Prologue 6

- Issei Pov -

Everyone of the Occult Research club has gathered in the club room. We nodded to Buchou's words.

That's right, today is the day of the conference of the three great powers. The day has finally arrived.

The location will be Kuou Academy's new school building's staff meeting room. Today's a holiday. The time is late at night. It seems each faction's top are on standby in the new building's lounge already.

Also, above all, this school was enveloped completely by a strong barrier, and no one was able to enter. Of course, till the meeting is over, no one can exit as well.

Outside the barrier, angels, fallen angels, and devils' troops are surrounding the whole school. Looking at the atmosphere which seems like a critical situation, Kiba said.

"If by chance something happens in today's conference, if the conference breaks down, this place might become a battlefield….."

S-Scary! It's become something amazing. The sense of reality isn't quite strong but, it's an important day. I have to be proper as well!

We follow Buchou out of the club room.


Knock Knock. Buchou knocks on the meeting room's door.

"Excuse us."

Buchou opens the door, and there is-----

A gorgeous and pompous looking table. And as if surrounding it, people who I recognise are sitting. The air is enveloped by quietness and everyone had a serious face.

Gulp. I also swallowed my spit due to the feeling of nervousness. Asia also grabbed the end of my clothes as if uneasy. I lightly clasped her hand to ease her.

Devil side. Sirzechs-sama, Leviathan-sama. Ah, the waitress is Grayfia-san. She was on standby beside the tea preparing cart.

Angel side, the golden feathered Michael-san and a unknown girl Angel-san. Normal angels have white wings after all. More like, she's an amazing beauty. The beauty surely is Angel class! Ah, she's an Angel, huh.

Fallen Angel side, Azazel with his 12 wings unfurled and Vanishing Dragon, Vali.

Glancing at me, Azazel's lip's end rose as if happily. Ooh, today he isn't wearing a yukata but a black robe elaborated with ornaments. As expected he won't be wearing a yukata in this place.

Sirzechs-sama and Leviathan-sama as well are wearing clothes with ornaments decorating them.

"My younger sister, and her family."

Sirzechs-sama introduces Buchou to the VIP of the other factions. Buchou also bows.

"In the attack of Kokabiel a few days ago, they were active during the raid."

"I have heard the report. I give my thanks once more."

Michael-san says his thanks to Buchou. Buchou conducts herself coolly, and once more bows.

"Sorry, Kokabiel of my side caused you trouble."

Without a timid expression, Azazel says it. What an attitude.

Buchou also twitched her mouth.

"Sit on the seats over there."

Taking Sirzechs-sama's direction, Grayfia-san urges us to the chairs near the wall. Sona-Kaichou was already sitting on one of those seats .

Buchou sits besides Kaichou. Buchou makes me sit beside her, after that is Akeno-san, Kiba, Asia, Xenovia and Koneko-chan sat in turn.

After confirming that, Sirzechs-sama says.

"Now that everyone has arrived, I'll say the preconditions for the meeting. The people present here acknowledge the most important event and forbidden subject, i.e. The Non-existence of God."

Huh? Kaichou knows about it as well?--------I glanced towards Kaichou but she didn't have a particularly surprised expression.

Was she informed about it beforehand by Buchou or her onee-san, Leviathan-sama?

As if it were ordinary, Grayfia-san looked like she knew about it as well.

"Then, acknowledging that, let's continue the conversation."

Like this, with Sirzechs-sama's sentence the conference between the great powers began----.

The conference is progressing smoothly.

"Like that, we Angels-------."

Michael-san says that.

"That's true. That way would be better. If it's like now, certainly the 3 great powers will go down the road of destruction-----."

Sirzechs-sama also says that.

"Well, we don't have any particular thing to fuss over."

There were instances when this place would freeze when Azazel said a sentence occasionally as well but I thought that the Governor of the fallen angels was purposely making that atmosphere and enjoying it.

Ooh, the VIPs are doing a fastidious conversation but honestly the subject to me is jargon. Since my devil history is too shallow. I don't know what's happening.

