Sympathy (Part 1)

Faestien had learned several things about Xendros upon staying close to his side. 

One is that he does not like sleeping by the side. He sleeps like a corpse, completely straight, no pillows either. He doesn't use any blanket even during the cold of the night.

Two, he bathes at the break of dawn, never later than that. He sleeps exactly at the fourth hour of the night, after dusk. He prays before and after eating, sleeping, and traveling outside the inn.

Third, he does not haggle, even when Maelle encourages him so. He pays for the exact price the peddler asks of him, nothing more and nothing less. He gives away tenth of his food to the nearest homeless or beggar he sees. If he can't find one, he asks around for any citizen that would need helps and have nothing to eat for that day.

"But Brother Xendros, if you haggle, you'll pay less. And if you pay less, you'll get more money to give out to the poor." Maelle countered. "Haggling is benevolent."