Prologue 11

- [Tensei Shitara Slime datta ken] (World) -

- Timeline: 1000 years ago before the Anime Plot.-

In the vast Lands of desert. A two powerful beings are fighting each other.




A huge force of impact is created everytime their attack connects at each other.

"aghhhhhhh!!!! kill kill kill!!!! ill destroy them!!!" The powerful being that is covered by Neverending dragonic Aura roar like a mindless beast.

"Milim stop your rampage" The other powerful being with Intense demonic Aura covering him said lightly.

"Destroy!! Destroy!! Destroy...!!" The being with Dragonic Aura. increase his power output even more everytime he attack.

The other powerfull being with intense Demonic Aura increase his powers as well to matches his opponent monsterious strength.





Just like that 3 days have passed the two beings are still fighting each others like a War Gods.




The Continent is trembling from the impacts of their exchange.

The two beings neverending increase of power began to change. the surrounding Lands Scapes.

There's now a flowing lava below their feet. Even the far away mountains are flattened by them.


- Narrator Pov -

Tiamat with Gasper in her hands, unknowingly appear near the two powerful being. On one of the Flattened mountains.

'Where are we...?' This is the question that Tiamat want to ask but a Powerful wind force comes to their way. She created a spherical barrier around her and Gasper.

*Swish!!* The powerful wind was easily blocked by her.

Tiamat thought someone is attacking them but when she turn her attention to the source of it. she become surprise.

"Strong....." Tiamat muttered when she see the two powerful beings fighting from a far place.

{{ Announcement. The World detected that Individual: Gasper Vladi have already arrive in [Tensei Shitara Suraimu Datta Ken] (World) }}

{{ Announcement. The World will now begin the Individual: Gasper Vladi Evolution into Demon Lord }}

Tiamat suddenly felt Chill because she felt the two powerful beings, from far away turn their Gaze here. she couldn't hear the Worlds Voice after all but the other two can...

"This is bad we need to escape!!!" Tiamat felt death is approaching her. She wanted to move away here with Gasper but She soon discover that she couldn't move him at all in his position. She unconsciously let go of him and to only see.

Gasper is floating in mid air. His body began to glow with a Rainbow light.

{{ Announcement: The transformation into a demon lord, the Harvest Festival has begun.

Body reconstruction has begun, transforming into a new species }}

{{ Confirmed.

Race: transforming from Noblesse into [Noblesse Progenitor]... successful... }}

{{ All parameters have been greatly increased. especially the magic power.

Ability to freely change between material and spiritual body has been added.

Species Natural skill『Decomposition Absorption, Endless Regeneration, Immotality, True Familiar Summoning』have been added...

Furthermore, with regards to acquired resistances, new ones have been added…

『Physical Attack Nullification, Natural Effects Nullification, Status Change Nullification, Spiritual Attack Resistance, Holy Magic Resistance』

Reconstruction has granted the following skills.

Now, with regards to daily skills,

『Magic Perception』『Heat Detection』『Super Olfaction』『Auditory Perception』『Demon Lord's Ambition』

Have been added.

End of script, evolution has been completed }}

||『Wisdom King Raphael』 request the Evolutions of Gasper Vladi [Unique Skills] to the World ||

The world become silent.

|| Wisdom King Raphael attemting again to request the Evolutions of Gasper Vladi [Unique Skills] to the World... ||

{{ Announcement: The World have Accepted }}

|| Unique Skill『Gluttony』integrated with『Merciless One』and thus evolved into Ultimate Skill『Gluttonous King Beelzebub』||

|| Unique Skill 『True All Seeing Eyes』 integrated with 『Giant Gaze』and thus evolved into Ultimate Skill 『Truth King Theia』||

|| Unique Skill 『Growth Evolution』evolve into Ultimate Skill 『Evolution Lord Janus』||

|| Items: Sacred Gear (Forbidden Balor View) have been absorbed by Ultimate Skill『Gluttonous King Beelzebub』 to create Unique Skill 『Time Stop』||

|| Unique Skill 『Time Stop』 Attempting to evolve


Attemting again with the help of 『Gluttonous King Beelzebub.... Success!!!