Devils, angels, fallen angels, it may be a valuable conversation for them but I don't understand it at all. No, no matter what's occurring it would be better to keep my mind here but my brain can't process…..

Yeah...since I can't help it, I looked at Buchou's boobs who was beside me.

Aah, Buchou's boobs.... They sure are big. My body which knows their feeling, I should soon know its taste as well but... stepping up is considerably difficult.

Buchou realises my gaze on her breasts, and let out a bitter smile. She takes my hand, and clasped it. Buchou's hands were shaking a little. -------Is she nervous?

Participating in this important meeting, and she has to report as well, it may be natural. Even Buchou will be nervous. Since it seems it's being said that this conference may be written down in history.

I also clasped Buchou's hands without saying anything. Buchou, if this is alright with you then I'll lend you my strength any time.

(Ara Ara, Buchou and Ise-kun are lovey dovey in the middle of the conference.)

Akeno-san says it in a small voice while smiling.

(I am drawing courage from Ise's hands. This is the most effective after all.)

Buchou! It's an honour! If my courage is all right with you, then take it as much as you want!

More like, before I knew it Buchou and Akeno-san have made up, that's good. Woah, I was going to stroke her breasts. The conference continues, and it's finally Buchou's turn.

"Now then, Rias. Could you speak about the incident a few days before?"

"Yes, Lucifer-sama."

After being urged by Sirzechs-sama, Buchou, Kaichou and Akeno-san stood up, they talked about a part continuously, about the recent Kokabiel's attack. And everyone belonging to the 3 great powers continue to hear about it.

Buchou talked about the summary of the incident she experienced herself plainly in a calm manner. Maybe due to maximum level nervousness, those hands were shaking after all.

Due to her speech, something with the 3 great power's may change. No matter how courageous Buchou is, this place's atmosphere would be very painful. Besides, Buchou is around the same age as me---and a girl.

Each of the faction's VIPs who heard the report were, letting out a sigh, scowling, smiling------each person had a different reaction.

"-------That is all. The report which I, Rias Gremory and the household devils over there experienced."

Buchou who had said everything had finally resumed seating on hearing Sirzechs-sama's "Good work, sit down". Good work, Buchou!

"Thanks, Rias-chan ☆"

Leviathan-sama also sent a wink towards Buchou.

"Now then, Azazel. After hearing this report, I want to hear the opinion of the Governor of the fallen angels."

Upon Sirzechs-sama's questioning, everyone's gaze concentrates on the black haired Governor.

Azazel started talking after letting out an intrepid smile.

"Regarding the incident a few days back, Kokabiel, a leader of our Central Organisation, Grigori, kept quiet to the other leaders, as well as to me, the Governor, and acted independently. His disposal was done by Vali. After that, in the organisation's court martial his punishment was enforced. His punishment is eternal freezing in the Cochytes. He can't come out anymore. The explanation for that, everything was written in the material that was forwarded to you, right? That is all."

Michael-san says while sighing.

"As the explanation, it is the worst category but------ I know about the story of you personally not wanting to make anything big occur against us. Is that true?"

"Aah, I don't have any interest in wars. When Kokabiel also disparaged me, don't you have the report for that as well."

Yes, as Azazel said, Kokabiel said quite a lot of bad stuff about his bosses.

He's a person who's passive about wars, and only has an interest in sacred gears-----.

This time Sirzechs-sama asks Azazel.

"Azazel, I want to ask one thing but, why have you been gathering owners of Sacred Gears for the past decades? At first I thought you were gathering humans, and attempting to augment your battle potential. I even anticipated you to wage war against heaven or us but...."

"Yes, no matter how much time passed, you didn't wage a war against us. When I heard you got hold of the Vanishing Dragon, I was enveloped by a strong wariness."

Michael-san's opinion was the same as Sirzechs-sama's

Hearing the two's opinion, Azazel smiles bitterly.

