Prologue 7

- Narrator Pov Above The Kuoh Academy -

In the Time stopped World above the Kuoh Gasper have been killing many Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils. They couldn't even resist because of his Sacred Gear [Forbidden Balor View]

"How did this little half-vampire kid become this powerful?!?!?"

An Unknown Lady with voluptuous body in sexy clothes that shows her skin is shock. Her name is Katerea Leviathan she is one of the Three Old Satan Faction Leaders.

It seems the information that She received about Ophis-sama specially recuited this kid is True but he shouldn't have this kind of strength.

"He must have gotten many snakes from Ophis-sama..."

This is the only explanation that came to her mind. 'hmp! why would i care anyway. This situation will be good for our Grand plan.'

She change her Attention to the Kuoh School Building that have been attacked by army of Magicians.


- Gasper Pov -

|| Confirmed.... Unique Skill 『Merciless One』acquisition... Succeeded. ||

"I have acquired the merciless one... hmm it should be Gluttony next..?"

I said while swing my hand around killing anyone in my Vision, They couldn't move so its easy for me to do it. The dead bodies of Angels, Fallen Angels, Devils and some Magicians fell to the ground one by one creating a small mountain of body on the ground.

"Raphael devour the bodies on the ground...."

|| Unique Skill『Predator』(Activate!!)

Natural Skill『Shadow and Darkness Manipulation』(Activate!!) ||

My own Shadow on the ground start to expand until it extend over all the dead bodies.

Then the bodies start to sink inside the shadow slowly...

|| Angel Natural Skills Acquired

Fallen Angel Natural Skills Acquired

Devil Natural Skills Acquired! ||

|| Angel, Fallen Angel and Devil Transformation Form Acquired . ||

|| Unique Skill『Gluttony』 can now be Acquired with sacrifice of Unique Skill『Predator』 (Yes/No?) ||

I stood in the air absentmindedly and said "Yes..."

|| Attemting... Success!

Unique Skill『Gluttony』 Acquired ||

"Monster..." The Magicians around Gasper saw all of his insane Massacre. So they want to create a distance away from him but before they could do that.

"[Balance Breaker!!!] Vanishing Dragon" A mechanical voice came from below.



A White Light Traveling in fast speed appears in the battlefield killing many magicians as it can.

"Are you the [Forbidden Balor View] User? " Vali in his [Balance Breaker!!!] came out from the Kuoh school building by killing Magicians in his way.. His wearing a white knight armor with Divine Dividing wings behind his back.

'Play along with me, im still finding a chance to Assassinate one of the Three Factions Leader' Vali send me a telepathy message.

'I wanted to ask What the f*** is he doing but it seems his not giving me a chan-' I ended my thought because i see a 2 White Large spherical attack coming in my way.

I deflect it with both with my one hand covered with [Blood Aura],

*BOOOM!!!* The 2 Large spherical magic hit the Kuoh school ground creating a two 10 diameter hole on it.

"ouch...." I felt a slight burn on my right palm.

"Hahahaha!!! good! Your more powerful than i thought!!" Vali charge at me with a White dragonic Aura around him. He instantly appear near me wanting to hit my stomach and shoulder with a punch

I blocked him with my palm again covered with Blood Aura.

[Divide] [Divide] [Divide]!! When Vali punch connected to my palm i suddenly felt weak... 'so this is The Longinus [Divine Dividing]...

*BOOOM* The force behind his punch blown my body to the Kuoh Track Field making me slide across the Field....

' i was hit... i still couldn't control my new body and powers after all and That Vali is being serious in his attacks!!'

Its Good thing that my body become strong after upgrading my Bloodline to Noblesse. There's only some small scratches behind my back.

My baggy Jacket was wrecked beyond recognition....

|| Repairing the Jacket with stronger and new enchantment.... success!! || The Clothes start to repair.

I look at Vali floating in the air. He is still releasing a Strong fighting intent.

"You have annoyed me now..." I really don't like when someone is messing with my cloths even back on my previous life in Earth.

[Noblesse Natural Skill: Telekinesis (Activate)]

My Red Blood eyes shined intensely. I pointed at floating Vali in the air. "Kneel..."