Unique Skill 『Time Stop』evolves into Ultimate Skill 『Space-Time King Yog Sothoth』 ||

{{ Announcement: The Individual Gasper Vladi Harvest Festival is Complete }}


Gasper small body start to transform inside the Rainbow Light. His height become a bit shorter and his white skin turn more smoother. The color of his hair change into black while his eyes pupil become Golden.

He transformed into cuter Shota in his baggy Jacket! but Tiamat at his side. didn't care at his new change at all because she focused at the Two beings that are staring dangerously at them.

"Agh!!! destroy!!! destroy!! destroy!! Dragon Nova!!!" One of the being with Dragonic Aura shoot a Colossal Magic at them.

*BOOOM* A magic barrier block it.

The other being with demonic Aura blocked tried to block her attack but some of it still got through him.

*Swish!!!* Huge dragonic laser came towards Tiamat and Gasper like lightning.

"Damn..." Tiamat Transformed into large majestic Dragon to received it. she couldn't dodge it after all with Gasper behind her.

{{ Announcement: Now beggining the bestowing of Gifts upon those connected to him. }}

Tiamat suddenly felt dizzy. her large dragon form fell to the ground like a lifeless puppet. "w...whats h..hapenning...?"

Gasper and Tiamat is connected. althought its just a temporary contract the World still recognize her as his servant.

"no.... will i die here...?" Tiamat felt the death is approaching her. then a small figure appear in her dragons eyes.

"Little Gasper...? d... damn this all because of yo-" She fell into unconscious state, while feeling anger and helplessness at Gasper.


|| Raphael Detected Someone want to Interfere with Host Evolution... Activating Battle Mode!! ||

(Raphael) Gasper floats in the air slowly. He extend his palm to the incoming Huge Dragonic Laser.

『Gluttonous King Beelzebub』 (Activate!!)

*Swish* The attack was easily absorb in his palm.

(Raphael) Gasper come to towards the two beings with unbelievable speed. His Cold Golden Eyes is scanning them.

The being who is releasing Demonic energy notice his arrival. "New Demon Lord...? interesting.."

"grrrrr" The rampaging dragonic being is staring at (Raphael) Gasper with killing intent.

Raphael (Gasper) Look down at them with his cold analytics eyes.

|| Analysing.... ||

"Destroy!!" The being with infinite Dragonic Aura shoot an attack to the two living being, infront her.

"BooOM* a Massive Dragon Breath come out from her mouth.

(Raphael) Gasper golden pupils shined. He absorb the proportion of her attack with 『Gluttonous King Beelzebub』.

While the being with Demonic Aura deflect some of it.

When they where about to begin the Three way of war between True Demon Lords.

*Ding!* A white shining light came above them. There a beautiful woman with a slender body appear. she look so beautiful like an Elf.

"Plss stop... or else the world will collapse..." a soothing voice.

The Three True Demon Lords stops for a moment. They glance at the newcomer with different emotions in their eyes. Anger, Cold and some interest.

|| Analysing similarity complete... Primordial Demon Guy 93%, Dragonoid Milim 89%, Fairy Queen Raminis 87% this information came from (Tensei Shitara Slime datta ken Wiki) inside Host Memories ||

|| Calculating to defeat all of them... Failed...

Attemting again.... Failed....

Attemting again... Failed..

Attemting Again.... success!!!

Winning Probability (29.23145%)

『Wisdom King Raphael』 Notice the low probability. Changing its approach to Friendly....||


This scene was recorded in the long History of Tensura. it was called [ The Four True Demon Lords Convention ]

The four of them made an agreement because they realize that their goals doesn't conflict at each other or else if they still continue to fight the world might really end....


Like that they announce their Authority to the World.

Guy wants absolute power, Raphael wants to pursue the endless knowledge of the world, Milim wants to live freely and happily and Ramiris wants to maintain the balance of the world.

but this will be in another story...


{{ Announcement: The World have detected an unknown force pulling individual: Gasper Vladi with his Servant }}

{{ Announcement: The World attempt to stop it but Failed..... }}


- To the DxD World Again -

A black hole appear at the edge of the Asgard. it spit the unconscious Gasper and Tiamat out before disappearing like it never appear there.