"It's for the sake of Sacred Gear research. If that's the case, should I send a part of the research materials to you as well? Even if I did research, I wouldn't wage a war against you or anything. I don't have any interest in war at this late of an hour. I am perfectly satisfied with the world right now. I have strongly ordered my subordinates, 'Don't interfere with the human world's politics', you know? I have no intention of intervening in religion either, nor to influence the business of the devils. -----Damn, is my trust in the 3 factions the least?"

"That's true."

"That's right."

"That's exactly it☆"

Sirzechs-sama's, Michael-san's and Leviathan-sama's opinion coincided. How far is he not trusted, the Governor of the fallen angels...

Upon hearing that, Azazel uninterestedly pecked at his ears.

"Che. I thought you were better than God or the last generation's Lucifer but, you guys are troublesome guys yourselves. Sneakily researching doesn't get along well with you, huh. Ah, I got it. -----then, let's make peace. Originally wasn't that the intention as well? Angels and Devils as well?"


Peace. Wait, doesn't that mean they desire peace together?

On Azazel's sentence, each faction was surprised for a small interval.

Buchou beside me, and even Kaichou besides her are considerably surprised. It seems like Azazel's peace speech was quite a thing to be surprised at. It can't be, it seems ------if it's presented by him.

Well, even to me who is not informed about the situation, I think if the boss of one of the powers proposes that, then it's an amazing thing. Maybe, am I witnessing a historical moment?

Michael-san who was surprised by Azazel's proposal smiled.

"Yes, I also planned to propose peace to the Devil side and Grigori. Even if we continue the relationship of the 3 factions like before, then it will become damaging to the world right now. I, the leader of the angels say it since---------the original cause of the war, God and Maou-sama have been annihilated."

Michael-san said that he wants peace in this interval.

Azazel burst out laughing on Michael-san's words.

"Ha! That stubborn Michael has started to speak. Even though he was about God, God, God before."

"....I have lost a lot of things. However, there's no helping seeking for things that aren't present. It is our duty to guide humans. We members of the Seraph have the same opinion that the most important thing is to watch over the children of God from now on as well, and to guide them."

"Hey hey, with your speech just now, you'll 'fall' you know? -----I thought that but you took over the system, right. It's become a good world. It's completely different from the time when we 'fell'."

Somehow, due to all those special terms, I don't get it but, it seems like an advanced dimension's joke.

Sirzechs-sama also says the same opinion.

"We are the same. Even if the Maou isn't here, in order to continue the species, Devils too have moved forward as well. Even we wouldn't want war. --------If we do another war, the devils will be destroyed."

On Sirzechs-sama's words, Azazel nodded as well.

"Yes. If we do another war, the 3 factions will definitely be mutually destroyed. And then, it will affect the human world as well, and the world will end. We can't do wars now."

Sometime ago Azazel had a joking mood, but it's done a complete change and he has a serious expression.

"Do you think a world without God is wrong? Do you think a world without God would decay? I am sorry to say but that isn't the case. Me and you as well are both healthily living like this."

Azazel said that while opening his arms.

"-------The world moves even without a God."

------I felt that I somehow understood only those words.

Even without a God I lived in this world. I feel that other people's lives don't have a particular change either. In between all the difficult talk, I sensed that Azazel's words "The world moves even without a God" were engraved strongly in my brain.

After that, the conversation moved to hereafter's war potential etc. For some reason, the current military forces and each faction's interaction, are talking about the power picture from now on.

Compared to sometime ago, the feeling of nervousness has reduced. Maybe they understood that no power wants war?

"------And, is this it?"

On Sirzechs-sama's sentence, the VIPs let out a huge sigh. Somehow or other, it seems the usual important conversation is finished.

Has it been around maybe 1 hour since the conference began? It sure feels long. I am bad at such long things. It's more fun to move around.

While Grayfia-san is serving tea as the waitress, Michael-san turned his gaze towards me.

"Now then, the discussion has considerably been solved in a good direction, is it all right if we hear about the matter of Sekiryuutei-dono soon."

Everyone's gaze concentrated towards me. Owah! W-Won't I be nervous. More like, he properly remembers about the recent thing at the shrine. As expected of the leader of the angels!

