Naughty mosquito

After about 5 minutes,

The room's door opened and Jungkook stepped out, he saw Jennie standing right beside the door.

Jennie saw him stepping out and looked at him, who nodded at her while smiling, she also returned back his gesture greeting by nodding her head.

At the instance Jungkook left the second floor, she stepped inside the room and saw Lisa laying on her back, looking at the ceiling with wide eyes and fingers touching her lips.

When Jennie saw her laying astoundedly on the bed with her fingers touching her lips, she instantly understood what must have happened.

"Kiss on the second meet,haa" Jennie smiled teasingly as she sat on the bed near the edge.

Lisa blushed at her teasing tone and sat up straight and faced her.

"Look, look you are blushing hard" Jennie teased as she took out her phone from her jeans pocket and said.

"let me take a pic of you" Jennie mumbled which made Lisa to quickly turn her head to opposite side so that she couldn't click any picture of her.

"Please, Lisa just one, I swear I'll only click only one" Jennie requested with pouty lips.

"Stop it, Jennie or I'll not tell you anything" Lisa threatened still looking away.

"hufff... " Jennie puffed her cheeks as she put her phone back in her Jean's pocket.

"Okay, So now tell me how did you both progressed so fast" Jennie asked as she still couldn't believe What she saw just a few minutes ago.

"I mean that kiss..... " Jennie stuttered and asked which curiousity filled eyes.

"That was your first kiss, right?" When Lisa heard her question she fell silent for a second or two then answered.

"That was actually my... " Lisa hesitated and blushed at the same time, as she looked down, towards the floor.

"What!?? Don't be so suspenseful, Lisa " Lisa's indecisiveness made Jennie's thought go wild.

"That was actually my Third one" Lisa answered while looking down.

"What was your third one??" Jennie asked again, dumfounded, she couldn't make herself believe what she just heard.

"Kiss! " Lisa answered shyly.


Jennie bursted out as she abruptly stood up from bed and looked at Lisa with disbelief.

She couldn't believe her ears.

Her best friend is now taken and she don't have any idea about it and at that, she had her first kiss, already. aahhh what a second but with whom.

"With whom!?? unable to unravel the question she had,Jennie asked Lisa.

" hmm?? "Lisa didn't understood what he meant.

"With whom you had your first kiss..... I mean when you ever had boyfriend that I didn't know about" Jennie asked in stuttering voice.

"No, no... I'm not taken yet" Lisa answered confusing Jennie even more.

"hah!!..... just tell me with whom you had then!??" Jennie was now running out of patience.

"With him" Lisa said in a meek voice.

"For God's sake, Name Lisa, tell me his name, You're killing me" Jennie's voice now a little louder.

She is getting annoyed at her meek behavior. The suspense that Lisa is creating with her two word answers is almost killing her.

"Jungkook" Finally she said it.

"That Doctor" Jennie asked, still unsure if she getting everything right.

Lisa nodded and Jennie couldn't speak anything for along while, she is looking at Lisa as if she is staring at some zombie.

"Stop glaring at me like that" Lisa said broking Jennie's trance.

"Can you please elucidate it a little more..... I mean how" Jennie asked her in soft voice now looking completely drained off energy.

Lisa was about to say something when they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" Jennie said and a maid entered.

"Old Master asked for Miss Lisa and Miss Jennie" Maid addresses formally conveying the message she is there for.

"ohh, I almost forgot that grandpa asked me to get you for dinner" Jennie mumbled as she glanced at Lisa and then turned towards the maid.

"We are coming" She informed and the maid left after nodding.

"Now let's first go down for dinner and see off the guests and I'll tell you everything at night" Lisa smiled as she held Jennie's shoulder.

Jennie nodded and Lisa said "Not only I but you also will tell everything about V"

"We haven't progressed as much as you yet" Jennie sneered.

"You.. " Lisa was amused at her sarcastic tone.

"Stop teasing me now, let's go down" Lisa said as she hit her forehead lightly.

"Wait a second, let me clear my mind first" Jennie said as she stepped towards the washroom door.

Jennie came out of the bathroom and both left the room to go downstairs.

As they reached the living room, they saw everyone was already moving towards the dining room so they also followed.

Jennie turned towards Lisa and saw her smiling liking silly. she couldn't help up shake her head a little.

She pinched her a little hard that made her wince out in pain.


Hearing a noise everyone turned towards them.

"What happened?" Jennie's mother worriedly asked.

"Nothing auntie..... it was just a naughty mosquito" Lisa answered,letting out a awkward laugh.

"Okay, be careful" Jennie's mother said.

Lisa nodded and glanced at Jennie, who was giggling lightly.

"Do this outrageously gorgeous lady look like a mosquito to you" Lisa knew when Jennie starts to being narcissistic she couldn't compete with her so she could bear with it and hear her out.

Everyone has already left the living room to go the dining hall only they were left so Lisa also pulled Jennie to go to the dining hall.