His gone! Or is he?

Frank on the other hand had ked a team to Mr Galvin's restaurant. They

went straight into the office only to be met by a man

that Frank had never seen.

"Who are you?" Frank

asked."Am Mr. Thomas Lamar am the new manager of

this restaurant, who however are you?" "we are officers

of the law sir. We are looking for Mr Galvin. Do you

know where he is?" "Yes he departed for Switzerland

yesterday." "OK sir." The team returned to the police

station empty handed.

Frank reiterated everything to

Edward who had in his hand a new file from the registries. Edward

showed no emotion as Frank told him what happened.

He seemed to be deep in thought. Frank noticed

Edwards rather indifferent disposition and asked what

was the matter. "Go and arrest the man you found in

Mr Galvin's office." "but sir," " just go, now!".

Frank returned to the restaurant only to find it deserted.

Frank returned once again empty handed. He iterated

the findings to Edward who immediately called for a meeting with the chief. The manager of Brighton bank

was in attendance as well as a representative from the

swiss police was on phone listening.