Where Did My Self-Control Go!?

"Is it already lunch break?"

I quietly spoke under my breath.

On the other hand, a common sensation began to emerge as various energies began to disperse throughout the academy.

I found it incredibly challenging to acclimate myself to this peculiar sensation, as it evoked a tingling and somewhat disconcerting feeling within me.

Out of nowhere, a sudden thought abruptly entered my mind.

I decided not to wait for Lena today. Knowing how attached she was to me, it is likely that she eagerly anticipated my arrival outside the Dorm, or even ventured to my room in hopes of seeing me.

And my presence went unnoticed by her as I had ventured out for a leisurely stroll...

I let out a sudden, sharp intake of breath, as if the air had been sucked out of the room. My heart began to flutter erratically, beating faster and harder against my chest. An unsettling feeling washed over me, causing a wave of uneasiness to ripple through my entire body. My mind became a whirlwind of racing thoughts, each one crashing into the next with an overwhelming intensity.

It is highly likely that she is patiently anticipating my arrival outside of my classroom.

That is not good at all! In fact, it is quite terrible!

I hurriedly departed from the scene, my feet propelling me forward with the utmost urgency. Despite my best efforts, my pace could only be described as moderate, hindered by my limited physical endurance. The telltale signs of fatigue were already creeping upon me, causing my breath to grow shallower with each passing moment.

Despite the exhaustion coursing through my legs, I managed to push through by reminding myself that my destination was within reach, even though it seemed so distant.




I sprinted through the throngs of students, paying no mind to who I might collide with. It mattered not to me whether they were of noble blood or held royal status.


Without any remorse or apology, I loudly exclaimed.

Because they were blocking my path, I had no choice but to take action.

My sole focus and concern revolved around Lena.

I fervently offered my prayers, silently appealing for her well-being and hoping that no harm had befallen her. Deep down, I yearned for my own survival, desperately longing to come out unscathed from the impending situation.

I exhaled forcefully, my breaths becoming increasingly labored. Despite feeling fatigued, I knew I had to persevere and push through.

I compelled my weary legs to keep moving forward, as they threatened to surrender to exhaustion. Determined to find strength, I tightly clasped my fists together, hoping to extract any ounce of energy from within.

It provided some assistance, albeit to a limited extent.

I frequently find myself unintentionally colliding with others, resulting in a reflexive reaction where one of us instinctively moves away to avoid a physical encounter.

The perplexed and exasperated gazes directed towards me seemed to imply, "Has she completely lost her sanity?" However, such concern and skepticism failed to affect me in the slightest.

As I continued, I could sense that I was drawing closer to my destination. Recognizing the proximity, I decided to reduce my pace, allowing my heart, which was racing from sheer exhaustion, to gradually slow down.

As I made my way down the hallway, I was met with a sprawling crowd that seemed to be captivated by whatever was happening at the center of their attention.

A sense of familiarity washed over me, and I suddenly realized that I had stumbled upon the very same hallway that led to my classroom.

There is no doubt in my mind... An event of some sort has taken place.

My anxiety grew as I desperately wished that nothing had occurred at that moment.

I trudged forward, my steps slow and deliberate, as I battled against the resistant forces blocking my path. Each movement was a struggle, as I exerted all my strength to push through the physical barriers obstructing my way. The sheer effort it took to break through the hindrances was almost overwhelming, but my determination propelled me forward. Despite the challenges, I persevered, inching closer and closer towards the unfolding scene.

Despite the weakness in my legs, I refused to allow it to hinder my progress or impede my actions.

However, in an unfortunate turn of events, I stumbled and lost my balance.

I was taken aback, my eyes widening in disbelief, and I felt a sense of impending doom wash over me. I was completely clueless about how to proceed, as I had failed to be vigilant and aware of my surroundings.

Despite almost losing my balance, I managed to avoid falling to the ground due to my remarkable flexibility. Surprisingly, my other leg instinctively kicked in and prevented my inevitable descent.

