Sympathy (Part 2)

Maelle bears no sympathy towards people who trick others. If he ever heard the tale of Shai Du, he would not have the same reaction as Xendros did.

He would have said that ending was the best one he ever heard, except for the part where the King Bonmarte had to grieve for the trickster demon all his life. Why? Why would he do that?

Why would he love a liar?

The person he loved is Wysteria, not Shai Du. The person he presented, the carefully crafted persona. A character portrayed by an actor, a fictional person. It is not real. Therefore, the love is not real.

It is not that he can claim to be an honest man himself. No, he is not 'pure' or 'benevolent' like the standards Ilvedian priests must uphold. What he upholds is neutrality, of being a benign but also secretive, incomprehensible force, like the Crimson Wolf. He may act cheeky, but never maliciously trick others.

He never presents himself falsely... Unlike a certain Prince.