Chapter VII

Chroma looked at the old lady and started to smile. The old lady looked at the stalls and began to signal to come over. The streets quickly began to feel with grandmas and grandpas soon, and the stall owners surrounded Chroma. The grandma, who looked as if she had led the charge, started giggling and patting Chroma. The other grandmas began to copy the lead grandma until a grandpa spoke up. " Alright, don't tire Chroma out. We have to put him to work today. He has not come over here in a month due to work but now that he's here, let us be sure that he goes home tired.

Chroma laughed and looked at his uncle. let's get to work." Chroma started to help repair simple things.

The problem this old market was going through was maintenance. The old couples couldn't repair things by themselves. It was too much risk of getting hurt, and companies would overcharge the old market and try to take advantage of them not fixing things for themselves.

Chroma stumbled across the market years ago and started to help, and when the market could not pay the money, he would accept food. The market owners began to build a fondness for Chroma and often waited for him to come by.


Chroma finished fixing the hole in the roof of one of the market stalls then climbed down the ladder to see a grandma waiting for him with lemonade. The grandma started to talk to Chroma, wearing a concerned expression. " Chroma, be sure to take breaks. I know you're trying to help your family and us, but you work jobs and still make time to come here and repair our market stalls. I feel like you don't have time to be a kid; your only eighteen.

Chroma looked down at the grandma and smiled. " Grandma, don't worry, you sound like my dad always concerned I won't have more than one job soon, and I came into some extra money recently.

Chroma started to ruffle his hair around; he began to get embarrassed by the genuine concern he could see on the grandma's face Chroma grabbed the glass of lemonade, tilted his head up, and downed the lemonade when empty, he gave the glass back. " Grandma, with lemonade this good, you don't have to worry about me being a kid; this is the cure for aging."

The grandma burst into laugher and patted Chroma on the back. "You're a good kid. I wish I had a grandson like you." Chroma smiled with the maintenance work finishing up and him excepting the food the market was offering. Chroma was preparing to leave when stopped by one of the grandpas who run a fish stall. " Chroma, take this," Chroma handed a paper bag with a uniform. Chroma suddenly remembered him saying he would help the grandpa with serving in a restaurant. The grandpa looked at Chroma and smirked." you didn't forget, did you, kiddo? It would be a shame if I had to find a replacement. Chroma panicked." Of course, I didn't forget ill be there.

The gathered grandmas and grandpas laughed at Chroma, and Chroma went from panic to starting to laugh, also. Chroma's uncle looked at Chroma was happy to see him having fun. Once the laugher had subsided, it was time to get home before it got dark. Chroma and his uncle waved goodbye while walking toward the direction they came from to get back to the train station. The grandmas and grandpas waved back until Chroma and his uncle was out of sight.


Chroma and his uncle started to run when they saw how dark it was getting to avoid missing the last train. Running so fast, Chroma could see all the lights in the city just going by him. When he arrived at the train station and boarded the train with his uncle, he thought back to all the lights; he knew he wasn't looking forward to walking through the slums with no street lights.

Chroma walking home with his uncle after un boarding the train. The streets were dark, and you could even see some homeless walking around. This is why Chromas's uncle was so quickly able to get a discount on the house. The bank wanted to get rid of it to any sucker who wanted it. Chroma and uncle arrived at the doorstep of their home, seeing the lights were turned off by his family, thinking they maybe sleep.

Chroma waited for his uncle to finish unlocking the door and followed in after his uncle. Once inside, Chroma walked toward the kitchen to set the food on the counter, but once he reached the living room, lights flashed on, and confetti sprayed toward Chroma.