Just for my princess

When they both left the room to go for a meal with Lisa pulling Jungkook, his secretary stared at them with mouth agape. 'She is definitely Miss Park' she mused inwardly as she looked at them. She had her doubts when she saw her not long ago, but she was not sure as she hadn't met her in person.

She looked at her boss who was smiling like a silly while looking at her back.

Lisa saw his secretary stood up with mouth agape but she couldn't care less, she don't know what is it which let her this side out, she literally scolded him back at his office for not taking care of himself but what could she do.

She couldn't deny that she is worried for him and felt angry knowing he is ignoring his health. She couldn't deny that she is attracted to him and know that he also like her as he is being very vocal about from the very first day.

And Moreover she couldn't understand what's always drawing her towards him, she always want to be see whenever she is in the hospital, she anticipates his visit whenever she is with gyeol. She couldn't understand what's pulling her towards her but truthfully she doesn't want to understand it also. she just wants to go with flow and see where it will lead.

Meanwhile Jungkook was just letting her pull him without any inhibitions as he was just contently smiling and staring at her back, as his sight dwell between her back and her hand on his arm, gripping it.

While staring at her back he was silently asking himself one question again and again.

'When will you remember me princess!?..... will you even remember me and that incident?' he thought silently as he looked at her back and her hand which was gripping his arm tightly.

'But even if you don't, I'm content with what I'm having right now" he mused as he looked at her hand 'Just don't leave my hand ever.'

His train of thought were interrupted when Lisa stopped and looked back at him before saying.

"Let me check if little gyeol is still sleeping then we will go" she said and was about to let go of his arm when she felt his big and warm hand's grip on hers.

"Let me check" he said as he instantly took out his phone.

"Check if little gyeol is up or not" he said as soon as the call got connected and paused for a minute before he nodded.

"He is not awake yet" he said and Lisa nodded before he pulled him again and entered the elevator.


"Finish it fully" Lisa instructed as she stared at him.

Jungkook nodded and started to eat under her strict gaze.

Not Being able to keep up with her stare, he looked up and said.

"Stop glaring at me or I'll get indigestion" said Jungkook as he put down his spoon.

"I'm not glaring at you" Lisa retorted as she continued to drink her soup.

"then stop looking at me so lovingly" said Jungkook smiling.

"Who's looking at you" murmured Lisa.

"You, princess"

"Stop talking and just focus on eating" Lisa said, in annoying but sweet voice.

After a while Jungkook looked up at Lisa and asked.

"By the way, why were you looking for me?" Jungkook asked Lisa.

"I... I wanted to discuss about gyeol's discharge" Lisa informed as she added "But just let it be, just finish your food, go home and rest."

"I'm fine, don't worry about me " he assured her as he smiled.

"And that about discharge, you can take him home tomorrow, I'll check him once tomorrow before permitting for his discharge and don't worry he is alright now, I'll continue to check him till we prepare him for the surgery." he explained.

Lisa just nodded understandingly and didn't asked him anything as they both finished the food while being silent.

"let me drop you" Jungkook offered as they left the restaurant.

"It's okay, I can manage" Lisa rejected his offer as she added "Just go home and rest"

Jungkook chuckled at her incessant reminding.

"What's so funny" Lisa furrowed her brows as she looked at him giggling.

"Nothing, I'll drop you off first and then will straight go to home and REST, okay" he said as she looked at her.

"It's okay, I can go by myself it's just 10 minutes away anyway."she again rejected him politely as she felt she can go by walking as this restaurant was just 10 minutes away from hospital.

"Sure you can! I'll just follow you behind then" he said nonchalantly as he moved to sit in the car.

'So stubborn' Lisa complained but this time got inside his car as they both went off to the hospital.


Outside the hospital.

Jungkook parked his car in the side and heard Lisa.

"Thank you for driving me here, take care" she said as she moved to leave the car.

As she opened the door and was about to step out of the car, she felt Jungkook hand's grip on het wrist which was followed by.

"You see this will help me to sleep quickly and peacefully." he said to which Lisa's brow knitted and when she was about to ask him what he meant, she was startled when he bended towards her and held her nape to pull her for a short but sweet kiss.

When he left her lip she mumbled "Pervert" before quickly left his car to hide her blushing cheeks but not before she heard him say.

"Just for my princess"

Jungkook smiled as he looked at her back, as she ran as she was running for her life.

"Silly" he mumbled and started his car when her silhouette disappeared from his sight.


Lisa's face was burning red as she recalled his words 'just for my princess' but was startled when she heard little gyeol's crying voice when she entered his room.