
JK Hospital

Half an hour later

Gyeol's ward door opened and Jungkook entered, wearing his doctor apron, looking breathtakingly handsome.

He looked at the duo, who was sleeping peacefully. He smiled and proceeded for what he is here for.

He checked gyeol's report which was placed on the side table and then he saw that his drips is about to finish so he changed it and finally looked at the girl who was sleeping Peacefully on the couch.

He walked towards the other side of the bed and stopped near the couch, where she was sleeping in sitting position with her head laid backward on the headrest.

He looked at her lovingly for quite a while and bended forward to tug the loose strands of hair behind her ear, as he was about to touch her face she moved and turned her face to other side, revealing her smooth cheek and cotton candy Plastered on the corner of her lips, which she bought for little gyeol.

Jungkook saw something on her smooth skin and suddenly the memories from last night came to him and his lips curled up into the beautiful smile, recalling her flushed face.

He looked at her and again bended but this time not tug the loose strand but to give her a quick peck, as his lips were about to touch her lips, Lisa suddenly opened her eyes and looked at him, theirs eyes met and the world seems to have stop for a second.

They looked at each other for long time, before Lisa finally spoke.

"What are you doing"

"huh..... ohh you have something on your mouth" he said and Lisa was about to raise her hand to wipe that something off, but he grabbed her hand even before she could reach out her hand to wipe and moved forward till his lips met hers.

Lisa's eyes widen when she felt his lips touch hers but eventually she relaxed and when he felt her Loosened up, he didn't stop instead he started licking and nibbling on her lips.

The touch of his lips felt so good to her that she subconsciously raised her hand and rested them on his shoulders but neither did she kiss him back nor she pushed him away.

The softness of her lips was so intoxicating that jungkook didn't want to pull away but he has to as he knew this is not the right time to be driven by emotions. So after nibbling and licking her lips for short while he pulled away and looked at her.

" So sweet" he voiced out which made her to look at him.

" The candy " he said refering to the lips he tasted just now, which she took as the cotton candy plastered on her face.

"Did you like it " he asked out of sudden, she blinked repeatedly as she couldn't find any words to respond she just blushed and lowered her eyes.

"Did you liked it,Lisa " he asked again in his hoarse voice which sounded so seductive to her that she subconsciously nodded and jungkook smiled

"Do you want it again" he again and unexpected question which again took Lisa by surprise but this she got hold of herself and countered like her usual self.

"In your dreams " she said and again gave him a reason to tease her back.

" Sure, I would love to " he said and she rolled her eyes at him and was about to say something when they heard a faint painful gasp.

Lisa hurried to the bed and saw little gyeol, who cried in pain when he felt something sting in his hand, which was result of his moving.

"What happened, Baby" she asked and he slowly opened his eyes and looked at his hand where he felt pain.

" It hurts,mommy " he replied looking at his hand where the needle was injected.

" It's okay,baby. The Pain will die soon " she said and the little fella nodded and closed his eyes while Lisa patted his forehead until she felt him driven back to sleep.

" How's he" she asked looked at jungkook.

"His conditions is indeed..... critical but not out of control we can prevent something bad from happening, so don't worry, I'll personally look into his case " he replied assuring her to which she said.

" Thank you so much " she couldn't find any word to express what she is feeling now but can only thank him.

" Instead of thanking me this way you can do something else.... " he teased to ease the tension.

"No thanks then " she replied understanding the meaning of this shameless man.

Lisa saw the timing and made a call to Jennie to ask her to hurry up as she knew the guards standing at the door will surely come to check on them.

After making the call, she looked at the man who seems to have no plan of leaving.

she thought to ask him for help to distract the guards when Jennie will arrive here but hesitated she now have a idea that this man will demand something in return that also something naughty but she still tried her luck.

"I need.... help " she said and he looked at her Hesitating expressions.

"With? " he asked.

"to distract some people.." she said

" Most accurately guards " he corrected and she nodded.

"What will I get in return " he asked which was expected but what didn't she expected was him to not ask the reason.

" What do you want " she asked.

" A date with you " he said and Lisa's heart skipped a beat but again she hasn't expected this.

" only date!?? " she unconsciously voiced out her inner thoughts and when she realized it was already too late as she heard him "Do you expect something more "

" Nope... I jus..." she staggered but didn't completed her sentence.

"Okay sure" Seeing her in daze, he didn't pursue the topic.