
At around Four in the evening, a nurse came to check upon little gyeol and found both mother and son duo asleep.

She smiled seeing the beautiful scene and moved to do her work without making any noise.

When the nurse was administering the drip, she saw Lisa moving before she opened her eyes to smile at her.

"Is he still asleep? " Lisa questioned.

The nurse nodded while saying "He must be tired after playing for so long"

Lisa smiled at her when she heard the nurse again "He is really happy whenever he is with you"

"So am I" Lisa gave the nurse her beautiful smile as she nodded while looking at her little bunny.

Then Lisa stood up to use the restroom, when she came out she saw the nurse sitting on the couch going through the magazine.

"Has Doc. Jung left the hospital already" she don't know what came to her to ask nurse this question.

"No ma'am, he was checking the patients when I came here" answered the nurse.

"has he come to check little gyeol?? " asked Lisa.

"I don't think ma'am he got the time to do so" she replied.

"huh!?... didn't got time? " Lisa asked, confused.

"Yeah... he was busy checking on the emergency patient since morning" the nurse answered.

"From morning..... that accident patients?" Lisa asked and the nurse nodded.

Lisa pursed her lips and looked at little gyeol who was sleeping soundly.

"I'll go and talk to him about his discharge" Lisa informed the nurse before she left the room to go to Jungkook's office.


Outside Jungkook's office she saw his secretary sitting on her seat doing her work.

"Excuse me! "

"Yes ma'am" the secretary asked politely as she raised her head to look at her.

"Is Doctor Jung inside? " she asked.

The secretary abruptly stood up and looked at her with mouth agape which confused Lisa as she also didn't answered her question so she said.

"I just want to talk about Gyeol's discharge" she muttered in low voice.

"Ahh.... You are Gyeol's guardian!!" the girl,seemingly in her late twenties sounded astonished and Lisa nodded.

"Is Doctor Jung inside, I want to.... " she couldn't complete her sentence as she heard her say.

"Yes, yes ma'am..... he is there, you can go inside" the secretary said with wide smile on her sweet face.

Her brows knitted at the odd behavior of the secretary but she ignored her suspicion as she thanked her before she knocked lightly on his door before entering.

After entering his office, she saw him sitting on his chair while massaging his temples while resting his head on the headrest, looking so dead tired.

"Ignoring self's health to treat others is not doing something great you know" she couldn't help but mutter which was actually loud enough to be heard by the man sitting on the head chair.

'oh, crap.... I was so loud" she mused as she bit her lips.

When Jungkook heard sweet but somewhat frustrated voice he looked up only to see Lisa standing near the sofa in the middle looking intently at him.

For a while, he couldn't believe what he heard and was seeing, but he suddenly stood from his chair and pressed something and that instant the blinders got on the glass walls, completely covering the walls so that nobody could peek in.

This action of his startled Lisa as she inwardly mused.

'What's going on!!? '

Her heartbeat accelerated seeing him walking towards her and when he was almost near her she didn't know what happened in a flash to make her land on his lap before she felt his strong arms tightly wrapped around her, holding her steadily.


When Jungkook saw her standing right in front of him, just a few steps away he couldn't think of anything other than having her in his arms and thats what he did.

He pressed the button to put the blinders and stepped towards her. when he was almost near her, he pulled her by holding her wrist which made them to fall on the sofa with Lisa on his lap before he wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in the nook of her neck, inhaling her sweet fragrance.


Lisa was hell shocked with what just happened and after coming to her senses she instantly tried to push him saying.

"Hey, someone might come !? " Lisa managed to say.

"Nobody can enter without my permission" he answered to make her stop struggling to break free from his embrace.

"Your secretary... " she staggered still trying to break through his hug.

"she wouldn't dare, so stop struggling" he said and thankfully she stopped.

Both stayed like that for which felt like eternity, Lisa's breath was shallow as she tried to calm herself down.

"Relax, Princess" he said to make her body relaxed but it had an opposite effect on her as her heartbeat quickened.

'What's with you Lisa!!??? this is not you..... get hold of yourself' Her inner self chided her.

Thankfully she managed to control her irregular breathing and her heart started to calm down a little but then she felt something hard poking her side leg which made her thinking go wild.

'OMG... He is so doomed!!!!' she screamed inwardly as she heard his irregular breathing.

"Are you asleep! " Lisa felt like to hit her head with wall.

'What the fu*k, Lisa he is not asleep... He is on FIRE!!!!"

Lisa tried to calm her mind down as her thinking went wild as she understood what that 'poking' meant.

"I'm tired" Lisa heard Jungkook mutter as his warm breath touched her neck sending shivers down her spine.

"Then go home and rest" Lisa somehow managed to utter these words.

"At home I won't have you in my embrace as I have you right here" his words made Lisa go speechless for a few seconds.

'So bold' she mused.

"Stop hitting on me, go home and rest properly" she instructed him in her staggering firm voice.

" You have done that already.... long time ago" he remarked as he now looked at her enchanting face intently.

"huh!? " Lisa couldn't decipher the meaning of his words as he always left his words hanging causing her to think there is something more to him.

"Let me stay like this for a while" he said as he again shifted his face in her nook.

Lisa obliged and let him stay like that for a long while as she inhaled his manly scent which is somewhat driving her crazy and calming her erratic heart at the same time.

They stayed like that, with Jungkook hugging her tightly for a long while and she let him as she knew he is really tired, not that she want to hug him like that but she felt great being hugged by him like that.


" haven't you had your lunch?? " Lisa asked him with knitted brows.

"hmm.... I was busy all day along so didn't got time to ha.... " he couldn't complete his sentence when Lisa abruptly stood up from his lap and looked at him with anger in her beautiful eyes.

"You only know how to take care of others but Don't know to take your meals on time.... which species of doctor you are!!? " Lisa asked him angrily not minding if her words are even meaning anything.

"Calm down, Princess... it was just for today I was.... "

"I don't care if it was just for today only how can you treat others when you aren't even taking proper care of yourself" she chided him, not even letting him finish his part.

"You.... let's go eat first then we'll talk" she said as she started to pull him out of the office.

Jungkook only smiled as he looked at his arm where she gripped his arm with her small beautiful hands.