Five man commander 18

Chroma was in the camp waiting for his arm to heal even after his eyesight had recovered once the blindness effect wore off. Chroma looked at Mirabel." I want to borrow your help, miss Mirabel." Mirabel looked at Chroma with a shocked expression due to his sudden politeness." What could a brat like you need help with so bad they there willing to be so polite." Chroma pulled out a map. It was the treasure map he had acquired from completing the quest.

Mirabel was scanning through the map, and Chroma was nervous because he knew he wouldn't be able to go through the dungeon by himself and get the treasure. Even though Chroma was the one with the map now, it didn't mean that the players he had killed didn't have a copy of the map; that would mean he couldn't wait to get stronger and come back; he had to use borrowed power. After a long pause of conversation, Mirabel finally looked up from the map and looked at Chroma." I think I will help you not because I want to do you any favors but because I would instead us get it then the Cinders empire."

Chroma jumped to his feet like a kid that couldn't hide his excitement. The soldiers looked at Chroma and laughed. Chroma started to feel embarrassed about the situation but thought that today would be a day worth remembering his first treasure hunt.

After Chroma's arm had healed from waiting around, the treasure hunt began, but Chroma realized how tedious Treasure hunting is compared to his thoughts. Mirabel was leading the charge and completely crushing the monsters, and the soldiers would be able to get free flank attacks with Mirabel being an invincible shield." Mirabel, why are you so strong you made the treasure hunt downright dull." Mirabel paused and turned to Chroma." Well, if you like, you could lead the way, and I won't help you." Chroma looked at Mirabel and shook his head no Mirabel laughed and kept leading the way to they arrived at a dead end."

Chroma looked at the wall." what's going on? How did we reach a did end? Did we follow the map, right?" Mirabel looked at Chroma." I followed the map down to the last step; it leads us here, meaning it could be a fake or missing something, but we are going to rest here for now since we will only have to watch one way." Chroma looked around, and although the journey was easy. The soldiers were still exhausted from the previous fighting and then killing the monsters to get to the dead-end.

Chroma once again thought Mirabel was a capable leader as he was helping to set up camp. Once Chroma and the soldiers finished setting up the rest area, It didn't take long for everyone to start falling asleep. Eventually, after talking to Gordon, Gordon went to sleep. Then there were two people awake Mirabel, who was keeping watch, and Chroma.


"Hey Mirabel, if you want to sleep, I can keep watch." Chroma noticed that Mirabel was the leader and the person first in line for fighting, so he wanted to allow her to rest. Mirabel looked at Chroma and snickered." Boy, how are you supposed to protect the camp while everyone else is sleeping? What if the Cinder Kingdom came and you were too late to wake me up? People would die in their sleep." Chroma couldn't argue against Mirabel's reasoning, but he thought it couldn't be healthy and started to worry a bit.

Mirabel could see the worry on Chromas's face." How about this brat? When you become even more competent, you can keep watch, but why don't we keep a lookout together for now." Chroma looked at Mirabel and laughed. Chroma thought shes terrible at comforting people must have given up social skills for strength. The time flew by, with Chroma asking questions and Mirabel answering. Hours later, the soldiers started to wake up, so everyone started to pack to get ready to move, but Chroma stopped them; he had thought of something.


"Ok, everyone, now hear me out; we should all get started on touching the cave walls; it could be like a trap door like in movies." Gordon spoke up at Chromas comment." What is a movie? Chroma looked at Gordon." It's the way that immortals call plays at a theater." Gordon and the soldiers clasped their hands together like that had learned something new, but then one of the soldiers spoke." How do you know there's a trap door?" Chroma looked at the soldier." I don't know for sure its something I saw in a play once, and if we followed the map perfectly, couldn't there be a chance?"

Mirabel looked at Chroma." You are not wrong, but we could waste time, and we don't exactly know how long it would take for the Cinder empire's reinforcements to come to the dungeon and trap us in. There were immortals in that troop we took out, meaning even though they died, they will eventually come back, and if news spreads to their higher-ups."

Chroma knew what Mirabel meant even without her finishing; the higher-ups would send more and stronger troops at a chance to take out a leader like Mirabel, especially because she is with a small squadron." Maybe we should leave, then I don't want to risk everyone's life over the treasure that's not even guaranteed." Mirabel looked at Chroma and shook her head.

"Chroma, I'm not saying that we have to leave right now. I'm just saying if we spend time doing this, we won't have time to look through the dungeon. Either way, it's a gamble ill leave the decision to you either look for a trap door or goes back and see if we missed something." Chroma paused because the pressure was on him. Chroma, with the last decision to make even though it may not feel paramount to Mirabel to Chroma; it was huge he either gets the treasure with his decision, or he does not and wastes everyone's time.

[Name: Chroma

Age: 18 Gender: Male

Class: Fighter

Title: Monster disciple

Level: 26

Str: 35 Vit:35

Dex:150 Int: 35

Unallocated stat points: 10

Status: Memory loss,

Skill: Muscle sensor, Death sensor, Unarmed Combat, Throw skill, Close call Evasion]