
Ilvedia is one of the most progressive kingdoms 800 years ago. Even at the present, it is still more developed in terms of discipline and governance. One word can only describe it: Regal.

Prestige is in every corner, and it is the prestige that this kingdom had strived to uphold the most. They would only strive for the best, or at least, keep pretenses of attaining it. 

Thus, one could also describe Ilvedia with another word: Superficial.

The glamor is important not only to the nobles, but to the average people of the society. Milkmaids sell their wares to wear pretty clothes and gems to decorate their bodies with. The fairer you are in appearance, no matter the sex, the more chances you can get in living a good Ilveidan life. Your face is your most important asset. Besides being the Regal Blue Kingdom, it is also referred to as the 'Land of Infinite Beauties'.

Being born ugly in the Land of Infinite Beauties is a shame indeed.