about this unless she herself talks about it to her grandpa.