First day of Judo

Me and dad just got home from movies. Our house was not much, just your standard home in central Queens. The condition of the house was not so good, things use to be clean but ... they aren't anymore. Some things need fixing and some, need changing all together. But it is my house were me, dad and mom live... mom use to live.. "sigh".

As we got to the living room dad turned on the TV and started watching news, it was about some sort of unexplained disaster, i really don't know.

I was about to go to bathroom when dad, stopped me and asked.

"So son how did you like the movie, was it good?"he asked.

"Yes, it was good and it was amazing, i liked cool lazer guns they were like "pew pew" and space ships too. And my favorite part was when luke blew up the giant ship, it was so cool." i replied all happy and smiling. it was really really cool.

"Haha of course you like guns and explosions." said he while rolling his eyes.

"But son, wasn't the lightsaber cooler than that?" dad asked one again.

"It was also ok i guess." i answered one again, but so enthusiastically.

My dad seemed a bit disappointed in that answer and he started to talk about old days and he said something about back in his old day, too be honest i didn't listen to anything much after that.

After he was done talking he said.

"All right, Thomas it's late, go to bed now, you have school tomorrow and then we are going to that dojo you want."

"Ok dad i am going, but i have to brush my teeth first." i said as i was going upstairs to my room.

"Ah yes, don't forget to brush your teeth or they will go bad" said dad while secretly thinking to him self 'A should probably brush mine too'

"Dad i was already going to do that." i said and thought to my self 'i don't need reminding i am old already. and he probably forgot it himself.'

I did my preparations and went to bed.

It was already day and i could feel sun shining through the curtains, hitting my eye, if that wasn't enough to wake me up the dad shout definitely was.

"Thomas wake up or you will be late for bus." dad shouted at my room.

"I know you are lying to me dad "sigh" you don't have to do that." i said back at him.

"What?" he shouted back.

"sigh" "Nothing i am getting up" i also shouted back.

"Ok" he said loudly.

I get up take a quick shower and get ready for school. you know it was hard learning to shower alone.

As i get down breakfast is waiting for me there i put down my bag and start eating.

"You are not forgetting anything are you? Oh and how is the breakfast i tried something different today." said dad he seemed nervous somehow.

"It's good, but what did you do. Is it the weird egg. And i am not forgetting anything." i answered.

"Yes, it's the egg, it's called a poached egg, how is it tasty right." he seemed talking about the egg.

"I don't know, it's fine?" i answered not wanting to say that i didn't like it.

"What do you mean it's fine, it's delicious." dad seemed bit upset when he said that, cooking wasn't really his strong point.

i finished my meal like that and now i am waiting for the bus which got here soon.

I am in my class now waiting for the teacher to come.

"So Thomas, i heard you are going to do wrestling, but why, i heard it's very painful."

said one of my class mates Bobby.

Bobby is a good kid and he likes music so any sport is hard and painful to him. But he is my only friend in this school, ya i don't have much friends, it's just that they all like football or basketball and others sport, while a like math, space and things like that, so there really isn't much we can talk about.

"Well if i want to be an astronaut i have to have two things smart brain and a strong body. So as i already have a good grades, i want to have a strong body now, to do that i must train and judo is a good sport that can help me it's also very close to my home." i said to him.

"Aren't we to young for you to say that your grades are good, Don't we have to study like 8 more years. And it's still going to be painful." said Bobby. as you can see he has good head on his shoulder.

"Well yes, but i am not stupid i can study and i will study if that can help me became an astronaut then i will do it. And little bit of pain cannot stop me, i am very brave." i told him with serious face.

"Ok ok lets go miss Green is coming." Bobby said. And indeed our English teacher came in the class.

Classes went as usual nothing interesting happened, i was hanging out with Bobby in between classes. That's how my school day has ended.

As i got home and changed my clothes, note was already there saying that food was in the fridge, so i got my dinner and ate it, after that i started doing my homework, so when dad gets home from work, he can check them for mistakes. By the time i was done doing all my homework dad already came back home.

"Hi dad, how was your work?" i asked.

"It wasn't that bad, how was your school and did you do your homework as usual." he said with a small smile on his face.

"My school was ok and yes i finished my assignment."i answered.

"let me see i will check it, so are you ready for todays visit to dojo?" he started to check my homework and asked me.

"Yes i am excited to go and start my training." i answered.

"good, let me get ready and we will go in half an hour."dad said.

i was sitting by the TV watching something as dad came and said.

"Ok lets go."

And so we went and now we are standing in front of a door, where other children and there parents are waiting, for it to open.

And door did open after some time from it came out asian looking middle aged man, he looked really strong.

"Hello everyone, my name is Sora Hanma, you can call me Sora sensei."Sora sensei said he was full of smiles and his voice was full of joy.

Every one greeted Sora sensei and had some talk to find out every thing they wanted to know, that included my dad of course.

And so came the time for dad to live and for me to star training.

"So how are you, Thomas are you nervous?"

asked my dad.

"What, why would i be nervous i stay home alone i am not afraid you can live." i answered somewhat nervously, i was trying to pretend i was not nervous but, i think he noticed.

"Aha yes how can my son be nervous, haha come here boy." he said happily and grabbed me in a hud.

"Son it's ok to be nervous and scared, i also get nervous when i don't see you and i am scared every time you get on that bus, but we must remember what being bravemeans do you remember what mom used to say?" he said with a voice that was full of nervous and love at the same time.

"Yes.. she said that, people are not brave when they are doing something they don't fear, they are brave when thery are doing something that they fear." i said, feelings sad and happy at the same time, sad because i can't hear mom say that anymore and happy become i remembered her saying this to me.

"Yes, and are you being brave now or not."dad asked me with a soft yet strong voice.

"I am brave." i answered and this answers made me somehow fell better, like i could always win nomatter what.

"That was very good mister Ivan, i am veryimpressed not many parents do can that." said Sora sensei he looked at dad like hi was proud of something.

"thank you, but i am afraid all this is because of my wife."dad said with a better smile.

"I see i would like to meet miss Volkov someday." Sora sensei said genuinely wanting to meet the mother that taught her son so well.

My dad juat shook his head with a sad face, you could almost see tears coming from his eyes.

"I understand, i am sorry for your." Sora sensei said sadly.

"It's ok. i will be going now, Thomas be good ok."dad sain and got ready to leave.

"Ok dad bay." i sain waiving my hand at him.

"Let's go Thomas we have much too learn." said Sora sensei.

this was one of the best things that has happened to me, because Sora sensei was not just judo teacher for me he became my mentor.