The new movie

Today is a big day or so my father says and that because we are going to cinema today. yes, i know it's exiting, apparently we are going to watch this new movie called Star Wars or something.

Dad said it's about space and i love space, i want to be an astronaut when i grow up. maybe that why we are going to watch space movie.

Anyway as we got to cinema, dad went to buy us popcorn then someone came to me and started talking to me.

"Hi little fella, what are you doing here alone aren't you scared?" asked some guy i don't know, now i know i am not suppose to talk with strangers, but i don't want to be rude.

"Hello mister, i am here to watch a space movie and my dad will come back soon with a popcorn and no I'm not scared." i answered a little scared. were is dad?

"I see you are brave boy. are you going to watch Star Wars, but aren't you to young to watch that?" men asked me as he looked curious.

"No i am 10 years old already, i can watch anything now and yes dad said we will watch Star Wars." i said.

Who is this man, of course i am old enough. i will soon be starting my judo training.

"Ok little man, i believe you. oh look i think your dad is coming." said the man while pointing to my father walking to us.

He looked a little tired. Wearing familiar blue jeans and his old black shirt, he even had a little bit of beard growing, which wasn't there when mom was with us. as soon as i think of mom i become, a bit sad, and hang my head a bit low.

"Thomas what's wrong, who are you talking to." as dad came near us he frowned and said softly, then he looked at the stranger.

"Who are you?" asked dad while he stood between me and the man.

"Hello mister..." said the man.

"my name is Ivan, Ivan Volkov."said dad.

" Yes mister Ivan, i was just concerned and talking to you son since he was alone. You have a very good son he is very kind and brave." said the man politely.

"Yes thank you very much. Now Thomas lets go movie is about to start." dad said and we began walking to our sits.

"Thomas what did i say about talking to strangers?" my dad asked calmly.

"You said not to talk to any stranger, if you weren't there." i answer feeling a little bad.

"Exactly, and what were you doing now?" he asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"But mom said not to be rude to anyone." i answered once again filling sad.

My dad stopped, exhaled and looked at me, seeing that i was sad, he said.

"I know son, it's hard for me to, not seeing mom makes me sad to, and i know she was right, you must not be rude but not talking to a stranger, is not rude, it's just being safe. Remember if there is a stranger it's..." said Ivan.

"It's danger, i am sorry dad. i won't do it again." i answered, feeling guilty.

As we sat down he said. while he was smiling and patting my shoulder.

"It's ok, i know you are a good kid. Now lets watch this movie, ok?"

As the light went off and people started to quiet down, it finally started the movie that changed my life.

Indeed, this was a big day for me ,because this is what made me want to become a Jedi , guardian of the peace, justice and order.