Chapter 2: Oscar Hunter and first love.

          (In the letter that the man read she wrote about her first love as she acknowledge so much about him but she then threw it away but it seems that the man picked it up and is misinterpreting it)

"Ehr" I said with my mouth wide opened

"Shssh you could get a fly in your mouth,close it up"

I then subconciously did as he said then he smirk again 

"Wait you are not a Korean I thought you were but you are completely England"

Yeah it broke my heart right in time that I thought I could give him a pleasant welcoming and he could then sign my photograph,wait no this isn't the point ,I said so as I wanted to grab the letter but he continued to take it far away from me I was now angry

"Give it back please it's mine "

He thnmen looked closely at me but this time he drew even more closer than before and then withdrawed back

"Now that I look at you I really don't know you socan you explain this"

He said as he raised the paper up and then I looked at him indifferently

"What? That you deliberately stole my paper and now you don't want to let Go Mmmm ...i guess I can explain it all you want"

He then dropped the letter and then slapped his palm between his forehead In Disappointment

"No ,about you falling in love at first sight I don't know you so....."

Fa...Falling in love what is he saying oh I guess the letter explained it

I said so vulnerable to myself  trying to think of the perfect excuse to make and get myself out,I wasn't really the type of person who loves making big deals out of things as I was thinking I suddenly heard the most beautiful poem in my life it was then ,that I realized that I was not so bad at it I just made myself hate what I wrote i stood still as I heard his word

"(He says the poem about how much she loved her first love)"

I gasp by how amazing her voice was

"Your nationality"



"Much more older than you"

"First name(British:uses first name surname while America uses last name)

"Hunter...…Hunter Oscar"

I then stood up as I dust my gown and said in confident

"Brian oscar"

He then looked closely at me and said


I then got my jacket and wore it and my small purse which only carried my phone and some makeup kits and stood closely at him preparing to leave.

"You can have it, after all its just junk"

I then passed by him and headed toward the door when I was stopped on hearing his voice

"Are you just going to give up, you seemed to be really devoted when you started writing it,is it all going to be futile"

I then stood and grabbed my clothes tight squeezing them together and then I realeased the cloth and said back at him 

"I wasn't really serious about it, its not like anyone would want to listen to my crazy love story"

I said as I Smiled at him and left without turning back to see his expression or what he was doing I just hurriedly ran out.

             Yes this is just who I am, the lame girl who runs before entering the race I have never believed in long term goal I am always giving up before I try but there is one thing in me that seems so perfect that is love but yet it feels imperfect to love someone who has always being the one running away from you, to love someone who cause you so much pain but yet still keep falling in love,the word "LOVE" has always fascinated me right from the beginning, what it meant to love, how to love but then it was then superficial ,as I was saying this walking so sluggishly I heard a pull by my hand and I turned (just like the scenes from k drama when the girl will slowly turn back in three perspective) as I turned I looked at him as he was gasping for breath, it looked as though he had chased after me right from the church as he kept his barn in between his knee hurriedly gasping And he then looked at me gasping as he stood up the sweat from his hair splash towards my face as he said to me

" Show me...   Show me your crazy love"

I then held on tight to my purse as I was shocked as he kept gasping and then smiled


(And open road were cars were passing, it seems unusually crowded today especially being in the local native of star hills , I was walking along side with Oscar , it felt so strange and each time I looked at him I couldn't just stop remembering what had happened

(Flash back)

"Show me ...…Show me your crazy love"

(I wished he never said that, now I can't have a normal conversation with him)

"It's so hot in the country, its strange cause winter will be next month and its already freezing"

(He said so as he was opening and closing his shirt to reduce the heat at that moment, but I just simply ignored him at the very least and turned away but then I got lost that moment when I saw little kids playing with each other there seemed to be an orphanage in the country side,I then stopped and Starred at them and he then stopped and looked at me but I pretended I didn't see him doing that and kept on looking at the children play he then asked

       "Do you like kids"

(Well its normal as I can say to be asked something like that well since I am even looking at them)

      "Do you need to like them before you look at them"

I said to him but he ignored my question and we kept on moving as he followed me to every corner that I was going to, I kept on moving until we reached the city and I turned to the left path and he continued following me

      " Seriously are you really going to keep doing that"

I said as I starred at him up front it seems as though I totally forgot everything that happened today at the front of the church

       "What just going my own way but it happened like we were actually going to the same place"

He said as he smiled then I looked at him in a more serious face

       "Location....what location do you reside in"

I said with my hand folded

       "Location.....location…..hmm mm… zone yeah i reside in star zone"

I then unfolded my arms and looked at him

        " zone as been longed abandoned"


         "About ten to fifteen years now, well that's what I heard but I also heard that it used to be a war zone and many blood had been shed on that place, it was formally called war zone because no one comes out of their alive"

I then moved quietly to its hear and said to him

       "I heard that some bad people killed a lot o residence and turned the country upside down"

He then redrawed back and looked at me, but something was different the face was in a more serious note as he said to me

       "Tell me do you resent them you think they are bad people like history have recorded it"

        " why are you suddenly talking like that, did someone hurt you"

I said as I laughed to my unfunny joke but he still looked up so serious

        "No I don't think so, there isn't really anything like a good and bad person to me , you maybe good to others and be an evil person to another

Afterall you can't eat your cake and have it 

The people who killed so many lives must have done it to protect others.

