Chapter 5

-Morning on The Next Day of School-

The second day of school starts. Gasper reach 1-A classroom early in the morning and he sits in his assigned seat.

after that, more and more students began to flow in the 1-A classroom. At this time a two female students walk in while talking with one another.

Gasper couldn't help but gave them a glance because their walking over to him.

One of the girl takes her assigned seat beside him while the other girl continues to stand. She look at him hesitating for something.

They looked Familiar.

|| Mitsui Honoka 94%, Kitayama Shizuku 96% ||

'As i thought...'


"Honoka, this is your chance to introduce yourself." Shizuku urges in her seat, she pointed discreetly at Gasper sitting beside's them.

"b-but what if he ignores me....?" Honoka felt nervous just standing near the boy. she secretly glance at him and didn't expect for their eyes to met. "Wah!"

Gasper find her panic reaction funny, He extend his small hand for a handshake. "Hello my name is Chisaki Ren nice to meet you."

"M-my name is Mitsui Honoka. Nice to meet you Ren-sama" Honoka quickly bows her head politely.

Mitsui Honoka can be described as someone whose appearance would easily qualify within the boundaries of cuteness. She also has very large breasts and a curvaceous figure.

"Sama....? you don't have to use honorifics.... Where going to be classmates from now on so Ren is enough"

"T-then R-ren can also call me H-honoka..." Honoka felt faint. as the excitement rush to her head. she look like a fan talking to idol for the first time.

Its good thing that her friend Shizuka stops her. from falling on the ground.

"Please excuse her Ren-san. She's really a ditzy girl" Shizuku said in a deadpan voice.

Shizuku can described as a girl whose face and voice are rather deadpanned. Her way of speaking lacks the normal voice inflection, so even if she personally doesn't intend to, she still comes across as being solemn.

"Thats harsh Shizuku!" Honoka quickly stood up straight again. after she heard her friend talking ill behind her back.

'She have the same characteristics of Ophis...' Gasper felt an urge to pat her head. "Honoka who's this friend...?"

"I'm Kitayama Shizuku nice to meet you Ren-san, I heard a lot of rumors about you..." Shizuku bows her head a bit.

"Those rumors are a bit exaggerated. so don't believe them" Gasper smile awkwardly.

"Its not exaggerated at all. i have seen it with my own eyes!! "Honoka excitedly said to her friend Shizuku. "Ren Magic is really Fascinating!!"

"If Honoka say it. it must be true then..." Shizuku eyes have a curiousity in it.


The three talked a lot and made friends with each other.

When they where having a fun conversation. A lovely, beautiful girl. Who captivates whoever sets their eyes on her come over to the seat. infront of Gasper.

"so Beautiful..."

"I heard she's the top female scorer in our 1st year..."

"Is she coming in the direction of Ren-sama?!"

"There's already Kitayama girl and Her friend coming for Ren-sama and this beautiful girl want to join too?!?. we didn't have a chance at all..."

This made the whole 1-A students focus their attention to them. some of the guys quickly become jealous. after seeing Gasper hog all the high-class girls.

"Good morning Miyuki. how are you?" Gasper

"Fine, how about you Ren-san?" Miyuki smiles

their morning greetings are exchanged and soon the conversation moves to school life and expectations. Gasper introduce Shizuku and Honoka to her because they look like they want to join.

The three girls quickly become close friends too like in the Anime but our conversation is interrupted as the door to the classroom opens.

The teacher walks in and discusses what to expect during our school year. He then urges us to go to the laboratories and to use the buildings facilities to the greatest extent. He then leaves to address another class the same as he did us.


-Afternoon in the First High-

The last bell of first high rang.

"At last.... the classes are over today. its time to go home." Gasper got up from his sit, to leave with Miyuki,Honoka and Shizuku.

"Where do you live Ren-san?" Honoka ask. she looked curious.

"I rent an apartment. near the train station" Gasper wears black baggy jacket over his uniform and black headset.

"Where all heading the same way! lets go home together Ren!" Honoka

"Alright." The four of them walk side by side on the school hallway and behind them. The whole 1-Class follows. They look like their planning something.

"do you live alone Ren-san?" Shizuku

"Yes... " Gasper

"What about your parents Ren. where do they live?" Honoka.

"I didn't met them... Im an Orphan you see..." Gasper felt nostalgic in the past. He remember that even back in earth. He also lost his parents at a young age making him learn how the society works at the age of 6.

