
On the First floor,

Lisa and Jungkook was supposed to go to Terrace but jungkook insisted to talk in some room as what we wanted to talk about is something important and must not be heard by someone.

So having no choice Lisa took him to Jennie's room and thankfully it was not as messy as it used to be. Don't know why but when they left the room earlier they did some cleaning before leaving.

They both entered and Lisa closed the door behind and followed him into the room and asked him to sit on the couch whereas she sat on the edge of the bed.

"What you wanna to talk about? " Lisa asked Straightforwardly.

"What's the rush" Jungkook smiled and continued "Let me atleast savour a beauty who I haven't seen in almost 18 hours"

He said in his magnetic voice which made Lisa's cheeks to turn bright red.

His words might seem cheesy and something to be taken from but he meant every word which left his mouth.

Jungkook looked at her blushing face and smiled widely.

Then, he suddenly asked "You didn't even asked about me when you left"

"Who said I didn't, That nurs.... " Lisa instantly countered but then she realised what she had admitted just now.

" did missed me then, I guess" he said cheekily as he smiled broadly showing his perfect white teeths.

" Nope..... I thought you didn't check little gyeol so.....that's why I asked the nurse" She stated which she knew was definitely not the case.

She know she is somehow attracted to this pervert doctor which never happened before.

Yes, never happened before, she was never attracted to any of the guy whether handsome, well-built, skiny, rich or poor, nobody caught her attention.

That was why she was annoyed to hell when her parents introduced her to new business partners to pair her up.

She even questioned herself if she is lesbian but omitted the possibility as she couldn't even find any girl attractive but that was only until he appeared.

That day, when he stopped his car to offer her a ride she thought he must be from those second generation heir who are nothing but spendthrifts.

But when she first saw his face clearly, when he kneeled down in front of her, that's when her heart went wild.

When their eyes met for the first time, only Lisa know how she controlled her heart from wreaking havoc.

As she remembered her first meeting with him, she gradually drifted to daze, which was broken when she heard a sound of clearing throat.

When she came back from being dazed, she saw jungkook face was as red as a tomato so she hurriedly stood up and went to him asking.

"Are you alright? " she asked in a concerned voice as she proceeded to pour him a glass of water.

"Are you having fever?" hearing no answer from him she asked again.

But Jungkook still didn't replied so she touched his forehead to check his temperature.

"Weird" she frowned "Your temperature seems to be normal so why are you so red"

Jungkook heard her and tilted his head to one side to hide his blushing face and said.

"Nothing it's just hot " she frowned and looked up, she saw air conditioner is being rightly set and moreover she is not feeling hot.

Jungkook saw her looking up and cursed under his breath "fuck".

Few minutes ago.

When Lisa was in daze, thinking about their first meet, her gaze was fixated on his handsome face without her knowing.

Jungkook looked at her beautiful face and couldn't take his eyes of her, he saw her looking at him, with great concentration.

Jungkook moved his eyes from her beautiful eyes to her nose, then to her perfectly shaped milky lips which is followed by her long and slender neck and then his sight moved further downwards, to her breasts,as Lisa was wearing a silk top her breast shape is perfectly and clearly seen,gazing on them he suddenly had an urge to squeeze them hard.

Thinking about what crazy thought he just had, his cheeks felt a burning sensation and he thought 'what the heck, am I blushing??? for real?"

He subconsciously cleared his throat to shake off that perverted thoughts which took Lisa out from her daze.


"What were you thinking " he asked her to divert her attention from this blushing topic.

Lisa heard him and instead of answering him she asked her question.

"What are you doing here" Jungkook heard her and turned on his teasing mood.

"I told you, to see the beauty " he said, now his facing turning back to normal.

Lisa ignored him and asked another question.

"How do you know him" Lisa asked.

"him!?" he pretended not to know what she is talking about.

" Mr. V " She said.

"ohh.. him.. he is my..... wait a sec, why do I feel like I'm being investigated here" Jungkook said and Lisa instantly countered.

" You are wrong, I'm.. I'm just curious" she said.

"and why are you curious "he asked.

"I'm Curious you know .... he is the mafia king and you..... " Lisa stopped.

" And Me? " he asked with a smile.

"You are just a Doctor, so how do you know each other" Lisa completed her sentence.

"You think you know everything about me" he asked as he stood up and took a step forward.

"I... I don't" she said as she took a step back.

"So Finally you are taking interest in me " he took a big step and stood right before her.

"..!?? " Lisa looked at him with mouth agape.

" You are interested in me " he said while smiling.

" I'm not " she countered.

" I believe you " he said while smirking.

Lisa furrowed her brows at his teasing, but didn't countered as she asked.

"What do you wanna to talk about!? " Finally she remembered the sole purpose they came here.

"I don't wanna to talk or discuss about anything " he said " but rather warn you "

"Warn me!?? " she knitted her brows.

"Yes, When jennie will move out you should do that too..... infact where she would live you should live there too " he completed in one sentence, giving Lisa a shock.

" How do you know about it " she asked while still in shock.

"Why would I not" he smiled. "he is my best friend and brother, of course he will tell me"

Again, one shocking relevation, Lisa wanted to faint but she got hold of herself as she need to take ask one more question.

" So you both did planned it all, right " she asked with narrowed brows.

"No, we didn't.... it happened to be like this all along " he answered.

"As if I believe you " she sneered.

"I have a better way to make you believe me" he smiled

"Want to try it again" he said as he leaned forward towards her lips.

When she felt his lips nearing hers, Lisa Subconsciously closed her eyes and when there lips were about to touch.

The door of the room was cracked open and Jennie emerged from the door.

Lisa abruptly opened her eyes and saw Jennie standing at the door and she was about to push him away when she lost her balance and leaned backwards as she pushed him with her.

Both fell on the bed with Lisa underneath Jungkook and Jennie abruptly closed the door behind before saying.

"Sorry, please continue" Jennie said and closed the door.

Both Lisa and Jungkook ". . .!??? "

Both looked at the closed door for a while with bewilderment before turning to look at each other.

"Looks like I have to be satisfied with just a peck today" jungkook sighed helplessly before giving her a deep peck instead of a quick one and stood up before making her sit straight on the bed.

"See you soon" he said and pecked once more but this time on her forehead and hurriedly left the room.