Glimpse of Past Memories.

I was unjustly expelled from my classroom due to the actions of that foolish teacher who attempted to mistreat me.

To be completely honest, I have this deep-seated belief that the people around me, regardless of their intentions or actions, are constantly poised to harm me in some way.

However, deep down inside, I can't help but believe that not every single person is inherently evil. It's possible that I am prematurely jumping to conclusions without fully considering all the factors at play.

A fragment of a memory suddenly materialized within the recesses of my mind.


During the late hours of the night, my father and I found ourselves nestled in the comfort of our living room, engrossed in a captivating Court Trial airing on the television screen before us.

The Brothers openly confessed to the act of taking the lives of their own parents.

As they were questioned about their despicable actions, their faces were marked with a profound sense of grief, sadness, and anger, illustrating the complex array of emotions they were experiencing.

Their response indicated that they were experiencing molestation.

The emotions they were expressing appeared genuine and their explanations seemed authentic, not fabricated.

I was able to sense the intense emotions emanating from them, and I firmly believed that they were being completely honest.

They couldn't help but shed tears as they shared their stories and recounted the hardships they had faced with the rest of the world.

It must have been an incredibly challenging task for them to express those words in front of such a large audience. The immense pressure and potential judgment from a multitude of individuals would undoubtedly have added an extra layer of difficulty to their already daunting task.

By that time, that was what I had considered and believed.

Despite the unmistakable outpouring of emotions that appeared genuine and sincere, the individuals in question were ultimately deemed culpable for their actions and subsequently handed down a severe punishment of life imprisonment.

Due to the lack of substantial evidence to support their claims of being molested, coupled with the unfortunate circumstance of no one placing trust in their accounts.

In the judicial system, securing a victory is only possible if you possess compelling and substantial evidence to support your case.

However, for those individuals, all they possessed was their ability to express themselves through their vocal cords, yet their words fell on deaf ears, leaving them unheard and unnoticed.

A deep, agonizing pain enveloped my chest as I observed the Judge, solemnly uttering the words that sealed the fate of the defendant, condemning them to spend the remainder of their existence locked away from society's embrace.

"Why would they receive a life sentence? Throughout their entire lives, they were subjected to molestation, enduring unimaginable trauma. There was a lack of guidance and education, leaving them without an understanding of the distinction between right and wrong. Furthermore, they had no one to confide in or seek solace from during their tumultuous experiences."

I rambled on aimlessly, spewing a stream of incoherent words without any clear direction or purpose.

As the tears welled up in my eyes, I lifted my head and blinked repetitively, yet the tears refused to cascade down my cheeks.

I found myself experiencing a mix of anger and sadness as I absorbed the raw emotions that were being expressed in the video.

"It is a well-known fact that they committed the unthinkable act of murdering their own parents, and it is undeniable that such a heinous act constitutes a grave transgression against moral and ethical principles."

My father responded with a chilly demeanor.

I fixed my eyes on him, his attention solely focused on his phone, engrossed in playing a game. It was as though he had no interest in anything else happening around him.

My anger intensified even further as I observed his unnecessary choice to convey his message in a distant and unfeeling manner.

"I am aware that they have committed the unforgivable act of taking someone's life, and what makes it even more horrific is that their victims were their own parents. However, it is crucial to understand that such extreme actions are often driven by underlying factors, such as the unimaginable trauma of being subjected to molestation."

Every child is born without inherent evilness; instead, external factors such as the environment and, quite possibly, the influence of their parents play significant roles in shaping their moral compass.

Initially, I shared the belief that it was morally justifiable to incarcerate them. However, I strongly opposed the notion of subjecting them to a lifetime of imprisonment.

I clenched my fist. "However, why life imprisonment? They had a reasonable reason why they did such a thing..."

Afterwards, he powered down his cellular device and carefully set it on the small table situated between the two of us.

Afterwards, he would adjust his position slightly by moving himself forward and placing both of his arms on his legs, which were spread apart.

"Are you supporting them solely based on their physical appearance, simply because they are good looking?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, so I involuntarily twitched and turned my gaze towards him.

I shook my head moderately quickly. "Of course not. I just thought they needed justice."

"Is it fair to seek justice when they have ultimately caused the death of their own parents?"

I felt a lump forming in my throat as I struggled to find a response. The well of words that usually flowed effortlessly from my lips seemed to have run dry.

"The reason for their behavior is that they were subjected to molestation."

"It is impossible for you to determine the truth in this situation. There is a possibility that they are fabricating a narrative to garner sympathy and convince others of their innocence. When people find themselves in a compromising position, it is not uncommon for them to resort to storytelling as a means of gaining belief and compassion from others."

