Personal Assistant

In front of a huge building, a cab halted and a girl dressed in black mini skirt with full sleeves top, stepped out. When she looked at building's magnificently designed logo she took a deep breadth and went towards the entrance.

Upon Entering, she went to the receptionist and informed her.

"Hello miss, I'm here for interview " she said softly.

"Hello ma'am " receptionist greeted her back with a light smile before saying " what's your name, ma'am"

"Ha-neul " Jennie answered omitting her surname.

"Okay ma'am, please wait there for awhile " the receptionist replied gesturing towards the couch in the lounge.

" Okay, thank you " Jennie said and went to sit on the couch.

After about 5 minutes, a man in his forties stood before her, breathing heavily, even though he used the elevator to get down here, he looked as if he ran all the way there.

He said to her, politely "Miss Ha-neul, you should have called me that you are already here so that way you shouldn't have to wait"

"It's okay sir, I just arrived " Jennie smiled.

"That's good, so let's go up " he said and they went towards the elevator.


Meanwhile, both receptionist at the reception were bewildered to see their vice president, who never lose his demeanor, hurriedly and nervously stepping out of the elevator and approaching the girl.

And when they heard him talking, ever so politely, to a mere interviewer the expressions on their faces were beyond description.


Jennie was led to a grand cabin, where the man asked her to take a seat on a couch before he sat across her.

Jennie took out some documents from her bag and handed it to him, which he took and said.

"I have read your resume, you have completed your graduation from a reputed university, your interest in architecture is also a plus point, your skill set is also magnificent."

"Thank you Sir " Jennie said.

"I just have one question, that with your achievements you can easily get a job of higher status, so why are you applying just for a internship" he asked putting the documents on the table.

"Actually sir, I believe that one should always start from a scratch to know what actually it is grow from a scratch, what the journey feels like "she answered.

"That's really good of you to think that way" he said and Jennie just smiled.

"Okay, fine so congratulations miss, you are hired" he informed her and she looked at him,smiling.

"Thank you, Sir" she said.

"When you will be joining,then" he asked after nodding to her.

"I'll be joining in the comming week."

" That's good " he said

and Jennie stood up to leave saying

"thank you sir, then please allow me to take my leave" and the man also stood up and now his expression faltered a little.

Because he couldn't find any reason to stop her now and he is thinking if he will be dead when his boss will arrive if he failed to buy any time now as he remembered the scene when he got a call half an hour ago.


Half an hour ago

LH Empire,Vice president office.

He was sitting Leisurely on his chair when his phone buzzed, indicating that he got a call, he thought it was from his wife so he didn't paid any attention to the caller's id and picked it up.

" Honey, I'll be home early tonight, don't wor.... " he couldn't complete his sentence as he heard a dangerous voice from the other side.

"Seems like you don't want your job anymore " the person on the other side said in the dangerously manner which jolted him awake, as he shook a little hearing the voice. He looked at the caller's id only to see the call that he thought is from his wife, is not from his wife but rather his boss.

" Go....good afternoon sir " he staggered " No, no sir, sorry it was a mistake, I thought it was from my wife." he said.

"I'm sending you a mail, take a look and hire her at any cost, fulfil all her condition and I have given your contact details, so attend her and don't let her leave until I reach there" he said not giving him any chance to speak.

"and you are not going home until you finished all your pending work " he said before he cut the call.

The vice president was left standing in bewilder, he wasn't able to return to reality until he heard a ding voice from his laptop.

He took a look at the mail and he was perplexed looking at the excellent profile he was again in stupor.

'Do i have to hire such a excellent person, she is already over-qualified for the position she is aiming for' he wondered what that 'at any cost' from his boss meant.


"Miss wait I forgot to discuss one thing"he said as he remembered his plans to go home early.

"Yes, Sir " she could only nod lightly and smile.

"You have requested for a apartment but we don't provide a apartment to a intern, so Considering you qualification I recommend you a position of a personal assistant of my senior " he said.

Jennie looked at him in stupor , what I, personal assistant.

" no, no sir I don't want that "she said.

"but that way we will be able to provide you a apartment..." he paused before he continued "let's do a thing why don't you join this for six months and if u will not like it, you can resign from your post afterwards" he proposed

Jennie looked at him,thinking. She can't accept the position of a assistant but she couldn't let this job go also, she need a apartment to carry out her research.

After thinking hard for a while, she eventually nodded and the vice president smiled and said.

" That's good, if u have agreed so why don't...." he didn't complete his sentence as he stood up and went to his work table, opening one of the drawer he took out some papers and went back.

" You sign it and your post will be finalized " he said,smiling. Now it was being something ridiculous, but as she had thought to do it. so why not sign it now.

" Sure " she said and took the pen and signed it, after signing it she stood up and said.

" okay so I should leave now, sir. Thank you for today " she said and he stood up but he didn't seem ready to let her go but he couldn't even do anything now.

So he eventually nodded.

Jennie left the office and sent a message to Lisa, 'I will be there in 30 minutes , I'll text you when I will be down.'

And went towards the elevator, she hopped on it and elevator started to descend and a halt came to it indicating she reached the desired floor.

The door started to open and she raised her head, when the door was fully opened, something no someone came into her view who took her by shock.

And he was.....