
After informing that Lisa need to visit the boy at hospital and she want to go with her, they both left the mansion,heavily guarded, four masculine bodyguard and a chauffeur.

Sitting in the backseat of the car, Jennie and Lisa, both were looking at each other, gesturing each other about what to do with these guards.

As they can't speak because of the chauffeur, Lisa took out her phone and started typing, after a sec, she raised her head and gave signal to Jennie to check her Inbox.

When Jennie opened her phone, she saw the notifications that she got a message from Lisa, touching that message she opened it.

"We can't let these guards enter with us in the hospital, that way the plan I have may work" it was what written in the message.

"But surely they will not let us go in alone " Jennie typed.


" That you have to act tough in front of them, show your acting skills here now, baby" Lisa said and smirked.

Jennie looked at her with pleading look,as if saying, 'You know that I don't know how to act, you should do it, that way they will not suspect anything'

" I know, VERY well. you are going to do it "Lisa messaged and Jennie looked at her, pleadingly.

But Lisa turned her head to the side, ignoring her, and Jennie could only grit her teeths, Silently.

In Front of the JK hospital.

When Jennie and Lisa's car stopped, guard's car behind them followed,

When they descended the car, guards were already standing there, ready to escort them inside, fully guarded

Jennie turned and looked at them, saying, " There's no need for you to follow us inside "

Guards were taken aback by her statement, but one of them, the Leader said "Miss we are ordered to not to leave your side even for a sec"

"But there's no need inside the hospital and I don't want any of you to follow us " she said this and turned to enter the hospital.

Guards were left standing there, thinking whether they should follow them or not, but they still followed.

When Jennie saw them still following them, she turned and said "Didn't I said clearly enough for you all to understand it"

"But miss we can't let you go inside, all by yourself, if master got to know this he will probably kill us"

"But this hospital's safe and you know that, so nothing will happen in the broad daylight" Jennie tried to reason it out with them.

"Young miss, please don't make it hard for us, you know we can't do this"

"Are you trying to defy my orders "she said, now looking very serious and stern, while lisa was trying to hide the smile that was threatening to paint her lips, chiding inside 'Go baby, you are gonna make it'

"We Don't dare to, young miss, please understand " he said

"So you aren't going to listen to me, okay fine I'll call grandpa now and tell him what you are doing " Jennie said as she took out her phone from her mini bag, and started searching for her grandpa's number very slowly, screeming inside , 'please stop me'

Meanwhile guards were now starting to panic if she really did call the old master he will not bait an eye to kill them, but they can't let them go alone inside.

They were really put in very difficult situation.

"Young miss, please don't call old master, we will wait here not follow you okay " the leader finally relented.

Thinking about Hospital's reputation and assuring himself that they will be right here guarding and nothing will go wrong, he finally agreed.

Jennie stopped looking in the phone and smiled lightly before she raised her head and was about to say something when the guard spoke again.

"But We will be guarding the entrance here, so we can rest assure" he said.

Jennie's smile faded at the instant she heard him.

" But.... " she was about to say something, when Lisa grabbed her arm and said to body guard, smiling lightly.

" okay, fine " she said and turned to enter as she dragged Jennie with her.

As she dragged her, she heard Jennie complaining.

"Why didn't u let me say anything there, how I'm gonna leave if they are gonna stand there " Jennie said as Lisa dragged her until they were standing near the staircase.

"If you would have said something more, they will surely be going to follow us and stand in front of the ward, okay " Lisa and Jennie pursed her lips, understanding what she meant.

"So it's already good that they are not following us in here" she said and after a while Jennie spoke.

"But how I'm going to leave this place now " she said looking at the entrance which is now being guarded by their guards.

"For that we have to think of something" Lisa said looking at her


After 20 minutes,

At the entrance of the hospital, Four fully built bodyguards were guarding the entrance with full attention, onlookers were looking at them as if they are seeing something really weird, but the guards couldn't care less as they know what will be awaiting for them ahead.

One of the them spoke, after a while asking three of them, if anyone want to use the restroom, and one of the three agreed and they both went to the washroom and the other two were left standing there, guarding the entrance.

After about 5 minutes, a girl, most accurately a nurse came running towards them, and asked them.

"Sir, can you help me, there's..... there's a patient who needs help put him back on the wheel chair, he is really healthy... I can't put him back on my own " she said, panting.

Both of the guards looked at her, who was trying to regular her breathing.

"Sir, please it's an emergency" she said and finally one of the two guards agreed and followed her, but she suggested for the two to come along as the patient is really healthy but they denied so the little nurse could only show the way quietly.

Jennie and Lisa saw the nurse taking only one guard away, which caused them to sigh but as if heaven's in their side the other guard left the entrance to help the old man who was on the verge to hit the ground, giving Jennie enough time to escape.