"Im sorry.. Ren! I-I didn't know" Honoka apologize fast. she bows her head deeply.

"Its Ok. i like my life now anyway"


Gasper pats her hair to show that. he really didn't mind "don't just stop there, we have a long way to go. before we reach the train station."

Honoka felt embarrassed after realizing what just happened.

"How does it feel?" Her friend Shizuku whispers to her. This made her even more embarrassed


"What are you yelling for. im just curious" Shizuka said in deadpan voice.

Miyuki giggles at their antics.


Gasper notice Mayumi standing in the middle of the Hallway as if she's waiting for someone.

"Ren-chan we need to talk alone....." Mayumi have a serious expression on her face.

Gasper glance at his accompany. "You guys can go first."

"good afternoon President..." The Three girls understand. they nods their head to Mayumi before going on their way.


- Inside the empty room -

"If i remember correctly. i already rejected the invitation of student council Yesterday?"

Yesterday, Gasper was dragged by the student council member because they wanted to invite him into joining their ranks.

In this Academy, there is a tradition every year. that they need to follow.

The new 1st year representative have to join student council. so they can fill in the new empty spots. After the 4th year student council members graduates and leaves the academy.

"Plss let me speak Ren-chan. We have a new conditions for you" Mayumi

"Ok...?" Gasper frowned

"the 1st conditions. you can use any cloths code. You want inside the Academy.

2nd condition. you can be exempted in any classes if you want.

3rd condition. you can request anything to the Academy as long as its not excessive" Mayumi

"Alright i accept." Gasper felt the conditions are good enough. He have Raphael so the student council tasks should be easy for him, he can also gain some karma points in helping characters from the anime and its also not bad to have a power supporting him inside the school

"Really?" Mayumi eyes brighten.

"Yeh the offer seems good so-..."

"Thank you Ren-chan!!" Mayumi jump to hug the little cute boy infront of her but she was mercilessly dodge by Gasper making her face fault on the ground.

*thud* "awooo"

"I need to catch up to my friends. bye Saegusa-san. lets meet again tommorow" Gasper left the room fast after dodging her.

"How cruel... He didn't even tried to help me" Mayumi got up from the ground while pouting. then her expression turn into serious again "But his really smart... he didn't even ask why the academy will give those absurd conditions. its seems He know his own worth... not bad Ren-chan."

"This is bad President!! there's are many students making trouble in the main gate!" A girl suddenly rush inside the room surprising Mayumi.


"The first year 1A students are surrounding a group of course 2 students. President!-"

"!! lets head there now! and Call Mari as well on the way"

"Yes president!"

"I hope nothing serious happens."

Mayumi and the Girl rush to the school main gate.


-First High Schools, Front Gate.-

There are two groups of students from different classes urging about something.

"Would you give up already?!"

"We have something to talk to her about!"

"Thats right! We only need a little of her time!"

Its Tetsuya group and the other 1-A students who wants to separate Miyuki from them.

The one leading 1-A students is Morasaki Shun. A person from the hundred clan Shun family. For some reason he doesn't like the course 2 students and always want to find trouble with them.

"Still, Miyuki-san is saying she will go home with heR big brother! What rights do you have, to pull them apart?!" Mizuki couldn't help but shout at the 1-A students unreasonable request.

"This is a 1-A problem! Weeds shouldn't be butting into Blooms business." Morasaki raise his voice too followed by the other 1-A students behind him. "thats right!"

"Aren't we all freshmen? You're Bloom, but right now, how are you any better than us!?" Mizuki had enough. so she question them seriously.

Morasaki grits his teeth in anger. He doesn't like it when someone is questioning his Authority, especially when their status is below him.

'i will teach this course 2 students a lesson...' A smirk form in Morasaki lips.

"This is bad..." Tetsuya who is watching at the side with his companions felt troublesome. He just want to pass his school life peaceful but trouble always find a way to him.

"You want to know how much better we are?" Morisaki asked them mockingly.

"Interesting. By all means, Show me." Leo answer him back with a mocking smile on his lips. He couldn't help but step out because He know Mizuki might not have the means to protect herself. if she's attacked by the 1-A students.

"Fine... Then I'll show you!"

"This is...-" Morisaki draw his CAD fast from his pocket and point it at Leo before he could react. He pulled the trigger of the gun shaped CAD in his hand "-How much better we are!"

