Random issues

At the dining hall,

Everyone had already taken their places when Lisa and Jennie arrived in the spacious hall.

Grandpa Lee sat on the right head chair at one end of the wooden dining table while the left one was occupied by his beloved wife, Grandma Lee.

Jennie saw V sitting at the right side of the head chair on his grandpa's side, accompanied by Jungkook,on his right side chair. Her Dad and mom, uncle and aunt were sitting in pairs while her brother and cousin were seated on the other end of the magnificent Dining table.

While two chairs on the left side of her grandma were empty and she understood why those chairs were void and sure enough she heard her grandpa instructing her to sit on his left side, facing V.

Lisa also sat beside Jennie, while facing Jungkook. Jennie glanced up at V and saw him staring at her. She looked away to not to be distract by his intoxicating eyes.

Soon enough, Butler arrived with around eight maids with one dish resting perfectly on there hands.

The maids placed the dishes on the dining table and started serving elegantly. Seeing them one could deduce that how perfectly well they have been trained in doing chores.

The dining table was filled with different items in no time, there was both Korean and Chinese specialties. Korean special cuisine bulgogi with soup noodles and bibimbap, fried rice. the dining table was full with different kinds of seafood, beefs and pork.

Some side dishes were also prepared by the chefs like kimchi,seasoned spinach, Cucumber salad,fried zucchini.

The dining hall was instantly filled with different fragrance which was enough for anyone's mouth to be filled with saliva.

After the maids were done with serving, Grandpa Lee instructed " let's start" and everyone started enjoying the mouth-salivating feast

Everyone was enjoying the dinner while chatting and laughing,enjoying the wonderful dishes in wonderful atmosphere.

While everyone was busy relishing amazing cuisines, Jennie was zoning out while looking at her platter.

Grandpa Lee saw her spacing out and not eating anything,he didn't said anything but when she didn't seem to return from her stupor he couldn't take it so he asked.

"What happened, ha-neul" he asked, drawing everyone's attention on her

Jennie finally came out of her trance when she heard her grandpa voice and saw everyone looking at her with questioning gaze, so she quickly waved her head off in denial while saying.

"Nothing" she remarked and continued after taking a short pause "I...I'm just tired" she made up a lie,which was like digging a hole for herself.

When Ah-In heard her daughter say the word tired, she glanced at her and nagged.

"That's why I say Don't stay up too late"

"Stay up late??" her father exclaimed and Ah-In nodded.

"It's almost everyday she is staying up until midnight, I asked her to rest early but she just don't listen to me... doing that work of hers" her mother glanced at her while saying in disappointed tone.

Jennie's Father looked at her and asked "Is something bothering you"

"Ahh..... no, no, no..... I.... It's just random stuff .. " she answered in staggering manner.

"If it's just a random stuff Don't stress yourself too much" he instructed his daughter in stern voice.

"hmm" Jennie nodded and tilted her head downward to munch on her food.

"If you have something you can't solve, take help from your brother" Jennie father said which made Jennie's composure to shake up a little but she maintain her calm self and politely denied.

"It's Nothing serious, Dad... I can take care of it"

"But sti-" Jennie's Father was about to say something again when Grandpa Lee Interupted.

"If she is saying she can handle then let her" he passed his son a meaningful gaze instructing him to stop indulging on this matter.

Grandpa Lee then looked at his right side and asked V "When are you going to return back?"

As soon as he asked him, Jennie's attention was fully hauled on them.

"I've flight tomorrow morning" V replied, his gaze focused on Jennie.

His reply shocked and surprised everyone sitting there.

"So soon" grandpa Lee asked.

V took a while to respond "I've some work back there"

He replied his gaze locked on Jennie who was looking back at him.

"Anything serious??" Grandpa Lee asked, not expecting any answer to find his way to him.

"Nothing, just RANDOM issues" his gaze darted between Grandpa Lee and Jennie as he put extra stress on 'Random'. Which caused Jennie to return her gaze back on him, which she broke a while ago.

V turned to look at Grandpa Lee and smiled "Just going for few days"

Jennie let loose her breath, which she was unknowingly holding till she heard his reply.

His answer took Grandpa lee by surprise as he didn't expected to get such an answer from him

Grandpa Lee broke free from his stupor and nodded at him while smiling.

After Dinner which ended happily while chatting merrily, everyone returned to the living room.

They sat there for a while, V glanced at Jungkook, who was busy smiling while looking at his phone screen and nudged him a little.

After about few minutes, they both stood up to take there leave.

"Thank you for inviting us for this amazing dinner" V expressed his gratitude.

"It's nothing, I'm glad that you enjoyed it" Grandpa Lee smiled.

V nodded and proceed to took his leave "It's quite late, we should head back now"

"Yeah, Sure. " Grandpa Lee nodded and smiled "Head back now, you have to rest also"

V and Jungkook bade there farewell to everyone and left the Lee manor.

After they left, Ah-In went to kitchen to check and instruct them about mornings breakfast. While Grandpa Lee and grandma went to their room to rest.

Jennie's Father, brother and uncle proceeded to the family study to discuss about business matter.

Jennie and Lisa return to their room and as soon as they entered the room both slumped on the soft mattress, completely drained off energy.