Pinky Swear

JK Hospital

After helping Jennie to escape, Lisa took herself off to the receptionist, asked her about gyeol's ward and she went to the VIP section.

When she entered into the ward and saw a nurse and gyeol chatting among themselves, laughing a little.

When gyeol saw her, his eyes glimmered and as he was about to call her, he stopped, made a cute pout and turned his head to the other side before he folded his arms in front of his small chest, refusing to look at her.

When Lisa saw his angry but cute actions she couldn't help but chuckle out a little.

Lisa went to his side and nurse looked at her and smiled lightly before she parted her lips to say.

"His condition has been well since he woke and he Obediently took all the medicines in the morning but don't know why he is been like this now " she said as she looked at the angry guy.

"Don't worry, leave him to me now " Lisa smiled at the young nurse.

"Okay, So the medicines are there " The nurse said as she signaled to the table beside him.

"Press this button if you need me " informed the nurse and left the room, leaving the duo behind.

Lisa went to the bed side and placed her bag on the chair as she sat on the edge of bed.

"Are you not going to talk to mommy " she asked the little angry fella, whose pout got even bigger as he shook his head.

"ohh really, you are not going to....even if I offer you this " she said as she showed him his favorite sweet, Dalgona sugar candy, the little fella smelled something familiar but still didn't looked at her way, showing he is really angry, as the familiar fragrance continued to hit his nostrils he looked at them through and side of eyes and gulped.

"Are you really not gonna take this, huh baby" she said as she swayed the candy in her hands in front of him, making him to drool over it, but it wasn't enough to shake the little boys anger.

"Little gyeol don't like it anymore " he said with his sweet voice. Whereas Lisa was emotional, a little to hear his voice after so much time, but she held back her tears and laughed lightly.

"ohh so baby's taste changed after I left " she said.

"Mommy didn't even visited me in the last three years " he said and hearing 'mommy' from little fella lips, her heart melted.

"Baby didn't even talked to mommy in these three years " she stated after a while. to which he replied.

"Because little gyeol was angry with mommy that she also left him for a long time " he said.

"So is baby still angry with mommy " she asked.

His face still tilted over to the other side and he replied "hmm..... very, very much "

"ohh, so what will it take to subside my baby's anger " she asked and the little fella finally looked at her.

"Will Mommy do everything that little gyeol asked for " he said looking at her with his big round beautiful shiny eyes.

"Of course " she said as she smiled at him.

"Little gyeol want mommy to take him with her, I don't want to stay there, the children over there always bully little gyeol saying that her mother died because of him and you also abandoned me " his words sounded pathetically heartbreaking, his eyes were now glistening with tears.

She couldn't say anything for a while as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Sorry baby, mommy couldn't protect you all the while, but now I'll not let any single of them bully my baby " she said as she reached out to him and he accepted her advances and jumped on her lap.

"So mommy will take little gyeol with her?? " he asked as he wiped the tears that rolled down her checks.

Feeling the warmness of little hands, she cried even more and said.

" Of course " she said and hugged him for a while and before he broke the hug.

He looked up, at her face and said "Little gyeol missed mommy very much " he said as he moved a little and kissed her cheek.

"Mommy missed you too very much " she said as she kissed him on his forehead and took him in her embrace for a long while.

"Then, why mommy did even visited little gyeol if she missed him so much" he asked hugging her back.

"Mommy had to leave back the but she will never leave baby again" she said and little gyeol break the embrace and looked at her with his little pinky stretched.

" Pinky swear" he said and Lisa laughed a little before she held his pinky finger in her own.

They both talked for a long while, when Lisa finally remembered about giving him his medication and that he needs to sleep for a while.

She gave him his medicine and put him to sleep after kissing his forehead.