Chapter 4

-In the back stage of the platform.-

In a spacious room at the back stage of the platform. There are 3 female and 1 male students having a light conversation.

"That was amazing speech Ren-chan!" Mayumi tried to pat Gasper on the head but she was blocked by him.

"Saegusa-san plss refrain yourself from doing any rude behaviours."

"Eh?!.. Ren-chan.... didn't i say in the rehearsal you can call me Mayumi onee-san...?!?!" Mayumi stare at him with a fake disappointed look.

Gasper just ignores her because he know how much mischievous this president. after watching the anime back in earth. she's like an imp.

Her full name is Saegusa Mayumi. The student souncil president of first high school. She's a young lady who is known for her natural beauty. Her limbs are described as quite long despite her short stature, and her chest is also large in proportion to her height.

"Ren-san here's your Jacket and headset... by the way.... there's a rule here in our school... that you can't wear anything over your uniform unless its a special day or event...." A small cute girl remind Gasper kindly . She's handing him the things. he removed, before going up the platform a while ago.

The little girl name is Nakajou Azusa.

Nakajou Azusa is the students council secretary of first high. she can be described as a girl even more petite than Mayumi and she possesses a more childish face.

"Thank you Azusa-san..." Gasper thanked her for reminding him but he still wears his jacket and headset infront of her.

"Ren-san pls respect the school rules...-" The student council treasurer eyes twitch at this sight. Her name is Ichihara Suzune she can be described as someone whose solemn face displays a stern impression, especially with her tall frame and willowy limbs. Although, the description "beauty" would have done her justice as well.

"the school doesn't allow something as trivial as this ...? looks like i need to change schools tomorrow..." Gasper said jokingly while removing the black jacket but he was held back by a bit panicked Mayumi.

"N-no its ok Ren-chan you can wear it for today..."

Gasper said it as a joke but its different meaning for the 3 student council members. They took him seriously because of the thought they have in mind.

'They say that being a genius, can make someone have a eccentric personality.'

This was already proven in the records of History books. so they need to be careful on handling Chisaka Ren... or else who know what this child will do tomorrow. He might really left without saying anything.

Mayumi signal Suzune with her eyes.

The Treasurer understand what her President is thinking. she step forward to Gasper with a smile on her expressionless face. "The school rules can be change. we will try helping Ren-san to appeal this request on the school Administrators."

"Thank you?"

"President im finish in the Auditorium." A male student came in a first high uniform. He have a short brown hair.

His name is Hattori Gyoubushoujo Hanzou. The vice president of student council. He is roughly as tall as Tatsuya, and his shoulders are a little narrower than the latter. He has a handsome visage, that does not warrant additional words to describe, and an unremarkable build.

"Your right in time Hanzou-kun!" Mayumi quickly got the attention of everyone.

"Ren-chan how about touring the school with us?.... we will also show you the way to your classroom 1-A" she changes the subject really fast.


-Inside The First High Academy, Campus-

On the Campus Majestic hallway. You could see the Student council members accompanying Chisaka Ren. The new representative of 1st year.

some of the students they passed by, cast an admiration gaze on them. as they walk across the school.

"This is 1-A classroom. where you will be attending from now on." Mayumi shows The 1-A room to Gasper.

The room is complete with high-tech equipments for students and it have a good atmosphere for studying.

You can tell here. That the first high really spends a lot of money for their students.


The 1-A students who first reach the room, open a way for Gasper and the student council members.

"He must be a hidden heir of Ancient Family..."

"Or a prince!!!"

"eh i heard his from a civilian family though...?"

"How could you believe that?! didn't you see Ren-sama abilities in the entrance exam?!?"

"Yeh... there's now way his from a civilian Family..."

"So cute..."

The future classmates of Gasper discuss at the side in low voices.

They are gazing at him with different lights in their eyes. admiration, jealousy, curiousity and worships!.


'This guys have creative imaginations'

Gasper shook his head. Even thought they are speaking in minimum volume and his wearing a headset. He still could tell. What their talking about clearly because of his sharp sense's


He see the Shiba siblings come out from the other side of hallway corridor going towards his direction. They are happily having a conversation with a course 2 female students.

Gasper smile at them and waves his hand. "Yo..?"

"Ren-san!" Miyuki wave back at him while Tetsuya just nodded his head politely.

"Eh?!?! Tetsuya you know Chisaka Ren?!!" One of the course 2 female is surprise. She have a red spikey short-hair.

"Just Acquaintance..." Tetsuya replies in a hesitating manner.

'this is really weird..... i can't see any Psion energies and spirits in the radius of ten meters around him ... its like their avoiding his presence' The last course 2 female student with glasses thought deeply. she's staring at Gasper emty surrounding.

'how is he doing this?!'


Gasper leaved his group to approach them.

Mayumi and the student council members didn't say anything. when they see him leaving to greet his acquaitances.

