Chapter VIII

The words surprised flew out after the confetti Chroma looked and saw his family, then looked toward his uncle and saw his uncle shrugging his shoulders, showing that he knew the hold time. Chroma's mom ran over, giving him a big hug. " we are homeowners now; you can slow down on your jobs and play the new game you got."

Chroma laughed and looked down at his mom. " mom? new game, what are you talking about ." Chromas dad looked at him with a look that was screaming, be happy. Chroma took the looked and started to smile and hugged his mother back. " Of course, mom, I'm going to have a lot of fun playing this game.

Chroma's confused at what his mom talked about, but he played along; his uncle was also confused at what was going on, but chromas, mom, soon broke the silence." Chroma, you never acted like a kid before, so I'm happy that you finally went out and bought something for games, and they delivered it straight to your room to there were very nice about it how much did it cost."

Chroma remembered what had happened today and knew that his mom was talking about the game pod and why his dad gave him that look because Chroma planned on selling it. Still, he couldn't do that anymore cause his mom was happy for him." mom, I got it for labor; I just had to do some work I didn't even have to pay."

Chroma's mom's face lit up with happiness, then she walked over to the kitchen table and started to cut the cake they had bought for the party for officially owning the house. The party went on to everyone were falling asleep Chroma's mom went to sleep after his baby sister and aunt, but Chroma's dad looked at Chroma and his uncle and said, we need to talk. Chroma's dad headed upstairs toward Chroma's room Chroma's uncle and Chroma followed.


Chromas dad's face went from a smiling and happy father to a serious father once he reached Chromas room and closed the door to quiet down the noise that would be let out from them having a conversation. Chroma, how did you get this, and don't try to bullshit me? "I know how much it's worth. I saw it on the news that there sold out."

Chroma quickly explained and didn't leave out a single detail. Chromas's dad punched his uncle on the head. " You had my son fighting trained boxers. Are you out of his mind?" Chromas's uncle quickly started talking to get him out of the situation. Joe, your son is gifted like you. I knew that he could easily beat some third-rate boxer if you would have seen him; he made him pee himself; your son is a genius when it comes to fighting."

Chromas dad smiled at the compliment; he was happy that his son took after him but still upset, so he hit Chromas uncle again. " Will if you ever have my son do something that dangerous again, I will kill you." Chroma's uncle nodded, knowing how serious Chroma's dad could get. " Now Chroma, my son, I know what you were thinking, but you can't sell the game pod anymore; your first mistake was letting your mother see it, and also you will be responsible for playing it, that's all." Chroma's dad stood to leave, but Chroma stopped him. "dad these things are worth a lot of money if we sell it."

But Chromas dad cut him off. " no, because I also want to see you be a kid; you helped us with food and money for this place. I already messed up as a father, but I see this as fate. I will be able to see you have fun like a normal kid now." Chroma's dad left the room and closed the door; on his way out, he sat behind the door with a smile on his face before going to his bedroom; it was only Chroma and his uncle left in the room.


Chroma started talking to his uncle in a nervous tone." Uncle, we have to convince dad and mom to let me sell the gamepod; it could change our lives even more. Chromas uncle started shaking his head no." no, Chroma, cause I want to see you play games too and I'm not changing my mind. Chroma took a deep sigh and looked at his uncle; he knew once three of the elders in his household made a decision, it was no turning back for the verdict.

Chromas uncle saw the unhappiness on Chromas face, so he thought of a way to cheer him up." Chroma, I hear pro players make millions from playing this game, but if you want to sell it, I guess I can help convince your dad."

Chromas's uncle knew that Chromas's biggest goal in life was to see his family in luxury, so once he started to walk toward the door, he knew he would be stopped and just like clockwork. "Wait, uncle, you said millions; you can't be serious. It's just a game, right." Chromas uncle smiled then turned his face back to a serious one before turning around." Chroma im serious I saw it on the news with your dad; he must have missed the rest. The game currency is slowly starting to catch up to real money. One game currency can sell for one real dollar soon." it looked as Chromas eyes had turned into dollar signs once he heard the news from his uncle." Alright, uncle, how does one become a pro player.