I was on the verge of experiencing a highly embarrassing situation in the presence of these individuals. The mere thought of it makes me cringe and utter an exasperated sigh.

A sense of relief washed over me as I let out a deep sigh.

"Oh? Lady Astria? You're here."

I felt my muscles tense up and become rigid.

I heard my name being called by a voice that I immediately recognized. The tone of the voice indicated that the person calling me was eagerly anticipating my arrival.

My eyes fixated on a stunning woman whose hazel curls cascaded down her shoulders, complementing her enchanting light black eyes.

I studied her face closely.

Oh, this obnoxious child.

I gave her a disinterested glance as my attention was focused on searching for a different person.

I suddenly caught sight of someone out of the corner of my eye, their appearance so pitiful that I couldn't help but divert my gaze towards them. It was impossible to ignore the sorry state they were in, completely drenched from head to toe in water.

A familiar figure that I had encountered numerous times before.

As soon as I heard my name being called, I turned my gaze towards her, and with each passing second, I gradually began to identify the familiar features of her face.

The person in question was none other than Lena.

Prior to fully acknowledging my presence, her eyes displayed a profound sense of despair, as if she had resigned herself to this feeling as though it were an everyday occurrence.

As our gazes intertwined, I noticed a glimmer of excitement and a newfound sense of deliverance emanating from her eyes, which were previously clouded with weariness.

However, in this very moment, I found myself pointing fingers at my own character, accusing myself of harboring selfish tendencies.

My prayer was in vain, yielding no results or answers. Adonis, you promised to be my protector and yet...

Oh no, this is not good.

I felt a surge of anger and frustration, causing me to unconsciously bite down on my lip and tightly clench my fists in a moment of intense madness.

I am incredibly angry, and this anger is directed towards myself and, above all, towards these individuals who I consider to be despicable.

I bowed my head, taking in a series of long breaths in an effort to regain my composure. The strenuous activity of constant running had left me drained and I was desperately seeking to replenish my energy.

I could feel an intense blaze of fury and exasperation igniting within my heart, reaching a point where it seemed almost impossible to rein in or keep under control.

I tightly gripped my fists and curled my toes within the confinements of my shoes, exerting a strong pressure and control over my body.

"Lady Astria... See, you were really rude in the classroom earlier, so I had to teach you a lesson."

She let out a small laugh.

Are you seriously saying that the best way to teach someone a lesson is by doing the same thing to them? That is absolutely ridiculous and incredibly annoying. Could you please just be quiet for a little while?

The sound of the crowd's whispers and murmurs filled the air, their attention fixated on us, as if we were the main attraction in a captivating show. Their eyes were wide with amazement, captivated by our presence.

There was a complete lack of genuine concern when it came to instances of bullying.

I inhaled once again, suppressing the urge to speak.

In addition to evading Lena's penetrating stares, I found myself consciously looking away whenever our eyes met.

Alright, take a deep breath and gather your composure, my dear self. It's crucial to maintain a sense of tranquility and keep those racing thoughts at bay. You've diligently cultivated self-discipline and honed your ability to exercise restraint, so this challenge is well within your capabilities. Trust in yourself and believe that you possess the strength and determination necessary to overcome any obstacles that come your way. Take solace in the fact that you've prepared for this moment and have the power to conquer it.

"Due to your foolish actions, this unfortunate young girl has found herself entangled in a difficult situation."

She paused. Then, she burst into a laughter that was filled with theatrics and grandeur.

"If you had refrained from engaging in such actions, your 'friend' would have been spared from the consequences that ensued."

She placed particular emphasis on the word "Friend", making sure to draw attention to it.

I felt a slight annoyance as my mouth twitched.

I longed for her to cease speaking, as I reached my breaking point and realized I could no longer bear it.

"So if I were you, I would learn from my mistakes. And-"

"I apologize, but I seem to have forgotten your identity. Could you kindly remind me of who you are?"