The thing that I wanted to ask Michael-san ---------I turn my head towards Asia, and prepared myself. Before coming here, I had taken Asia's prior confirmation.

"Asia. Is it all right if I ask Michael-san about you?"

Asia was surprised but she consented.

"If Ise-san wants to ask about it, then I don't mind. Since I trust Ise-san."

While smiling Asia gave permission. That's why, I have to ask him.

"Why did you exile Asia?"

On my question to Michael-san, everyone had the astonished expression "Why is he talking about it now?"

Sorry. However, no matter what I wanted to ask the Angel side about it once.

---------Asia who trusted God that much, why was she exiled from the church?

Other than the Fallen Angels who killed Asia, I felt there were unforgivable parts to the Angel side as well.

Michael-san replied in an earnest manner.

"I can only apologise for that. .....After God had been annihilated, only the system to govern divine protection, mercy and miracles remained. This system was, if I explain it simply, the system to perform the miracles etc. God did. God made the system, used it to bring about miracles above ground. To bring about the effect of holy things like exorcism, crosses etc. these too are the system's powers."

I see, the damages we devils take when we touch the cross are the effects of the system, huh. And let's try to hit the boss of the angels with more questions.

"After God died, in that... some system trouble occurred... is what you're saying?"

On my question, Michael-san nods.

"To be honest, it takes a big toll on anyone who uses it with the exception of God. With me as the centre, everyone of the Seraph was able to somehow start up the system but….. compared to the time God existed, the divine protection and mercy to those who believe in God is not complete. --------It's an unfortunate thing but, those who can be granted salvation are limited."

Now that you mention it, Kokabiel may have said it as well.

Something about since God isn't here, there's a limit to how many people can be saved.

"For that, there was a need to keep away those people related to the church who could possibly cause an influence on the system. As an example of those who can cause influence on the system, a part of the Sacred Gear-------Asia Argento's Twilight Healing is included as well. Your Boosted Gear and also Divine Dividing as well."

"Asia is included because she can heal Devils and Fallen Angels as well?"

On my question, Michael-san once again nodded.

"Yes. If there is a person who can heal Devils and Fallen Angels present within the followers, it will influence the faith of the ones around her. The source of us living in heaven is the faith of believers. Because of that, Twilight healing is a forbidden sacred gear which can cause an influence on the system. And also, as an example of influence on the system------."

Xenovia interrupts Michael-san and continues.

"The people who know about the non-existence of God, right?"

"Yes, that's right, Xenovia. To lose you is a serious wound even for us but if apart from us, Seraph and a part of the higher rank angels, if a fair amount of people who know about the non-existence of God approach the place with a direct connection then there's a huge effect on the system. -------I apologise. There was no other way but to make you and Asia Argento heretics."

Michael-san bowed his head to Asia and Xenovia-----.

Ooh, the top of the Angels is apologizing to Asia and Xenovia! The two in question also stared in wonder. Indeed they'll be troubled on how to respond. However, immediately Xenovia shakes her neck sideways, and smiles.

"No, Michael-sama, please don't apologise. Even like this, till I reached this age I was brought up by the church. I somehow felt it was a bit irrational but if you know the reason then there's nothing such as asking why."

"The fact that you reincarnated as a devil, that is our crime."

"It's al right. .....I regretted it a bit but the things that I couldn't do when I was serving the church, the things that were sealed from me are now brilliantly colouring my everyday life. If I say these words, I may anger the other believers but..... Even then I am satisfied by my current life."

Xenovia thought that way of her life with us....

There's also the part of her being a bit too otherworldly but she isn't a bad girl.

Asia also says it with her hands together.

"Michael-sama, I also feel I am happy. Since I now have a lot of important people. And also I have met and talked with the Michael-sama who I admired, it's an honour!"

On Asia's and Xenovia's words Michael-san showed an expression of relief.

"Sorry. I am grateful for your forgiving hearts. I leave Durandal to you, Xenovia. Since it's the family of the Sirzechs' sister then I am at ease that it won't be used by those who do as they please."

Azazel is looking at Asia. Asia also noticed it, and her body trembled.

