Prologue 8

- Narrator Pov -

"Why?... you say.....? hahahahahaha" (Raphael) Gasper in the air began to Laugh in insane manner.

|| Analysing..... The Barrier that The Three Leaders Fraction created...

Success.... ||

(Raphael) Gasper above the air become calm again. after Laugh so much. He look down coldly at Rias.

"What do you want Gasper?!" Issei blocked Gasper Vision. He protected Rias with his body.

"I do not like your ignorance little Devil" Gasper (Raphael) spread his palm towards them.

,[Noblesse Natural Skill: Blood Control] (Activate)

[Noblesse Natural Skill: Aura manipulation] (Activate)

[Noblesse Natural Skill: Telekinesis] (Activate)

A large amount of blood gushing out from (Raphael) Gasper palm. It Transformed into 5 large spear made of blood. A red dangerous aura covers around each 1 of the weapon.


*Swish!* The 5 blood weapon shoot at them like lightning.

"Protect Buchou!!"

"I will not let you..." Sirzechs came out of the barrier, flying through the air to block it but he didn't expect the Blood spears to change its direction. Avoiding him

*Swish!!* The Aura of 5 Blood Spear Aura become even more intense, as it scatter in different directions but its target is still Rias.

"Ruin extinction!" Sirzechs created 10 sphere of destruction around him.

*Swish!* He made the 5 sphere of destruction to shoot down the blood spear, while the other five goes to (Raphael) Gasper

"Balance Breaker...."

[Forbidden Balor View!!] (Activate!!)

(Raphael) Gasper eyes shines a glaring violet light, it made everything infront of his eyes stop. Even the Sphere of destruction in the air.

'impossible....' Sirzechs quickly release aura of destruction around his body, to break out from the constraints of Time stop but his already too late.

When the blood spear is about to hit the barrier.

[Balance Breaker!] A mechanical voice came out from Azazel Body.

"what do you think your doing Azazel!!"

*BOOOM* Azazel in Golden scale Armor who wanted to block the 5 blood spear was stopped by Vali sneak attack from behind.

*Cracks...* The barrier that is being supported by Michael and Serafall break like a glass at the mere contact with the Blood spear its because of Raphael analysis.

"Not Good!!" Michael and Serafall widen their eyes.

"Light of Salvation!!" Michael made a move. A Holy light came out from his palm but its just a weaker version of his attack because the devils and Fallen angel around him might be effected.

"Wall of Cocytos!!" Serafall also made a move. she cast a tall and Majestic looking ice wall.

*BOOM!!!* Blood spear move in formation like it has a mind of its own. it attacked in one point. destroying everything in its path.


there is still a single Blood Spear bypass Michael and Serafall spell.

[Welsh Dragon Overbooster!!]

"Buchou!!!" Issei in red scale mail armor spread his arm wide to recieved the attack for Rias.

"Issei!!!" Rias

When the Bloode spear is about to pierce Issei head. it suddenly stopped mid-Air.

"S-stop!!! Balor.... i-i don't want to do this anymore.." a little kid crying voice echoed in the battlefield.

"Gya-kun...." Koneko heard the cry and couldn't help but felt it familiar. When she's bullying Gasper in the past.

Everyone couldn't help but turn their gaze at the source of it.

They see small (Raphael) Gasper figure in the air crying, while wiping his tears with his baggy jacket sleeve.

"What are you saying little Vampire?!??! This process is necessary for us. so we can get the girl that you wanted to save" A deep voice came from (Raphael) Gasper body.

"No... i won't let you control my body anymore... your hurting my friends..."

"Are you defying me brat...? if its before you can still seal me inside the sacred gear but now hehe your already too late." The deep voice from inside his body resound again in mocking tone.

"Ah!!! no!!" (Raphael) Gasper hold his head in pain.

"Issei-san... whats happening to Gasper...?" Asia asked with a concern expression on her face after seeing Gasper suffer.

"I don't know...?" Issei said with a confused tone. when the blood spear infront of him dissipate.

"what a poor kid..." The green gems in his gauntlet shine with green light. it seems Ddraig is talking.

"what do you mean Ddraig..?" Rias cast a Doubt glance at the gauntlet

"That vampire kid body is being possessed by his own Sacred Gear.. "

"What...?" Rias and her peerage is shocked. the thoughts Inside their mind is same . 'Then the things and cruelty that Gasper did a while ago isn't him...?'

"This presence an evil God?... I see. so this is why the user of [Forbidden Balor View] change so much... but.. how could i not detect it a while ago." Azazel stare at (Raphael) Gasper who is still wailing in pain while releasing an Evil God aura.

Sirzechs also notice a problem in (Raphael) Gasper body too. so he is hesitating, whether he shoud still continue his attacks.

(Raphael) Gasper fell into unconscious state he began to fall to the ground but good thing Vali catched him. He carried him like a sand bag on his shoulder.

"This must be the reason why ophis is interested in you.." Vali whispers in himself.

"Oh not so fast Vali. do you think you can easliy escape here. after attacking us?" Azazel followed by Sirzechs and Michael behind him approaching them.

Their thinking of not letting Gasper fall into Terrorist hands. After seeing his dangerous capabilities a while ago.

"What do you want?" Vali narrow his eyes.

"How about leaving Gasper here and we will let you go." Azazel said in carefree manner. Sirzechs and Michael seems to agree with him.

"hahahahha Lets see if you can take him away from me"

"I, who am about to awaken" A mechanical voice come from Vali scale mail armor.

Vali know that in normal [Balance Breaker]. he wouldn't be able to fight back The Three Leaders Faction. If they really become serious. So his going all out.

"Am the Heavenly Dragon who has taken the principles of supremacy from God..."

"Vali are you serious about this?" A dragonic voice came from his [Divine Dividing] Wings

I envy the "infini-

*Crack Cracks!!!!* The barrier that have been separating Kuoh Academy from the human world broke from above. its Bikou, he stopped Vali chant.

"Hows Gasper?" Bikou

"Bikou? what are you doing here..." Vali seems annoyed that someone interrupt his battle.

"Hey hey hey!. is that the attitude you should show to a friend. who came rushing to you when your in danger.?!?" Bikou

"tsk" Vali

"anyway Vali where leaving here now. They said that its time to attack the Northern Gods." Bikou

"Bikou? i didn't expect you to also join the Khaos Brigade.." Azazel

"Hehe. unlike my predecessor i like being Free. you see." Bikou

"White Dragon Emperor, Sun Goku and the Forbidden Balor View joined the Terrorist group? what in the world is happening to this earth...." Azazel said in amusment tone

"well.... Nice to meeting you everyone!" Bikou hit the floor with his stick.

"No!!! onii-sama plss get my Gasper!! you should have seen it right?!?! h-his just being possessed..." Rias pleaded at Sirzechs but he could only shake his head.

*Ding!* Bikou, Vali and the unconscious (Raphael) Gasper began to sink in the ground.

Vali stare at Issei whispering "Lets fight next time..."

Azazel, Sirzechs and Michael didn't make a move in the end. After seeing Bikou. They needed to be careful after all. on not provoking the Khaos Brigade.


- Gasper Pov -

Inside Gasper subconscious in the dark space his with someone who look like him and their talking with each other.

|| Host the Mission is perfectly executed. ||

"I have seen it... Now we have already created our second path of escape if the 3rd plan failed..... my next objective should be now is to become a demon lord. "

|| As the Host ordered we limited the soul collection to 9999 of high qualities . we only need to collect 1 soul to create a Demon Lord Seed ||
