Temujin walked to the officer who gulped and his eyes widened seeing him. "God killer sir! W-what are you doing here?" He raised a brow and the officer nodded. "Screams were heard and we came to investigate but there is a charm around the building and-" He simply walked through lighting scorching parts of his uniform.
Since the workhouse replaced the Orphanage to keep children, this place has no use and the decay was easy to see.
Temujin stomped, the floorboards cracked and snapped, he wanted to let his possible opponent know he was there. The smell with a single note that didn't match the rest of the decay, the moldy food that the cockroaches were eating. He also smelled the termites who were munching on the wood beams. He took note of that, mostly telling himself not to go near the second floor. It smelled oddly humid like a rainstorm after a hot day, yet muddy like a swamp, with a hint of rotten eggs.
Then he started hearing footsteps other than his own and once he had a sense of where the other person was he called his Scavengers tool. he raised his right hand toward the person, parts of the room ignited and embers flew toward his hand, it was if the weapon was burned to ash and now time-reversed so we saw it reform into the revolver he held now, his shadow during this process looked like a humanoid being made out of tendrils.
He pulled the trigger after the bullet pierced the wall, his eyes widened when he heard the crying and now slowly walked toward the door to the room where the crying originated, he opened the door to the kitchen, the sound was muffled but still comprehensible as crying, he jumped on a counter. The smell from earlier had been overshadowed by the rotten flesh.
He saw the crying girl whose clothes were rags. He stepped down from the counter and walked toward the crying child who was hugging her legs crying. "You have to leave." He kneeled to the young child and she suddenly hugged him, he patted the girl's back trying to calm her down, and then a sudden smell of rotten eggs came to push and then kick the fake human to the doorless fridge.
The girl stood up, its body starting to grow and the skin of this being taken on a fabric-like texture before ripping apart revealing the vines that were its real form of the nightmare mouth opened ripping giving a horrific grin and its eyes had no color but still could see the hatred radiating from them as multiple spiked vines rush toward Temujin who grabbed a baking tray to block the spikes before his head was impaled by the monster.
He grabbed a knife and threw it into nightmares' head before running out of the room. The beast followed grinning as Temujin was standing behind a wall. "You thought that a knife could pierce through my wooden skull?!" It sounded offended by the idea.
Temujin smirked. "No, I wanted to feed you to the termites." He called his gun forth and said "Nobel." Before pulling the trigger and once the bullet hit the explosion broke the beam in two, causing the second floor to fall into the nightmare, it was pinned by the rubble only its head was not crushed.
It growled at the Man. Temujin pointed his gun at the Nightmare's head. The monster's eyes took on a childlike innocence once more, its mouth repaired and the nightmare's head turned to a child and looked at him pleading not to be killed, but Temujin's eyes were empty. There was no forgiveness or mercy, his red eyes only burned with rage.
He still needed an answer. "Where are the children?" It cried trying to play the innocent but Temujin pushed the barrel into the nightmare's head burning the fabric-like skin.
It spoke, still looking at him with the disguise now tearing up. "Please don't put me into the ground." Temujin chuckled. "What?" It was confused by the Humans sudden chuckling.
He decided to explain before giving it a bullet. "You're a nightmare as such you're true human grief and suffering, so you can't lie. Instead, you need to play with your answers. So "into the ground" is something a child would say facing death, but you're not a child." He started walking away toward the started pressing his hand into the wall to a hidden door.
He walked down the stairs, each step causing said stairs to creak, he looked at the two bodies, the floor covered in blood.
He pushed the first body to see her arms covered in runes. The second one was still breathing, he carried her out of the basement and looked at the Nightmare, sharing the same face as the girl. "Mercy."
He raised his hand again, parts of the room burned and the revolver formed. " I don't have mercy to spare." He pulled the trigger and the pull pierced the Nightmare's skull. "Nero" It burned from inside, no sound came as smoke filled its lungs, suffocating.
Temujin walked past the officers, but one man stopped him. "Sir! She has to be returned to the workhouse." Temujin showed him the revolver and the man in the suit stepped back in fear.
Temujin looked at the workhouse. "How much many of those children are indebted?"
The owner of the workhouse stepped forward. "That girl owes us four hundred—"
Temujin interrupted. "No, how many children are indebted?" The man took out a book note.
"400,000 combined all together." Temujin got out a checkbook and wrote the amount and gave it to the owner. "How can you afford this?!" He demanded because he wouldn't be able to fulfill the orders.
Temujin's gun disappeared. "I'm a god killer, and I'm bringing her to her parent's."
"The brat's an orphan." The owner of the workhouse was angry that his business was ruined.
Temujin looked at the girl saddened at the notion and there he decided. "She will be my apprentice. What's her name?" The girls' eyes opened and she spoke.
"Rest you won't go to the workhouse." She closed her eyes and Temujin carried the girl into a carriage once the doors close eyes on the front opened and moss grew from the sides forming arms and it walked onto the streets.