"It seems my subordinates killed her while keeping quiet about it. I received that report as well."

I said it to Azazel clearly.

"That's right, Asia died once. E-even I was killed by Fallen Angels but above that Asia! It may be something that occurred in a place you don't know but the Fallen Angel girls who admired you killed Asia for your sake."

I know that I have no right to say anything in this conference. What happened earlier was Michael-san's measure. Right now it's completely from my own personal grudge.

Buchou is also trying to warn me by saying "Calm down, Ise."

Sorry, Buchou, but no matter what I have to...

"It's true we Fallen Angels are eliminating those Sacred Gear users who may cause harm to us. As an organisation, it's obvious right? Sensing that a person may become a threat in the future, then if we know about it beforehand, you'll want to eliminate him. And because of that you died. The reason is, the human with no talent, you, could have run wild with the power of the Sekiryuutei without being able to control it, and have a bad effect on us or the world."

"Thanks to you, I am a Devil."

"Do you dislike it? At the very least, those around you are happy that you became a Devil."

It's true that Buchou, Sirzechs-sama as well and my comrades too are happy that I became a Devil. As Azazel said, if Ddraig's power would have been with a me who remained a human, then I don't know what would've happened. Even after becoming a devil, I can't control it properly but, if it was when I was alive, then it would have been bad.

"I-I don't dislike it! Everyone is a good person and I know that I am receiving favourable treatment. However!"

"Even if I apologise now, it's too late. That's why, I am thinking of doing something that only I can do to make you stand on both your legs."

? I don't understand Azazel's true intention. What does he mean?

"Now then, it's time we hear the opinion of people other than us, those who seem like they can influence the world. From the invincible Dragon-sama. Firstly, Vali. What do you want to do to the world?"

On Azazel's question, the Hakuryuukou, Vali smiles.

"If I can fight strong guys, then it's fine."

...…..Are you alright with that reply, you. You seriously only like combat? That seems like a nuisance to others though. Azazel's gaze this time turns to me.

"Then, Sekiryuutei, what about you?"

Even if you ask that.... I reply while scratching my cheeks.

"To be honest, I don't understand it well. Somehow due to all the fastidious stuff my head is in chaos. In addition to that, I am desperate about looking after my junior devil, so even if I am told what I think about the world, how should I say it, I don't have feelings gushing forth."

It's my honest thoughts. Even if I am asked what I think about the world, I don't quite have any feelings about it.

"However, you are one of those who has the power to move the world. If you don't make your choice then it would be difficult for those standing on top of each of the powers such as me to move."

Even if I am told that by Azazel, I am troubled.

"Hyoudou Issei, then let me explain it in a very simple manner. If we fight, then there will be a need for you to also fight at the front stage. If that happens, you won't be able to sleep with Rias Gremory."


W-What….did you...say?

"If we make peace, then there won't be a need to fight. If that happens, then what's left that is the most important is continuation of the species and prosperity. You may be able to endeavour in making children with Rias Gremory everyday. How's that? Is it easy to understand? If there's a fight, then there's no sex. If there's peace then you can have sex all the time. Which will you choose?"

For the first time I understood Azazel's language from the bottom of my heart! I see! If there's peace then I can do ecchi things with Buchou all the time! No, can I do ecchi things with Buchou? Was I in that position?

However! If peace continues then I'll someday be able to do ecchi things with Buchou! That wish is huge!

"I would like to have the peaceful one please! Yes! It's peace, all right! Peace is the best! I want to do ecchi things with Buchou!"

I said my desires as it is. I didn't mind Buchou who was beside me. Buchou her face completely flushed.

"Ise-kun, Sirzechs-sama is present here you know?"

Kiba says it with an "Oh boy" and a bitter smile.

Ah.... That's right.

Sirzechs-sama laughed in a low intensity manner. This is bad. I have to hurry up and give an excuse! I have to give a serious story!

