
Jungkook, the Doctor who is a pervert for her who stole her first kiss and not mind kissing her anywhere he want or anywhere he find the chance to do so.

Lisa narrowed her eyes when she saw him still passing smiles to her for her silly reaction.

Their eye contact and smiling session broke when they heard Grandpa Lee.

"You are here!" Grandpa Lee uttered while smiling as V approached them and nodded with a smile.

"I have to come when you invited me with much love, grandpa" V smiled.

Grandpa Lee laughed a little, acknowledging what he said and turned to his wife saying "Here, meet my wife".

"Hello, Grandma" V greeted shocking everyone before asking "How are you?"

Grandma nodded and answered while smiling "I'm good, dear... what about you??"

V smiled "I'm fit and fine"

"Good" Grandma nodded, smiling.

V smiled and turned to Jennie's Father and uncle, greeted them both and turned towards the ladies of the house.

"This pretty lady must still be single, right" V smiled at Jennie's mother.

Everyone laughed a little at his remark except Jennie and her Father.

Jennie's Father possessively moved towards her and held her shoulders and took her in his side embrace and said with a little crumpled face "Sorry to disappoint you but she is already taken"

As soon as these words left his mouth, everyone present in the living room broke down in a fit of laughter and Ah-In was blushing hard because of this husband of hers embarrassing act.

"opsie..... sorry uncle but I really thought she is, looking at how pretty she is" V said smiling innocently.

"But she is not" Jennie's Father said with straight face.

V nodded while smiling and moved towards the other lady present there.

"I hope you are not taken yet" V said while looking at Jennie's aunt.

"Nope, she is my wife" It was Young chul, Jennie's uncle who spoke not giving his wife a chance to say a single word.

"My bad, these pretty ladies are already taken.... " He said as his smile faded from his lips but soon returned as he soon as he turned towards Jennie and Lisa's direction

"So I hope you are not " he uttered while looking at Lisa.

"Nope" Jungkook said a little louder to let V hear him clearly enough. But soon felt a little awkward when he felt everyone's gaze on him.

"I mean..... little gyeol.... he is very possessive of her so..... " he smiled awkwardly at other before looking at him, straight into his eyes and throwing daggers at him.

V smiled looking at his friend who never lose his cool, getting hyperactive even though he is sure of what he is trying to do.

V smiled and everyone laughed it off as well but Lisa stood frozen when she heard him anxiously saying 'No', Don't know why but her heart skipped a beat or two hearing him.

V then smiled and looked at Jennie before he could ask her the same question he has been asking others she already answered him his unsaid question.

"I'm single but not interested in you" Jennie said with a straight face causing V to stop where he was.

Everyone present there were also taken aback hearing her outright denial, the atmosphere in the living room suddenly turned from being warm to being awkward.

"ahh...That hurts " V said dramatically before he continued as his usual charming smile returned on his face "but do you know what I have a special quality to be someone who interests everyone and everything..... so it's just a matter of time before I peek your interest in me"

V said with a mischievous yet meaningful expression on his handsome face.

"In your dreams, because in reality that day will never come" Jennie remarked.

V was about to counter when they heard Grandpa Lee clearing his throat before smiling.

"Are you going to just stand there, come here and sit with Grandpa" Grandpa Lee said, in hope to lighten the atmosphere which had turned heavier.

V turned and smiled at him before facing Jennie again.

"We will see" he said and winked before going to magnificent sofa, where grandpa and grandma Lee was sitting.

They sat there and talked for a while about business things before Jennie's father asked.

"What about your parents " he said.

After hearing the question, V didn't replied straight away instead he first shared a meaningful glance with his friend before smiling at Jennie's father.

"My Parents are currently living abroad and my grandfather died..... 5 years ago " he said as his eyes darted between the three man sitting across him.

Jennie's father nodded and grandpa Lee asked.

"How??" V looked at him before replying.

"He died because someone near to his heart tried to attempt a suicide, when he got to know about it he died because of heart attack as he couldn't accept that" V replied, now his eyes, ever so slightly filled with melancholy.

"Sorry to let you remember that" grandpa Lee said.

"It's okay grandpa " V smiled before looking at Jennie brother with meaningful gaze "I'll never let that person live peacefully who destroyed my family"

Lee Hyun met his gaze and saw something blazing in those dark eyes. V broke the eye contact and looked at grandpa Lee and smiled.

Lee Hyun didn't understood the meaning of his blazing gaze but didn't pursue it as he thought it must be the hatred for those who destroyed his family.


Jennie and Lisa came downstairs as they went back to their room after all of them sat in the living room to talk, When they were about to cross the living room, they heard Grandpa Lee's voice.

" Where are you going " he asked.

"We are going to gazebo to get some fresh air, grandpa" Lisa replied

Grandpa Lee nodded and said "Take them with you and have them a tour around the house"

"Grandpa it's dark outside, I'm sure they won't want to have a tour at night" it was Jennie who replied this time.

Grandpa Lee was about to say something when he heard V "It's okay grandpa, let me tell you something , I hired a new assi*"

"Let's go, I'll help you tour outside" Jennie said in one breath. V looked at her and smiled.

"Okay " he said and smiled at Grandpa before he stood up to go.

"Lisa " Lisa heard her name being called out so she turned and looked it was Jungkook who called her.

"Yes? " she asked.

"I want to take to you about little gyeol" he said and Lisa just looked at him and back at Jennie.

After a while nodded and they both left to go to terrace while V and Jennie went to the gazebo, leaving the others behind.