" Wha- ugh!" Vali suddenly felt a stong gravitational pressure bearing on his shoulders. he began to descend to the ground with Fast speed.

[Divide! Divide!!!] The wing behind Vali shines decreasing the pressure above him.

[Forbidden Balor View] (Activate) I concentrated My eyes to Vali. I only need to stop him 1 second.

*BOOOM!!!* When Vali time stopped. in instant he was pressed to the ground by gravity.

"Hahahaha!!! this is it!" Vali who is being pressed to the ground start to laugh in insane manner.

[Divide!! Divide!!! Divide!!!] After the pressure on Vali dissipate, he stood up and release some kind of spell to me.

A blinding spell, he wants to block my vision to stop me from using [Forbidden Balor View] but sadly he didn't know i have Unique Skill『True All Seeing Eyes』 making me immune to this kind of spells.

[Forbidden Balor View] (Activate)

[Noblesse Natural Skill: Telekinesis (Activate)]

"Fly..." I made his time stop for one second again blowing his body to the Kuoh School building.

*BOOOM!!* The Kuoh Academy building explode to piece's. I raised my eye brow at that because how could it be destroyed just like that? I thought its being protected by a powerful barrier....

|| Analyze. They have cancelled the barriers after Katerea Leviathan sneak inside. |

Inside the smoke and debris a dense barrier in sphere shape shows when the smoke disperse.

Azazel, Serafall, Sirzechs and Michael is maintaining the barrier from the inside.

|| Suggesting Host to deactivate the use [ Forbidden Balor View ] in large scale. The mana capacity already reach 50.0232% ||

"deactivated it.... by the way where Katerea?" i couldn't help but ask because i couldn't see Katerea blowing up the Academy unlike in the Anime.

The Violet Aura that have been stopping Time since a while ago disappeared making everything inside the Kuoh Academy move normally again.

|| her life sign disappear after entering the Kuoh building... ||

"i see... Katerea already died huh... it must be Sirzechs.. his the only one who can kill her silent there."


- Narrator Pov -

Vali got up from the ground uninjured. There's also no scratches on his armor. He stare at the small figure of Gasper who start to float again in the Air. 'He's holding back?'

"I didn't expect that the [Forbidden Balor View] user become this strong Fast he must have barrow that power... but He can even maintain the Balance breaker for a long time without going crazy..... it may be because of his will power....? " Azazel analyze Gasper in the air. "what do you say Sirzechs..?"

Sirzechs have a serious expression on his face.

"Im not expecting this event as well.. ill handle him-"

"Wait Onii-sama could we talk to Gasper first?" Rias

Sirzechs stare at his stubborn sister for a while then closing his eyes. "Go..."

"Gasper can i ask a question?!" Rias already seen his cruel slaughter and Massacre a while ago.

She know that Gasper couldn't go back to her side anymore and even her peerage understand this.

Issei is silent as he gripped his hand hard...

Koneko is starting at Gasper like she's remembering about her Big sister betrayal.

"Oh God...." Asia is doing a prayer ritual with tears in her eyes.

Xenovia is patting Asia back while staring at Gasper in the air Fiercely.

Yuto and Akeno seems wanted to listen to his explanation before judging.

Gasper look below the ground with his red blood eyes.

"Why would i need to answer your question?...."

"Why did you betray us?!?!" Rias shouted with her lungs to make sure he could hear it.

' Raphael take over now... remember the plan and do not kill any main characters from the series. i like them after all... but of course if they Cross the line...'

|| Yes Host ||

|| [Releasing Noblesse True Aura] ||

(Raphael) Gasper red blood pupils starts to shine... some of his hair strand start to go upwards because of the massive pressure that his releasing.

Everyone on the ground face Turn grim.

Unlike Gasper who wants to be low key with just releasing a normal Vampire aura and doing some normal punch and kick. Raphael is different his fully releasing Noblesse might and momentum because according to his analysis, he can finish the host orders faster if he do this way.

"Why?... you say.....? hahahahahaha" (Raphael) Gasper in the air began to Laugh in insane manner.