She stood upwright as she said it to me I felt like hugging her, I felt like leaning on her but I knew that I couldn't just do it as I stood up like a baby been lectured by the mother and I gasped and said

          "I don't know where to go, I don't have a place to stay ,no one knows me here and I know no one"

          " what….then how do you know the star zone"

He then looked at me in such a sad and pitiful voice

      " Because I thought it was still there then maybe I could live there

       "Hsssh.... Damn it you are so strange which normal person would live in a place like that and what about me ,am not from around here also and I know no one in this world, I was adopted by an orphanage in beryhills but look at me am still living life

He then moved close to me and said to me

      "Back then you looked at the kids in the church is that why you looked at them is it because you were also from the church"

She looked at me but this time in fear and looked away as she shifted from my side 

        "I think I have heard enough I will be going" 

She then went away but I chased after her and grabbed her hand as she slowly faced towards me and i said

       " let me live with you and I will help you write a perfect love letter"

Then she quickly released her hand from mine and said to me cold heartless

       "Are you a stalker"



       "Then what's your deal with me huh"

She looked at me so frustrated and angry and I began scratching my head, that wasn't even scratching me to begin with 

     "Um I....hmm"

     "Woah don't tell me are you crushing on me, did you purposely meet me at the church , Is it because you are crushing on me, am sorry but you are not my type."

I told him so openly even though I knew that it wasn't the case but all he did was stare at me and he kept starring then I thought that he must have been mentally ill maybe that's why after all

                 At Cana house

It was a small tight building it had a sitting room and kitchen and a single room, she was lucky to get that type of apartment as a high school student even most college student couldn't get something like that easily and to top it , she got the roof top as part of her pay, she works at a hair salon before as an apprentice she was really lucky to see job as w part time apprentice and she also did laundry for people to enable her pay for utilities fees

            At the entrance of the house which was a sky scrapper at the sixth floor which was at roof cana removed her shoe and came in with Oscar but all can a could do was to move around deep in thought and she then approached Oscar and told him to follow her and then they reached to the roof top which was pretty cold as breeze blew and her long black hair reacted

        "We have to do something about your homelessness huh I barely can't even fend for myself or what do you think the neighbours would say , shhhh is this even proper"

       "What is not proper"

       "Damn ssh, someone like you suddenly living with a highschool student people will take it in a  wrong way and what if they ask"

I was actually expecting an answer from me but all he did was come closer to me and said

       "Tell them am your long distance uncle"

        "Huh who are you to say that you….."

I wasn't even done with my statement when he mentioned another one and kept saying

      "Tell them your older Cousin who lives abroad...…your really really older long distance brother...…your Father"

The more he kept saying it the more I became unconditionally angry at him

        "Huh father ?who the you think you are, to think so highly of yourself and suddenly becoming my father ???? you son of a...…"

I was about to say the complete word with my hand held forward to punch his face, well I wasn't really going to do it m, just to trick him when he grabbed my hands and said to me

         "I may not be worthy of being a father to you but I can say that I am more older than you are"

I continued to struggle to let my hand be released but he didn't and I replied as he held my hands tight 

       "What year "


         "Huh 9….9..5…..95"

He then released my hand and smirked a little while I was still in shock

         "96, 97, 98, 99... "

 I said so counting my hands to see how old he was forgetting about how the hand hurts

          "Woah 26.. …you are twenty six years , wait I  turned 18, 12  weeks ago so you are older by eight years wow…."

  He just looked at me with his hand folded with pride and was smiling

           " wait...does that mean you are out of college"

          "Hmm not actually I...."

           "No you really should have been through with college except if you dropped out or never attended it"

           "Well I ....."

           "No what am I saying you really looked like someone who finished college what was your major was it as a stalker...….no you are twenty six so you should be thinking about other things"

             "Well an not really used to getting things worked up on my head so i....."

She then raised her hand up in a way of telling me to stop and then looked at me so curious

              "Seeing your age ....are you seeing someone...…..woah don't tell me, are you married , did you get in a fight with your wife and decide to run away or did you commit any evil crime and now…I am harboring evil"

She didn't even give me a breathing space i wonder what her head is thinking of, I then looked up and saw her looking straight at me it seemed like she wanted an answer to her numerous questions but how I don't even know where to begin from….no that's not it, I have already forgotten what she said.