I silenced her heavenly singing with a swift cut.

I have a strong aversion towards her voice, and this sentiment has only intensified over time. It has become increasingly bothersome, causing significant irritation and gradually wearing on my patience.

"..You dared to interrupt me..?"

The words were filled with menace, yet they resonated with a celestial grace, as if they were uttered by an angelic being.

I remained with my head lowered, deliberately avoiding the sight of her face due to the fear of losing control and potentially causing a scene.

"To be honest, it really bothers me when someone rudely cuts me off while I'm speaking. It's incredibly frustrating and disrespectful. So, I kindly request that you refrain from interrupting me in the future. Allow me to formally introduce myself, my name is Hailey Mackenzie. Now you're acquainted with who I am."

Oh, I see. I honestly didn't expect her to respond to my comment. My intention was to be sarcastic when I said it.

I must say, she manages to infuriate me to an entirely different extent.

I became aware of a presence rising from a seated position, and I immediately recognized it as Lena. As I focused my attention, I couldn't help but notice the distinct sound of water droplets hitting the floor, resonating in the air around us.

"I am completely unaware of the underlying motive behind your actions, causing Astria to face difficulties. However, I strongly urge you to kindly leave and refrain from engaging further."

I suddenly became wide awake, causing me to raise my head and find myself gazing at the facial expression of disdain on Lena's face.

The crowd was left dumbfounded by the shocking revelation that escaped Lena's mouth, as if they couldn't fathom the truth that had been spoken.

"I cannot believe what I just heard! The two of you are undeniably close acquaintances, judging by the disrespectful language and lack of courtesy displayed by both of you."

Hailey's face contorted in a frown, but she managed to keep it silent.

As I looked at her, a mixture of frustration, shock, and annoyance were clearly displayed across her face.

To be completely honest, I felt a sense of relief and gratitude when Lena took a stand not only on my behalf but for her own as well. It was truly remarkable how she didn't harbor any ill feelings towards me despite the fact that I had inadvertently become entangled in this situation.

I was filled with anxiety at the thought that she might reject my friendship, but I had mentally prepared myself to accept whatever decision she made.

Truly, one must always be prepared for the unforeseen and the unanticipated.

"Yes? Is that correct?"

Lena nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders, a mischievous smirk spreading across her face. Determined to irritate the obnoxious brat, she devised a plan and executed it flawlessly, achieving the desired result.

Hailey's countenance contorted with fury, her eyes burning with rage. With each step she took towards Lena, her dominant arm rose, ready to strike.

As I observed her poised hand, ready to strike, I instinctively intervened to prevent the impending slap.

With a surge of anger, I forcefully took hold of the brat's shoulder, turning her towards me and gripping it tightly.

She moaned in pain. "W-What are you-- Take your hands away from me!-"

I would proceed to gently grasp her cheek, applying a slight pressure to encourage her to remain silent. Although tears had welled up in her eyes, they had not yet cascaded down her face.

Following that, I forcefully pressed her body against the hard surface of the wall, using my strength to immobilize her and prevent further resistance from her end.

Despite her efforts, she was unable to break free from my strong hold.

I gently tilted her head upwards while leaning in, bringing my lips closer to her ear.

"Hello, you despicable woman. I feel compelled to issue a stern warning to you. If you dare to repeat your actions, be aware that I will not grant you any leniency or forgiveness. I hope you fully comprehend the severity of the message I am conveying to you."

I raised my voice to a whisper but with a sense of urgency and speed, almost resembling the rapid delivery of a rap artist.

Only a fraction of my anger had managed to escape.

With an intense gaze, she directed her anger towards me, as if silently casting a curse upon me from the depths of her mind.

I increased the pressure of my hold on her shoulders and buttocks.

The sound of a whimper escaped her lips, her head nodding vigorously as she maintained a piercing glare towards me. Refusing to succumb, she held onto her pride tightly.

