
The King and Queen of Ilvedia at that time were nice people. Not good, not bad... but nice.

They are certainly not as horrible as King Casserome. They are known as people who love luxury and lavishness, but are not power-hungry enough to be tyrannical in achieving it. They give to charity, and the Queen even sings whenever they do it, touring the Kingdom every year to hand out goods and benefits. This has been called Blessing Day.

Blessing Day is a series of continuous festivals aimed to 'celebrate the poor and needy'. Churches open up to give free food to the sick and homeless. The nobles are obliged to give one-tenth of their possessions and earnings for that year to sponsoring scholars that are from the lower sectors of society, or to give land to farmers to plow and harvest. The merchants are told to lower the prices of their goods up to half of the original price.