
Han Mansion,

Lisa entered and saw grandpa Lee sitting leisurely on the couch, sipping tea from his cup.

Grandpa Lee saw her coming and smiled. "You're home"

Lisa nodded and asked "How are you, Grandpa"

"I'm good" he replied smiling, then asked " How's that little boy now "

"He is fine now and will soon be discharged" Lisa answered.

"That's a relief" Grandpa Lee nodded and Lisa took her leave to go to Jennie.

Lisa entered Jennie's room and saw her fully engrossed in her work, staring at her laptop screen, dazed. She didn't noticed that someone entered her room so Lisa took light steps towards her and stopped near her chair, facing her back.


"Ahhh... " Jennie jolted from the sudden loud voice which caused her to scream, followed by lisa's laughing.

"What the heck, Lisa" Jennie gushed while massaging her chest to calm down her accerlated breathing.

" Are you trying to give me a heart attack...." Jennie exclaimed after calming down a little and Lisa only laughed.

" Yesterday it was my bum and today my poor heart... " Jennie muttered with pouty lips " Which part of mine are you aiming for next!?"

Lisa laughed hysterically seeing her expression and teased "Your bum isn't going to loose it's beautiful shape so don't worry... Hehe"

" You..... you are never going to spare me, right" Jennie said and turned to face her laptop, asking.

"How is he?" Jennie asked referring to little gyeol.

"He is good, actually he is quite active " Lisa answered and Jennie smiled.

" Yup, that naughty is gonna be fine, really soon"

" hmm" Lisa nodded.

"By the way, why were you zoning out" Lisa questioned.

"Sigh..... what else other than tonight's dinner" Jennie turned and looked at her.

"What should I do.... should I act of falling ill?? " Jennie asked Lisa with confusion clearly written on her face.

"hehe..... why are you so adamant of ignoring him? " Lisa asked as she moved sat on the blue bean bag couch.

"You are asking as if you know nothing " Jennie muttered, rolling her eyes at Lisa.

"Of course I know but I'm asking this because there is no need of hiding from him" Lisa asked.

" Oh please Lisa, you know how that pervert had behaved until now, he will surely bring trouble with him " Jennie said as she heaved a long frustrated sigh.

"arhhh....Why did I even signed that contract..... what was I even thinking" Jennie was so frustrated that she felt like pulling her hair out.

"listen to me Jennie... there is no need of hiding or ignoring him cause what's done is done, you can't change it, right!? " Lisa said as she continued.

"Just be normal as if nothing happened and treat him like the guest he is, I believe he will not expose you but even if he did, you have to tell grandpa and your parents sooner or later, right. So just try to convince them." Lisa tried to explain it in a way by which she will atleast be normal.

When Lisa finished speaking, Jennie took a deep breath and looked at her.

"Yup, I think you are right"

"hmm.... so just be yourself " Lisa said and Jennie nodded.

"By the way, you are not going to hospital tonight, right" Jennie asked her.

"Don't worry I'm not going tonight " Lisa smiled, assuringly.

"That's good..... I wasn't going let you go also" Jennie said.

"hehe.... I know that's why I asked little gyeol not to wait for me tonight." Lisa said.

Both talked for a while, about the things from here and there, and Lisa went to take a shower to get freshen up.

Jennie sat their and made up her mind not to be swayed again like this as this the first time ever she lost her cool over such a little thing.


In the evening,

Around eight o'clock, almost everyone was present in the living room except Lisa and Jennie.

Grandpa Lee looked at her daughter-in-law and asked.

"Is everything ready "

"Yes, Father. everything's ready " Ah-In nodded.

Grandpa Lee then looked at her wife "Honey, if you are tired then go back to room and rest a bit, I'll let Ah-In call you when he will come."

Grandma looked at her husband, lovingly and smiled.

"I'm fine, honey. I rested quite a bit this afternoon so I'm not tired" she assured her caring husband.

Grandpa Lee smiled and saw butler coming and then informing.

"He is here, Master" he informed and grandpa Lee stood up.

"Sit father, we'll go welcome him" Sang-Hoon said and looked at her younger brother, Lee hyun, who nodded.

Grandpa Lee sat back and they both proceeded towards the main door to welcome him.

Grandpa looked around and saw Jennie and Lisa is nowhere to be seen so he said to Ah-In "Call them "

Ah-In nodded and instructed the maid to call them down.

When Jennie and Lisa was stepping down the stairs, at the same time V also entered the living room.

Their eyes met and V smiled, enchantingly which was followed by the wink.

Jennie saw and rolled her eyes at him before mumbling " shameless"

Meanwhile Lisa was so shocked to see someone that she almost tripped and fell on her face but got lucky as Jennie caught her in time, otherwise she would be rolling down the stairs by now.

That someone looked at her face and smiled seeing her silly reaction.

Lisa saw 'that someone' smiling after getting straight and flared up.

But she thought to herself and mused what is that 'someone' doing there as that 'someone' is not supposed to be here instead of resting because that someone was....


My Dear Reader @NAVJOT__KARN,

I want to 'THANK YOU❤' for showing your excitement about my story and I love when my readers comment and show their enthusiasm, this inspire me to write fast and update more, So do leave your thoughts at the end of the chap or you can even leave paragraph comments in case you liked one particular para or lines.

Thank you so much those who are reading and commenting love you all❤. XOXO


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