"In addition, I kindly request a favor from you. It would be greatly appreciated if you could convey my warm and sincere welcome to your beloved friends, emphasizing that I embrace them with open arms and genuine enthusiasm."

I emphasized the word "warm and sincere welcome" I felt with my wrist that she swallowed saliva. Her eyes widened in surprise, as if to say, "How do you know?"

I softly released my hold on her cheeks and shoulder while simultaneously taking a measured step back.

It dawned on me that these individuals had not departed yet.

There was no way around it. My reputation was already completely tarnished, so I saw no reason not to carry on with what I had already started.

My anger was completely uncontrollable as these individuals continuously pushed the limits of my patience.

Hailey raised her arm and gently rested her hand against her chin, proceeding to tenderly massage her puffy cheeks using her fingertips.

As I observed her countenance, a multitude of emotions became apparent, including a deep sense of embarrassment and an unmistakable undercurrent of fear. Strangely enough, rather than feeling sympathy or concern, a sense of satisfaction and contentment washed over me.

Throughout my previous existence, I steadfastly refused to allow anyone to intimidate or belittle me. Remarkably, despite the trials and tribulations, I remained true to myself and retained my identity as Astria.

I sensed the intense, searing stares coming from that unruly child, and in response, I squinted my eyes, unaffected by her attempts to unsettle me.

"If you continue to fixate your gaze upon me, it is highly probable that your eyes will undergo a process of melting. I assume this is an outcome you would rather avoid, correct? Hence, I implore you to proceed with your activities promptly. It is imperative that you take immediate action, wouldn't you agree?"

With a forced smile, I recollected the invaluable lessons imparted to me by the wise and knowledgeable Count Visterio.

I have achieved the art of wearing a flawless smile specifically for business purposes, and I take great pride in this accomplishment. I express my gratitude to Count Visterio for teaching me the skills required to master this skill.

Just as she was about to leave, she cast a final look in my direction before gracefully turning on her heels and walking away.

"Furthermore, I kindly request that you abstain from addressing me using my given name. It appears that my consent for such informality has slipped my memory."

I kept a close watch on her without physically changing my position.

Despite my exhaustion, I maintained my composure.

As she walked away, I noticed that she refrained from turning around to acknowledge me, yet I could sense her attentiveness to my words. The surrounding crowd instinctively created a path for her, their gazes fixed upon her with a profound sense of understanding and compassion.

I let out a deep, heavy sigh, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. A mixture of exhaustion, frustration, and disappointment filled my chest, causing my breath to escape in a long, audible exhale. It was a sigh that spoke volumes, conveying the multitude of emotions swirling within me, unable to be contained any longer.

It seems that we find ourselves in the role of the antagonists in this situation, don't we?

However, individuals like these...

I shot a frosty glare towards the individuals who had formed a circle around us.

As people walked away, I could hear the sound of forced coughs and the clearing of throats, as if they were trying to pretend that nothing had happened.

At last, a precious moment of tranquility has arrived!

My train of thought was interrupted by the sound of Lena clearing her throat.

I involuntarily jerked my body.

I took my time to observe her, noticing the desperation in her eyes as she eagerly sought to understand my current circumstances.

Lena stood before me, her clothes soaked through and her hair dripping with water. I found myself pondering the precise method she had employed to douse herself so thoroughly.

"I have plans to ask about this matter at a later time."

She said.

I responded with an awkward smile, agreeing to explain. "It will be better if you change your attire first."

With a slight raise of her eyebrows and the subtle lifting of her cheek, she cast a skeptical gaze upon me, her countenance betraying a myriad of uncertainties.

"...I'll explain while we're walking..."

I succumbed to the situation and accepted defeat.

I cannot deny the fact that I was genuinely filled with joy.

However, I am filled with apprehension as I realize that I must bid her farewell, as it is imperative that I prioritize her well-being and security above all else.

I am determined to avoid making the same mistake for the third time, as this will mark the end of any further occurrences.