Empathy (Part 3)

The three children lived in harmony inside the island. The first few days were rough, as they were still getting to know each other just like children that met for the first time in a shared playground. Asking each other's names, where they live, each other's families and backgrounds and favorite toys to play with.....

"I'm from Ilvedia." Faestien said. "I'm the prince."

"I'm from Ilvedia too." Xendros' purple eyes sparkled. "I'm just from the orphanage from a church, I don't remember the name. I don't remember who the prince is either, or the king and queen for that matter."

"I'm from Crescentia." Maelle said. "That's all. I'm just a normal kid."

The little prince tilted his head to the side. "Well, it's nice to meet you all. Let's shake hands, since I was taught that's the formal way to meet with someone new."

"Really? In our kingdom, we just nod at each other." The white-haired Crescentian boy said, confused on how he would 'shake' his hand.