Five man commander 7

Chroma had checked the time after leaving the game pod, but only 12 hours had gone by, but even that was enough time to make him feel exhausted mentally. Chroma walked to his bed to lay down when he realized he still had time before work.

Chroma was woken up later by his mom." Chroma, I know you're tired, but you already skipped breakfast, and I don't want you to miss lunch too, so you have to wake up now." Chroma jumped up at his mom's voice because when she said lunch, he knew for sure this time he had missed work." Mom, why didn't you wake me up for work wait? Where my alarm?"

Chroma's mom looked at Chroma." Chroma, I told your job that you quit. I already called in for you, and I stopped your alarm for you because you were sleeping through it anyway." Chroma's mom left the room Chroma thought to himself, wait, she told my job I quit. Chroma tried to jump up to chase after his mom to talk more, but his legs were asleep, so he fell to the floor and hit his head, acquiring a bump on his head in real life.


Chroma ran to the kitchen but only saw his mother waiting for him. Everyone else had already eaten, went to work, or fell back to sleep." mom, why did you tell my job that I quit? We still need the money even though we finished paying off the house." Chromas's mom looked at him with a stern face.

Chroma completely stopped talking and straightened his back. Chroma, your uncle told me that you would become a pro player at this game, and how are you to do that while working? I don't know much about games, but I know they acquire a lot of focus and time to get at the level you want to be at now, eat and make me proud."

Chroma didn't dare argue with his mother again. The only thing he could think was he wish his dad would have hit his uncle again. Chroma started to eat like his mother had said once his mom saw him eating, she left the kitchen and went into the living room to play with Chroma's sister.


After eating, Chroma returned to the gamepod, thinking it was time to start since I don't have to work anymore. Chroma got into the game pod doing the necessary steps to get started, but he didn't hear Origins voice this time.

Chroma thought he already had too much riding on this game in such a short amount of time. He thought he had a good start, but now the effort Chroma put in would have to be twice as much because now even his mom believes he can do it.

[Name: Chroma

Age: 18 Gender: Male

Class: Fighter

Title: Monster disciple

Level: 21

Str: 30 Vit:30

Dex:30 Int: 30

Unallocated stat points: 100

Skills: Rapid jab, Power punch, Unarmed combat]