A magic number sequences forms around Morisaki CAD to activate a spell. Leo close in to stop him but before he could reach him. The magic sequence broke into pieces.

*thud* A baton smash Morisaki CAD in the air.

"At this distance, moving your body is faster. right?" Erika who appear between Leo and Morisaki, holds a baton in her hand playfully. she then points her baton at Morisaki.

"I agree with that, but you wanted to hit my hand too, didn't you?" Leo felt an air brush pass his hand when he tried to stop Morisaki spell.

"What?, I wouldn't do that! hehehe" Erika avoids Leo eyes.

"No excuses!" Leo

"Impossible..." Morisaki steps back unconsciously. He found it unbelievable... because how could this lowly weeds stop his attacks.

"your just a damn weeds!" A random 1-A student behind Morisaki pulled out his CAD followed by Six other 1-A students. They all took out their CAD and a Psion particle start gathering around them signifying their about to activate a spell.

"Everybody no!" Honoka felt panic. she wanted to stop everyone so she activate a medium light spell with her CAD faster than anyone to gather everyone attention.

Tetsuya Activate his spirit eyes to scan her medium offensive spell but something caught his spirit sight from the Campus Entrance moving in their direction with inhumane speed.

"No!" Miyuki tried to stop Honoka but her brother hold her back.

"it's okay. Also....."

*Wish wish wish!!* suddenly an unknown magic spell invisible to the naked eyes shoot at Honoka and the other 1-A Students who are about to activate their Magic.

"why isn't it activating.."

"My Magic!"

"Whats this?!"

The 1-A students felt confused when they saw thier magic sequences on CAD crumble into nothingness. unlike the confused 1-A student, Honoka sigh in relief first. when she found her spell didn't activate and no one is hurt.

"You guys dares to activate a magic spell in the school grounds without anyone supervising.....? Do you know the consequences of your actions..?" a small cute familiar voice caught the attention of everyone.

'Chisaka Ren?! why is he here?!' Morisaki a while ago saw Gasper seperate with Miyuki and the others. so he made a move at this time because He knew that he can only exerts his Authority over 1-A students when Gasper the number one genius isn't around.


"Are you the one leading them in making a trouble to the course 2 students. Morisaki Shun?" Gasper ask him, seeing the other 1-A students not replying his questions.

"yes! this lowly weeds asked for it-"

"Then... can you take responsibility, if someone of our classmates expelled? " Gasper calmly interrupt him.

The 1-A students behind Morisaki Flinch on their spot when they heard the expelled word.

"Isn't that Morisaki Shun from the hundred clans...?"

"pfft. His really loud a while ago but now that Ren-sama is here. he turned into a meek chicken"

"Server's him right!."

The Other students on the way home gathers around them to watch the Fun.

"I...-" Morisaki grinds his teeth and he glares at The Tetsuya group and Gasper. the reason why he is in this embarrassing situation.

"Of course I can-!!"

"Even if by any chance that you want to take responsibility. plsss think carefully before you take action in this school because your representing the Morisaki family behind you after all." Gasper knows how to shut up these types of kids who are proud of their backgrounds.

The anger inside Morisaki disappear instantly because The more he listen to Gasper Reasons. the more anxious he began feel.

"Do you want your Family to be disappointed. when they hear that you've been expelled from the school?" Gasper give him a finishing blow by whispering this words to him.

Morisaki began to remember the moments of his life when his strict father always scolds him. He really didn't want to imagine what punishments he will get after this incident.

He is hanging his head low now to Gasper.

The other students didn't know what Gasper whisper to Morisaki but when they saw him looked defeated with just a words from him. Their imagination began to run wild again.

"As for you guys... leave now." Gasper turn his attention to the other 1-A students who are cohorts with Morisaki.

The 1-A students didn't hesitate and left there because after Gasper reminded them they realize how much trouble their in now just from trying to use a magic to harm other students.

There is a law that Except for self defense. the use of magic on others is criminal offense.

"I apologize for my classmates rude behavior. plsss forgive them." Gasper bows his head to Tetsuya group.

"its ok Ren, even if you didn't come we could have defend ourselves and beat them to pulp right Leo?" Erica said to him in cheerful tone while putting back her folded baton under her skirt. she pats Leo shoulder.

