Everything exposed

"Gentlemen, we have just been beaten." Edward says with grave sadness on his face. "Mr. Chris Galvin organized the murder of or beloved Brian Cyrus and framed it on Zimo. He also organised the murder of Tarmac and Elizabeth, Tom's coworkers and framed it

on Tom. He went as far as making it seem like a random terrorist attack. He has for the past three months been running a money laundering scheme

through Brighton bank. And saddest of all, he has been doing this all right under our noses." Everyone in the room seemed shocked at the accusations Edward was throwing at the man.

"How are you so sure Edward

those are some strong accusations." Interrupted the chief. "I expected you to be shocked, I must say that I also wondered how he did it at first. But it was all made abundantly clear I'm the past few hours. Here is a case file for the murder of a doctor Patrick Simon, his details etc." Edward said as he waved the document in the air.

"He went missing from Switzerland nearly four months ago, just a week before the strange account activity is said to have

began at Brighton bank. Coincidence? I strongly doubt." "How does that make anything clear Edward?" The chief interrupts again. "Dr Patrick is a plastic surgeon. Mr Galvin forced him to make a man look exactly like the bank manager of Brighton bank. This phony made sure that no one took notice of the strange activity until so

long after it began. I checked this by sending a note to the imposter bank manager and as expected he fled for

dear life, only to be captured by the swiss police who have managed to prove that he was not the real bank

manager, after following my instructions, but an imposter who had undergone plastic surgery. Em I right chief Williams?" He asked. "Indeed

you are detective Edward you were hundred percent right." The answer can from chief Williams through

the phone.

"When his unscrupulous activities were discovered by three prudent employees, those being Tom and his cortège, this phony informed his boss who ordered the Doctor to create a look

alike of Tom, this look alike then went on to kill the two other contemporaries of Tom and then kill

everyone in sight so as a means of trying to confuse the enemy. I saw right through it from the scares on the side of the face in the video which did not spear on Tom's physical face. The three had already informed detective Brian of there findings and he needed to be

removed from the picture before he unwrapped the whole thing. So the perfect person to frame. Zimo a

person who had the reason to kill him. But zimo was

under observation so to get him out of site his friend James sold him out and took him to a place he wouldn't be seen. James was paid a good sum for his work which was delivered to him in a swiss crafted box. The box looked completely alienated from the rest of the house so it wasn't hard to tell it did not belong to him. The newly furnished house was more proof that he received money for something. I couldn't arrest him for that however so I played a mind game on him and as usual the guilty revealed himself. I hinted that I was on

to him and that I would return to arrest him and as expected he fled to Switzerland where our fellow

custodians of the law welcomed him as per my request." "Indeed we did detective indeed we did." "Our contemporaries are working on getting a confession out of the two men in there custody now. Now that the leak had been plugged it was time to carry on with business, but then another problem. Two hobos who spent the greater mass of their time on a corner pitched directly opposite to the disembarkment

killed. Coincidence? I didn't think so. pOn the day of my

arrival I noticed a relatively poor looking man carrying

a very expensive suit case of swiss origin. This man held on to the suit case in his hands rather than placing

it on the luggage as per normal procedure. Of course on that day that seemed so insignificant, how wrong I was. That meant that something important was in that case. What is the best way to launder money into a bank that you run. The illegal money couldn't be deposited in Switzerland because the bank would have grown suspicious. So the money was brought here to deposit into a bank that was under Galvin's control. Then sent through its money laundering processes and finally piping up in Mr Galvin's account in Switzerland. I asked the swiss bank to audit Mr. Galvin's account and the findings proved this theory was possible. So the money was coming through the train station. These two hobos must have observes something suspicious over time and told someone they shouldn't have. That's why they had to be eliminated." "Incredible Edward, we have to catch him

we have all the proof we need." Happily iterated the chief. "we will never find

him. His changed his face probably changed his passport and everything. We can try but I a sure you we will be wasting our time. He had the doctor change his face before he killed him." "Can you prove that?" "no but Frank can," "what?" Frank curiously replan inGalvin's office have scars on the back of his "actually yes, I never noticed it before but yah

he did have scars, and they looked rather fresh." "That

proves it." "the surgery isn't completely perfect, it leaves scars like the ones we saw in the video and the

ones on the phony bank manager. Mr. Galvan's face is

not his own."

"so that's it we can't do anything to track him down?" "we can do a lot of things but am afraid the result will

prove to be futile. Mr Galvin is a cunning man of

-mmense intelligence I strongly believe he planned his

escape without leaving a trace, of course as per normal procedure we need to open a case to try and find him."

Now the meeting was over. Frank with the assistance of Edward prepared all the necessary reports and prepared all the evidence they acquired as well as the

confessions yet to be acquired from the culprits in Swiss police custody. It seemed like the case had been

solved. Edward however, was the only one without a smile.

Edward was not satisfied it would seem. He still looked to be deep in thought as though looking for the

last price of the puzzle. The chief let himself Into the office Edward and Frank were in. "Everything going

well I presume." The chief said. Frank nodded at the

chief and looked at Edward. Only now did Frank

notice the discontent on Edwards face. "Everything

alright detective." The chief said looking at Edward man in Mr

Galvin's office have scars on the back of his

neck?" "actually yes, I never noticed it before but yah he did have scars, and they looked rather fresh.","that

proves it.","the surgery isn't completely perfect, it leaves scars like the ones we saw in the video and the

ones on the phony bank manager. Mr. Galvan's face is

not his own."

"So that's it we can't do anything to track him down?" "We can do a lot of things but am afraid the result will

prove to be futile. Mr Galvin is a cunning man of immense intelligence I strongly believe he planned his escape without leaving a trace, of course as per normal

procedure we need to open a case to try and find him."

Now the meeting was over. Frank with the assistance

of Edward prepared all the necessary reports and

prepared all the evidence they acquired as well as the

confessions yet to be acquired from the culprits in

Swiss police custody. It seemed like the case had been

solved. Edward however, was the only one without a


Edward was not satisfied it would seem. He still

looked to be deep in thought as though looking for the

last price of the puzzle. The chief let himself Into the

office Edward and Frank were in.

"Everything going well I presume." The chief said. Frank nodded at the chief and looked at Edward. Only now did Frank

notice the discontent on Edwards face. "Everything alright detective." The chief said looking at Edward worriedly.