          I was thinking of what to say when a heavy breeze blew and it didn't stop for awhile and it was now extremely cold she then turned back headed inside and I waited outside still confused with the question but I was shocked with what I heard her say

         "What you waiting for, come inside its freezing out here"

I looked at her in a surprise and my heart ached a bit as I entered it. I know you must be thinking what is so special with what she said but I lived my whole life answering question I never escaped any questions so I just thought it was going to be like this

       "Sssh you are finally in I thought you weren't going to enter ,damn….."

She said so as she climbed up and brought a blanket and mat and a fan and laid it on the floor

       "Here you go sleep….. ….."


        "Seriously if you are not going to appreciate little things then how would you see big things huh….. There is only a single bedroom and it would be stupid of me letting you in considering who you maybe."

I then looked at her as she was already changed into a night dress 

         " why.. .  I thought you refused to let me stay but why are you suddenly allowing me"

        "Huh I don't know I guess cause am a human , no matter how much I claim to hate you, I can't just let you stay outside all by yourself considering the fact that you have no place to go especially how cold it is at is a blanket, mat and electric heater fan to keep you warm this is the least I can do ...(yawns) Good night....Grandpa.

She then climbed up and smiled and went I knew she said it to tease me but I was shocked , this is the first time anyone ever cared for me this much and she call this nothing I really want to know who exactly she is.

I said so as I suddenly became speechless and laid the mat and wrapped myself up with the blanket and turned on the fan and slept.AT A COLD SCARY NiGHT

(The telephone rang and a young boy of about 6 years ran to pick the phone and he immediately called on his sister and she came and she looked like she was older, around 9 years of age.

Then the boy gave his sister the phone and she answered )


         "Please is this an adult on the line can we speak to an adult"

          "Hmm why do you have mama and papa phone"

          "Well...there was an air crash and it seems like the owner of this phone got involved in it, they are currently at the state hospital, they can't be attended to until we are sure they have sign the necessary documents...can you get there"


         "Thank you"

She dropped the phone and tears ran through the girl face just on a single eyes and the small boy was worried and asked what happened but she just hugged him and smiled.

It was dark and everywhere was  scary it was so dark to see what was happening it looked like she was at a funeral it was dark she saw herself been slapped by her relative, she hears her brother cry she. ....

        Cana suddenly woke up with tears rolling down her face and she immediately grabbed a mirror and looked at herself and wiped the tears and held her face 

         "Its just a dream"

She got up and stretched her body and went to the bathroom and got toothpaste and brushed and kept it in her mouth and climbed the step down looking so tired with her hair so messed up  it was almost as if she forgot that she brought a total stranger home. She got to the kitchen and poured the spit from her mouth and Kept on brushing and then on the kettle to boil water and got a tea bag and waited for the water to boil  and she then got away from the kitchen and was scratching her back when she saw someone in front of her with his head bowed

         "Good morning, how was your night"

The spit in her mouth poured down and she looked at him with shock

      "Huh why are you here, who let you in, what are you...…(she then suddenly had a flashback of last night) oh sorry I...…

Before she could complete her word she looked at how messed up she was and how messed up her hair was and how she spat on her body she then immediately ran inside in disgrace forgetting about her water (cana may seem like a normal girl but she can be very much like a woman sometimes)

         She stayed in the room for about 30 minutes using 20 minutes to grieve and 10 minutes to get dressed as she stepped out , she wore a trouser and sweater with her hair packed up and left he then stopped her and said wait as she was about to reach to the door

        "You forgot your tea"

She then looked at it and rejected it

        "No I don't want it anymore , am too embarrassed, I will be heading out now don't expect to meet me until night , I don't cook so what I have in the fridge are all canned food or junk food you should learn to eat it if you want to survive when I get home we would talk about how you can get an apartment bye"


         "Huh don't think I would allow you to stay all because of this"

            "Its fine you can go, no need to worry and I am also used to eating canned food where I live so it won't hurt to take it again"

He then smiled at me and I left but I first of all paused and kept looking at him , I don't know why but I felt touched by what he said and I had to listen to music to get it off my mind as I headed to the library to return my borrowed books.

          I got home past eight it was so not the time that I expected to arrive and met Oscar on the floor writing and he saw me and smiled and I angrily went inside and came back and gave him a pack

       "What's it"

       "Food, I decided to buy for you but don't feel happy , I just happen to have enough cash with me, I don't know what you like so I bought western food and spicy chicken and some beef sprinkle "

She said and ran away but all I did was smile as I opened the food and looked at how spicy it was, and smiled 

A few hours later she came out dressed in her night cloth and I thanked her for the food and she said to me

           "How do you plan on leaving have you figured out something"

I then looked at her and said so openly to her

           "I haven't figured out anything and I don't think I am going to do so"

          "Huh...…is this a joke tell me that it is, what is wrong with you ,do you think you can just continue logging in , I am calling the police.

I then held my phone scrolling down to get the neighborhood police number when he said to me.    

         "I don't plan on leaving until I fulfill my promise and help you write all those letters, then I can finally leave".

I stayed mute and it was just like the scene in k drama as my heart race started beating faster.