"What a barbaric woman..." Leo whisper in low voice.

"hah barbaric woman...? well at least im more better than the barbarian. who tried to block magic with his bare hands a while ago." Erica

"What did you say?!" Leo felt irritated.

"Erica apologize to Leo too..." Mizuki

"Eh..? why?" Erica.

"pfft haha." Miyuki

While the others are enjoying their conversation Tetsuya is staring seriously at Gasper.

'The others might not have notice it but his movements can't escape my eyes. the way Chisaka Ren coming here with his inhumane physical strength and him stopping his classmates from using magic are too abnormal.

He casted a non-systematic magic simultaneously in 7 different direction without any other students noticing it.. what a terrifying control of power and like in the rumors he didn't need a CAD to use magic.

its almost like.....'

Gasper felt Tetsuya gaze is different today but it really didn't matter to him.

"You guys should leave now too. if you don't want trouble... don't worry ill handle all the explanations and responsibilities here" Gasper said to Tetsuya group while He pointed at Mayumi and Mari who just came out from inside the Campus. their walking gracefully towards their direction in a slow motion.

Miyuki felt a bit warm inside. the reason of dispute between 1-A and 1-E is because of her after all. she didn't want Gasper to be expelled because of this.

"Onii-sama..." Miyuki pull Tetsuya shirt. she look at him with pleading eyes.

Tetsuya glance at Miyuki then at Gasper smiling face like all of this are trivial things for him. "Lets go Miyuki. Ren can handle this himself, besides we will just cause even more trouble. if we stay here."


Tetsuya left followed by Miyuki. she look at Gasper apologetically.

"eh where just leaving like this..?" Leo left in bewilder manner.

"Idiot, What do you know?!" Erica

"um.. sorry Ren-san" Mizuki quickly apologize.

"Don't worry it my classmates who have fault here... oh right plss take this two friends of mine with you" Gasper pulled Confused Honoka and Shizuku to her. which made them protest.

"no Ren I-i will stay with you" Honoka

"Hey Shizuku, you should understand the situation here." Gasper glance at the expressionless Shizuku.

"Okay.." Shizuku understand what he wants to say. so she quickly convinced her childhood friend and left there with Mizuki


"Your the last one. Morisaki-san you should have left too" Gasper smile at Morisaki who haven't move in his position until now.

Morisaki raise his head glaring at Gasper again. "are you making fun of me?"

"No... like i said. ill take all the responsibility here. so you can go now..." Gasper whisper this to him, surprising Morisaki. " but remember, You owe me one"

After that Gasper left to meet Mayumi and Mari as the students blocking the way, open a path for him.

"You..." Morisaki stood there in shock.


Mayumi and Mari from the Campus couldn't see anything in the main gate. Where the commotion is happening because many students are gathering there blocking their sight.

"President, The representative of 1st year students Chisaka Ren intervene the fight so no one is harmed" A voice came from Mayumi CAD.

They didn't hastily go there because someone is reporting the situation.

"He solved this problem quicker than i thought... hm how about making him join us the student committee...?" Mari

"No! Ren-chan already joined us the student council! don't try anything to him Mari" Mayumi pouted at her.

"Eh? Mayumi why are you so protective of this boy? don't tell me.." Mari stare at her suspiciously.

"Hah? no. i just felt that he and i are connected by fate..." Mayumi said with a thoughtful and calm expression on her face.

"thats a relief, your not a Shotacon. i don't have to distance myself to you now." Mari said in a teasing voice.

"Who are you calling Shotacon?!."

"President. Chisaka Ren made all the other problem students leave... what should we do?" A voice from CAD interrupt their conversation.

"This..." Mari

"Even the course 2 students..?"


Mayumi smile and reply to the voice. "then let them be"

"Im really, not wrong about him hehe. lets quicken our pace Mari."


-Inside Gasper apartment-

[ You have obtained +150 karma points from helping Tetsuya group ]

[You have obtained +30 karma points from helping your classmates in avoiding the crisis]

[You have obtained +10 karma points from teaching Morisaki the right path]

[You obtained +10 karma points after resolving the small hatred between class 1-A and 1-E.]

"Its all worth the trouble... in convincing Mayumi and Mari to let them off."

After watching the anime. Gasper already know that the problem will be solve. even if he didn't do anything but wanted to experiment if he can obtain more karma points this way so he made a move and it was successful.