Prologue 10

- Narrator Pov -

Asgard the home realm of the Norse Gods and Valkyries. its location is one of the nine realms of the World Tree Yggdrasil. It should be a peaceful place but currently a war is happening there.

The Khaos Brigade began their invasion on Asgard 3 days ago. its an attack from fallen angel, Devils and some other supernatural creatures.

The casualties at each side start to increase as the day passes.


When the war is happening in the Asgard main City. There's a two person appear in edges part of the Asgard. Where no one go in the barren land that is full of snow.

"Ototo here we are nya" Kuroka said energeticaly at the little boy behind her.

"Thank you Kuroka" Gasper look around and see only snows and mountains.

"I need to go to scout underworld now ototo. I don't know why ototo want to be here but remember you owe me one nya hehe" Kuroka made 8 diagram senjutsu circle glow below her feet, before disappearing there.


Gasper made a move after that. He used a high level stealth. to go to the outskirts Village of Asgard Main City where the war is happening. its chaotic there but he still found his objective.

Inside one of the small house. An unknown Fallen angel is torturing one of the Normal Asgardian people. He even began sexual harrassing the poor little girl.

"You should be the one..." Gasper voice shocked the two people in the room.

" Who's there?!?!?" The unknown Fallen angel become terrified. After hearing someone else voice, other than the two of them inside the house. He couldn't detect the intruder at all!!!

"ugh!!" The unknown fallen felt a powerful force behind his neck knocking him out.

Gasper didn't let him talk anymore or it would be troublesome. He glance at the scared girl on the floor and said coldy. "Leave here if you still want to live."

"Hai!" The girl left the house quick but not before bowing her head to Gasper and taking a peek at his face under the black hoodie to remember his face. "Thank you!"

After the girl really left. Gasper pick up the unknown fallen angel by absorbing it, inside his shadow and teleport back to the edge of the Asgard.


Gasper alone there sat on the snow. "Raphael? do you detect anyone following me?"

|| None Host. there's No sign of life in 50 kilometers radius of Host ||

"Raphael make a barrier now." Gasper made Raphael research all kinds of magic in dxd and barrier magic is one of them.

|| Yes Host. ||

[ Modified Isolation Barrier ] (Activate!!)

Gasper body release a large amount of mana in the air. it envelop the 5 kilometers area in his surrounding. until it form into a large transparent barrier.

"now next is my guardian. Raphael i want you to summon a being that can protect me. when im Transforming into demon lord..."

|| Yes Host ||

[Modified Summoning Magic] (Activate!!)

A large shining magic circle forms infront of him. He see a blue large being coming out from the summoning magic circle, little by little.

"who's Summoning me? This aura... is it ophis..?!" A womanly voice.

A pale blue Western Dragon with celestial blue scales appears from the Magic circle.

Gasper become surprise seeing a dragon came out of the magic circle. 'Hey Raphael.. didn't you say there's a special conditions they need to met. if they want to summon a dragon?.'

|| Yes Host. You need a presence of Dragon to summon another dragon. Yesterday when Ophis the dragon God of infinite made a close physical contact with the Host. She left a lingering small presence on Host body. ||

'Which dragon did you summon...?'

|| Taimat similarity 94%. This information is according to DXD wiki fandom from Host memories ||

'Ok. now tell me about her personality and likings and if i couldn't form a contract with her. i want you to immediately unsummon her'

|| Yes Host ||

"No your not Ophis!! Who are you brat? how could you have Ophis aura on you." The blue dragon seems curious at him.

"My name is Gasper Vladi. im one of Ophis subordinates. im pleased to meet you. Tiamat-sama the Most Strongest Dragon of the 5 Dragon Kings" Gasper said respectfully. after showing her. his small cute face inside the hood.

"Hoh Interesting little Gasper... to think that you already know me and still have the guts to summon me hehe." Tiamat felt delight hearing his praise and she felt his name is familiar to her. 'Where did i hear it again?'

"To tell you the truth. Tiamat-sama. i summoned you because i need someone to protect me for 1 week time. its ok if its only temporary contract.." Gasper

"protect you from 1 week time? hmm thats ok for me but what can you give me little Gasper...?" Tiamat said to him.

"i can give you a treasure that you have never seen before Tiamat-sama" Gasper said to her with mysterious expression on his face. 'i hope this works Raphael...'

|| do not worry Host. According to the analysis in dxd dragons. almost all of them likes Treasures and i can create something that can satisfy her ||

"A treasure that i have nerver seen before...? hahahaha i do not want to look down on you little Gasper but im Chaos Karma Dragon!!! with my long lifespan. i have almost seen all of the treasure of this world..."

Tiamat dragon face have a nostalgia look on it, thinking about the past. then it turn into angry one as if remembering a Loathsome thing. "and i also collected many of it but that Ddraig... agh!! i really want to pound his dragon face to the ground!"

"Then how about this Tiamat-sama. im giving you the treasure that i have here. that you have never seen before, with the current Wielder of Boosted Gear ?. ill deliver him to your door step"

Gasper start to sale's talk to her. tempting Tiamat to do what he want like a devil hehe.

"Alright! where's the contract?" The large blue dragon eyes said excitedly. she's really excited at the prospect of their deal.

Gasper showed her a magic circle. Tiamat copied him to complete the temporary Familiar contract.

Tiamat believe him. That he would do his end of the deal because of Ophis lingering presence on him and if he didn't. she's thinking of teaching him a lesson. that he will never foget.

"Good... Tiamat-sama i suggest for you. to distance yourself from me for about 1 km.." After reminding her gasper sitted cross-legged on the snow. He close his eyes to calm himself and be in his best state.

"What are you doing...?"

Tiamat start to shine brightly with blue light. she's changing into her human form. In her human form, she has the appearance of a beautiful woman with straight and long beautiful pale blue hair, dark blue eyes, and a cold atmosphere that radiates from her beauty. She possesses an extremely powerful dragon aura within her body. She's wearing a blue swimsuit bra and a navy blue skirt, showing her voluptuous body.

'Every preparation is already complete now... Raphel do it....'

|| Yes Host ||

Inside Gasper shadow. The unconscious fallen angel dies. its body vanished into thin air.

{{ The necessary (Soul) for the requirement of evolution had been confirmed ... Recognized.

Attemting to create True Demon Lord Seed! Success...

The requirement had been met. From now, Evolution to Demon Lord (Harvest Festival) will begin. }}

After hearing those thing i really fell into slumber while sitting cross-legged.

Tiamat curiously observe Gasper small body on the ground, but she couldn't see an abnormality from it because of Raphael existence. 'don't tell me his sleeping?!'

{{ Announcement. Individual: Gasper Vladi transformation into Demon Lord "Harvest Festival" shall now commence. Upon its completion, related monsters shall be blessed with a gift. }}

{{ Announcement. The transformation into a demon lord, the Harvest Festival has begun.

Body reconstruction has begun, transforming into a new species.... Failed..

Attemting... Failed!!}}

{{ Announcement. The World have detected the problem. individual: Gasper Vladi is in different world. }}

{{ Announcement. The World Found solution. Individual: Gasper Vladi will be tempory teleported to [Tensei Shitara Suraimu Datta Ken] (World) }}

A blackhole Appear Before Gasper. it Swallow him with the near Tiamat. who couldn't react at all.

'F*** i didn't sign up for this!!!!!' Tiamat who doesn't curse too much. couldn't help but burst into profanity languages. When she saw the black hole feeling helpless.
