My Husband’s Love

Megan's POV

"Meg-gan, I am sorry," my husband mumbled in my ear as he tightened his arms around my waist, and I hated to smell his intoxicating scent since I knew I couldn't trust myself.

"Let me go, Ashton, and cut the crap; I know you weren't drunk; you better stop acting now," I said, and I could see a broad grin on his face.

I couldn't stop feeling worried when the street light illuminated his face, and I wanted to ask Ashton to come inside my parent's house since I could see the bruises on his face.

His left eye swelled, he had a cut on his mouth, and I could see blood on his undershirt. I don't need to ask him what happened to his pretty face since I knew he had a fight with Gael.

"Do you think I will let it slide? I am still angry with you and don't give me that puppy-eyed look because it will never help you change my mind. I don't want to see you." I growled as I tried to stop myself from feeling so weak.