Maelle and Xendros

The stranger with the most beautiful purple eyes stared at him with not much of a care or interest, and yet...

That gaze seems to be penetrating not his soul, but the very fragment of the universe that makes up his existence.

There is something metaphysical about that gaze.

The eyes where those purple orbs of strong, powerful nebulousness are in were deep-set, and laden with thick lashes curled at the tips. The eyebrows that arched over it were thick and yet sharp, shaped perfectly to give an appearance that is a little hawkish yet also robin-like. In other words, those eyes were intimidating, yet also endearing, and gives a sense of strange calm. 

Not the refreshing calm of the sea. But the calm of nothingness, of the night. 

He was aware of the genetic make-up of Ilvedians. To them, he looks strange and alien, for he has light-colored hair and light-colored eyes. Bu this beautiful man by the door...