"Tetsuya, Miyuki we met again... this two pretty ladies here are your friends?" He glance at the two beautiful girls behind Tetsuya.

"Yes Ren-san" Miyuki replied with a smile on her face.

"No they are just my classmates" Tetsuya denies it with a teasing smile on his face.

"what are you saying Tetsuya! after we talked all day!!" The red haired girl rains a punches on Tetsuya shoulder with small strength behind it. She's just playing along.

"Erika..." The girl with glasses seems want to stop her.

"hehe...." Miyuki

"Hello my name is Chisaka Ren. its nice meeting you two" Gasper offer them a handshake with a smile.

"Hello my name Shibata Mizuki. nice to meet you too." She took Gasper hand.

Mizuki is timid-looking girl who wears eyeglasses. She also has very large breasts and a curvaceous figure. In this era, it is rare for girls to wear glasses because a vision correction procedure is already widespread. her glasses were to reduce her over-sensitivity to Psion energy, allowing her 'crystal eyes' to even perceive the hidden aura and the exact nature of spirits.

"Im Chiba Erika. You can call me Erika.. and can i call you Ren?" Erika shakes his hand excitedly.

Erika is a beautiful young girl whose short, bright red-orange hair. that gave you the impression of her being a lively girl.

"Of course. You can call me anything you want." Gasper nods his small head at her and letting go of her hand.

"Surely Ren. your different than the others!" Erika happily said to him because she already met many course 1 students on the way here.

They discriminate against course 2 students and look down on them. the only exception she met is Miyuki.

"Ren-san isn't like that" Miyuki already got the idea on what Ericka is thinking.


Mayumi suddenly appear behind Gasper grabbing his shoulders.

"What is it Saegusa-san?" Gasper

"Shiba-kun and Miyuki-san can i barrow Ren-chan?. we still have many things to do here... you don't mind right?" Mayumi called them in familiar manner. she already met the shiba siblings this morning and got acquainted with them.

The Shiba siblings nods their head to her. They where about to go home anyway with Erika and Mizuki.

"Thanks you..." Mayumi drags Gasper and the other student council members but she didn't forgot to bow her head to them before going.

They still have some business to discuss with Gasper in the student council room.


-Night in the Yotsuba Main Household-

The Yotsuba Main House is rather a large building done in the style of a traditional Samurai residence. Its located in the mountain village narrow valley. that is not recorded on any map, which is in the old Yamanashi Prefecture that bordered the old Nagano Prefecture.

At the backyard of the main house. There's a beautiful woman, sitting on a simple chair.

Her name is Yotsuba Maya. The current head of Yotsuba Family. While she is actually in her 40's, her appearance gives off the impression that she's in her 30's on the prime condition of her life.

Unlike Miyuki's beauty that defies description, Maya is a woman full of feminine charms and enchanting mature beauty. She's wearing a wine red formal one piece dress.

"found you Chisaki Ren.... or should i say Gasper Vladi...?" She murmurs while holding a two pieces of Photos in her hands. she's staring intensely at the 2 photos to compare them.

The First photo is a new one.

The image in picture is Gasper wearing his black baggy jacket. it was taken in a great angle when his buying groceries.

The Second Photo looks pretty old.

The image in picture also had an image of Gasper inside but he look more mature and handsome here. his also wearing a black baggy jacket.

"Hayama I heard that Tetsuya is attending the First High with Miyuki?"

"Yes Maya-sama."

"I want you to go there in person and do not let anyone discover you.....Then order Tetsuya to captur- no... he won't be able to subdue him..." Maya beautiful purple pupils are shining with excitement but soon, she quickly calms down. She realized its impossible to capture Gasper Vladi because she witnessed his abnormal powers before.

"Order Tetsuya to collect all the informations. that he can get about Chisaki Ren...."

'I need to be patient...' Maya superior bearings as the Head of Yotsuba return.

"And i do not like anyone taking a peek on whats mine. You know what to do right?."

"Yes Maya-sama" Hayama didn't react at Maya abnormality behavior. when she mention Gasper Vladi name because he already got used to it.

Maya carresses the 2 photos gently with her slender white hands. like its the most precious thing in the world. "I won't let you escape this time....."


-Yotsuba Butler Hayama Pov-

After Yotsuba Maya came out of the Dahan's infamous Kunlunfang Institute 30+ years ago. She began to murmur things about the man named Gasper Vladi. like she's obsessed of him.

In the Past. Hayama tried finding this person with Yotsuba powerful connections but he couldn't find anything about Gasper. its like this man didn't exist in the World....

so he had to gave up.

The only one who's aware of Maya obsession is Hayama. He didn't know what happened inside the institute but as the butler of Yotsuba clan head.

He can only buries this secret with his grave.

'Chisaki Ren have a connection with Gasper Vladi. Who Maya-sama met inside the Kunlunfang Institute

33 years ago.'

'This matter needs to be handle carefully...'
