
The Kingdom of Crescentia can be barely called a kingdom before. It is home to a secluded and a little nomadic group of people, with many divisions and other tribes. They just all collectively agree on the encompassing power of the Crimson Wolf. 

The Crimson Wolf is not regarded in the same way the Holy Dragon Lord is a 'god', per say. Not a god that people will always worship, devote themselves to, and follow a set of commands made by said god. It is not a ruler, but rather a powerful companion.

A wandering spirit that does not abide by any rules, not even its own. Both ferocious and reserved. That was what the Crimson Wolf is.

He helped many Crescentian heroes in myths, yet also contributed to their suffering. Especially in the case of the Reborn Hero, Rouge. It is through Rouge that reincarnation began, and people may endlessly suffer in their lives, or endlessly experience bliss and happiness.