Five man commander 6

Once Gordon was dressed, Chroma reached out to shake his hand." My name is Chroma. Since we will be roommates from now on, it's a pleasure to meet you." Gordon is a man with short brown hair, a gut, brown eyes, and stocky arms who stood one inch taller than Chroma." Hi, my name is Gordon, and I'm just a common soldier; and I don't have the same status as you, but I promise to treat you as a real friend."

Chroma thought about the response from Gordon and could see the sincerity and what he was saying. Chroma thought to himself; they will be good friends. "I promise I will treat you as a real friend, but what do you mean by status? Gordon looked at Chroma with an expression of shock." Chromas, your name, right? Well, Chroma, you just had the captain of the elite guard walk you to the barracks, Luke the cannibal."

Luke a half-elf that didn't get the ears, but he got the green hair. Still, his eyes took after his father the count a cold blue Luke used a black notched sword laced with poison he enjoys butchering his enemies.

One time my senior soldier said he had seen him stab into an enemy general and rip out his organs to eat them while the general was still alive.


Chroma looked with a shocked expression." Wait, if he's the son of a count, why is he in the sapphire kingdom with the duke." Gordon looked and got closer to Chroma so others wouldn't hear him talking about a captain; he had an expression like someone was always listening." They say that he's a battle junky and wanted a chance to be closer to war since we the Monster empire are not at peace with the neighboring empire, the Cinder empire."

Gordon explained to Chroma that the Cinder empire was so close they would often have disputes over land due to everything that came with owning more land like mines, fertile soil, and dungeons to collect monster materials.

Chroma took in the information he had received from Gordon and thought to himself that he would be able to get stronger a lot faster if there were constant fighting at the border of the sapphire kingdom.


Gordon looked at Chroma." I think it's about time we head to bed; we have training early in the morning, and it won't be good to go in tired." Chroma watch Gordon crawl into his bed to getting ready to sleep, so Chroma went into his bed on the other side of the room.

Chroma waited for Gordon to go to sleep before logging off; when he logged off, one day and a half had gone by in the game, so he thought he had missed work Chroma was getting ready to call in and make an excuse of why he missed.

[Name: Chroma

Age: 18 Gender: Male

Class: Fighter

Title: Monster disciple

Level: 21

Str: 30 Vit:30

Dex:30 Int: 30

Unallocated stat points: 100

Skills: Rapid jab, Power punch, Unarmed combat]