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Chromas's eyes looked red once he looked at his uncle and got serious." I asked, how do you become a pro player? " Chroma, you have to become a ranker, and to become a ranker, you have to level up." Chromas uncle thought to himself, I knew that boy all his life, but when his eyes turn red like that, it still creeps me out.

Chroma stood up and walked toward the game pod, and he pressed the button to open it; he felt the cool air from the fans come out of it. Chromas's uncle's face looked shocked. " Chroma, are you going to play right now." Chroma looked at his uncle and got a smile that made him look like he skipped being a hero and became a villain. Chroma got inside the game pod it started to talk;" hello, I am a ai called Origin.


My job is to assist so the player can have the most fun with little hassle. Would you please follow these steps?" it showed pictures of how to hook up all the equipment in order Chroma followed the steps until Origin started to talk again." Hello once again, player. The information I'm going to tell you is essential so listen up, ok. Once you put on the helmet, it will begin the process to create your character in a new world, so please stay calm."

Chroma's uncle looked at Chroma; hearing what Origin had said, he wore a severe expression. " Chroma, you go in there, and you do something Crazy it's the only way you can catch up with the people who started earlier than you." Chroma nodded at the words, then put on the helmet and laid back like the instructions were showing.

The game pod closed, and Chroma saw his uncle before his consciousness slipped away.


When Chroma woke up, he was in a dark room, but torches started to turn on and light the room. The first thing he saw was gold hair girl with eyes that looked like lightning strikes wearing a black and yellow sailor suit.

" Hello, you heard my voice, but you haven't seen me until now. It's nice to meet you formally. My name is Origin. Origin bowed in front of Chroma before talking again. " Now, can I ask you what's the name you go by?" Chroma looked, and an empty box appeared before him with the question on the right saying, what's your name?