"Um... I, since I am an idiot, the meaning of the 90% contents of this conference are obscure. However, what I can say is, since the power residing in me is strong then I'll use it for my comrades. Buchou, Asia, Akeno-san and also the other members as well, if they're exposed to trouble then I'll protect them!....Wait, I am still quite weak though. However what I can do is about that. Even if I have to risk my life, I will live alongside my comrades------."

While I fire the words with all my might, that sensation attacks.

--------My body's functions stop for a moment.

That's right, this is the sensation when I received Gasper's time stopping.


When I noticed it, the interior of the staff meeting room had changed just a little.

Michael-san was looking outside from a window, and Sirzechs-sama and Azazel were deep in talk looking serious for some reason.

"Oh, the Sekiryuutei has come back."

Azazel saw me and said this.

"D-Did something happen?"

Looking around, people were divided between those that could move and those that were stopped. All the big-shots were moving. Sirzechs-sama, Leviathan-sama, Grayfia-san, Michael-san and Azazel, as well as the Vanishing Dragon, seemed to be able to move.

The club members were—

"It seems only me, Ise, Yuuto, and Xenovia are able to move from my family."

Wait, Buchou! I'm so glad, you can move!

Conversely, Asia, Akeno-san, Koneko-chan, and the Kaichou were all stopped. For even Akeno-san to have been stopped…

"It would appear the reason you're safe is because Ise is the possessor of the Sekiryuutei and because Yuuto has an irregular holy demonic sword that has attained Balance Breaker. Xenovia invoked Durandal just before it happened."

Just as Buchou said, Xenovia was holding the really dangerous sword that kept giving off a holy aura. She seemed to be putting it away right at that moment, and the holy sword was returned to the space-time warp.

"The sense of time stopping was somehow remembered by my body. —When time was on the verge of stopping, I thought I could use Durandal's power to protect myself, it seems I was correct."

This girl remembered the instant of time being stopped with her body!? As usual, her body's specs are frightening…

"Be that as it may. Buchou, what happened?"

"It seems—"

"To be a terrorist attack."

Interrupting Buchou's words as she seemed to answer my question, Azazel said this.

—Wait! Rather, a terrorist attaaaaaaaaaaack!? During this important conference that will something-something the future of the world's state of affairs!?

"Would you like to look outside?"

Azazel gestured at the window with his chin. I approached the meeting room's glass window and—.

Kah! Flashes suddenly spread out in front of my eyes! Owah! What!? This new school building seemed to be subtly shaking…

"We're under fire. In any era where a power tried to form peace with other powers, there will also be a gathering of those who dislike it and try to disturb it."

Azazel pointed outside. When I turned my eyes in the direction he pointed, there were human-like silhouettes that had arrived in the school yard and in the air. Looking closely, these mage-like guys dressed in black robes seemed to be firing attacks at us that were similar to magic bullets.

Luckily, these attacks didn't look to be doing any damage to the new school building. But, I also couldn't see any sign of the attack relenting. Are those the terrorists? What was their goal…Rather, it was obviously to interfere with this meeting, right?

Azazel, who was standing next to me before I noticed, gave a fearless smile.

"Those guys are so-called magicians. It's a kind of magic that was originally interpreted from the magic system of devils by the legendary magician "Merlin Ambrosius" and reconstructed as sorcery…From the power of the magic they're emitting, I'd guess that they each possess the magic power of a mid-class devil."

So it's a fact that those guys in the school yard are stronger than the weak me! There's a lot!

"In short, it means that humans can use powers like those of devils. Though, of course, it also seems to be possible that they can't become devils themselves. It's especially troublesome when a Sacred Gear possessor learns magic. Well, their attacks aren't capable of damaging this school building. Because the strongest protective barrier by me, Sirzechs, and Michael is enveloping this place. Though, thanks to that, we can't leave here."

When i was listening to Azazel explanation. i notice something is wrong outside the window.

A small figure in a familiar looking baggy Jacket is flying in the air killing everyone in its way. Angels, Devils, Fallen Angels and even some magicians are being killed with just a swing of his hand.

"why does he look like Gasper..."

Buchou said in a trembling voice, Everyone in the room began to notice him too.