His voice increased in volume, reaching a slightly higher pitch. He would extend his hand towards the small table to grab his cup of coffee, and then proceed to take a sip.

"It's simply not feasible to believe that what we're witnessing is anything but genuine. Take a look at their expressions; their faces are a testament to the authenticity of their overwhelming emotions."

I expressed my thoughts or opinions.

After setting his coffee back in its original spot, he let out a deep sigh, expressing a mixture of exhaustion and frustration.

"What if this is a performance?"

"...I don't think it's an act."


"...Just look at their faces! Who wouldn't believe these emotions?"

"Astria, they may possess the remarkable ability to act."

Once again, I found myself unable to respond. The words he spoke were so well-crafted that they left no room for me to formulate a retort.

"If they had simply come forward and admitted their guilt without delay, people would have been inclined to believe them. However, they chose to withhold the truth for a staggering two years, which ultimately led to their apprehension. Moreover, their exorbitant spending spree following the demise of their parents raised eyebrows among law enforcement officials, who began to harbor doubts and grow increasingly suspicious of their actions."

He extended his arm towards his phone once more, contemplating the alternative of reporting the situation to the police earlier, while the parents were still alive. By doing so, both parties involved would have had the opportunity to present their respective perspectives, rather than solely relying on the accounts provided by the brothers.

He included his statement as an additional comment.

"I-I...I told you didn't I? They didn't know right from wrong until they finally came to their own mind - they were ostracized from society - they probably thought no one would believe them if they did report the crime to the policePlus...sometimes, money can solve any problem."

I responded with a quick and sharp comeback, asserting my point of view and challenging the opposing argument.

I deliberately averted my gaze, refusing to meet his eyes, while simultaneously pursing my lips tightly together.

"How can you be certain of that? You're merely speculating and sharing your own perspective on what their reaction might be in that particular scenario. Those words were not directly spoken by them."

He indicated, he highlighted, he drew attention to, he emphasized.

He raised his arm to a height that was level with my head and proceeded to lightly tap my forehead with his index finger. Afterwards, he retracted his arm back to its original position.

I furrowed my brows in a gesture of displeasure and confusion.

I used to despise the feeling of being unable to effectively articulate my thoughts and convey them to others in a satisfactory manner.

He looked at me with intense eyes. "You can't trust baseless rumors without evidence, Astria. If you trust, then you are a fool. That's how the world works."


As I recollect, the memory suddenly came rushing back to me...

Although my father was correct, I still hold the belief that he may have been slightly mistaken in some aspects. There are instances when individuals convey honesty without providing any supporting proof.

As someone who grew up in a nurturing environment, I have never experienced the type of insecurities mentioned. Alternatively, it is possible that I simply did not give much consideration to the matter at hand.

The situation became increasingly exasperating as he continually proved to be correct.

Back then, during my early years, I was still quite young and naturally lacked the knowledge or understanding to comprehend such things.

Even after all this time, I am still considered young. It's hard to believe, but it's true.

I must confess that due to my young age, I have yet to fully comprehend the complexities of how the world predominantly operates. However, there are certain aspects that I have come to grasp and ponder upon.

I believed that I possessed an exceptional level of maturity beyond my years. The depth of my knowledge seemed all-encompassing, yet ironically, it only served to bring forth an overwhelming sense of unhappiness within my life.

I chose to ignore it completely. I pretended to be oblivious and behaved in a more mature manner than expected for my age.

As time goes by, individuals undergo various transformations, and alongside these changes, our desires and requirements also evolve.

My requirements... May have undergone alterations.

I desired to have companions who were more mature, individuals who could truly comprehend my thoughts and connect with every aspect of my being.

I had a strong aversion to being caught up in complicated relationships. Instead, I yearned for open and honest communication, where if anyone had any issues with me, they would kindly and directly express their concerns, providing me with guidance on how to mend any misunderstandings or repair any damage that may have occurred.

I am not lacking in intelligence or understanding. I do not possess the abilities of a clairvoyant or a telepath to accurately perceive the thoughts and emotions of others.

Upon losing them, I came to the realization that those types of relationships were precisely what I had been yearning for and desiring.

Although our friendship may not be the strongest, the moments and experiences we shared together hold immeasurable value.

My train of thought was abruptly halted as the bell resonated through the academy, its deafening chimes reverberating three times, reaching every corner of the institution.

I was strolling around the premises, where individuals of average backgrounds, just like myself, were engaged in their respective educational pursuits within the building.

Naturally, the Elites were attending a class in a separate building.

That is really pleasant.

"Is it already lunch break?"

I softly uttered words under my breath.