Five man commander 19

Chroma sat in deep thought before he made his decision." Mirabel ima trust my choice on this one because it's going to be that much more fun if I'm right." Mirable started to smile at Chromas's answer." Alright, you heard him lets get started; don't slack. All the soldiers and Chroma began to feel around the cave walls looking for a secret entrance at Mirabel's order. It took even longer because moss had grown on the walls, so everyone had to continue to look in different areas while removing the moss from the cave walls. Chroma was finally removing moss from a wall when he saw a symbol on the wall. The Symbol looked like a human skeleton Chroma put his hand on the wall while trying to remove the moss Chroma pressed a panel on the door.

The door opened, and Chroma tripped inside the entrance, but there was no floor after the entry. Chroma just started free-falling down while Chroma was falling; he began to shout." Mirabel." Mirabel heard Chromas shout and ran toward the door, and when she looked down, she saw nothing but pitch darkness. Mirabel looked in the direction of her soldiers." We have to move quickly. Let's find another way down. Gordon was the following person to react as he looked down the black hole and thought, I hope the kids ok.

Chromas's body hit a body of water that was inside the dungeon and made a colossal cannonball. Chroma swam up the surface of the water and looked around and the pitch back; he could only see one light, so he decided to swim toward

After swimming for a while, Chroma finally reached the edge of the ground. Once Chroma got out of the water, Chroma began lying on his back and looked at his health bar; it was more than half gone from falling into the water Chroma thought to himself he would have been dead if what had met him was solid ground and not water.

Chroma then walked toward the light, and what he saw was a box, and the light was a torch on the side of it. Chroma thought to himself; this one singular box cant be the treasure, could it. Chroma didn't take long thinking about it as he opened the box; it didn't require a key. Inside was a bottle with a clear liquid inside and a piece of paper Chroma picked up the piece of paper and started to read it.

I leave it up to you to decide what you want to do with it, but I must warn you before taking this, leave the bottle open for about a week because if not, it will be much too potent—Goodluck owner.

After Chroma read the letter, he looked at the elixir and thought it was some joke; it looked like water, not something magical. Chroma thought, Why would someone need to leave water in an open bottle before drinking it? Chroma opened the bottle and smelled it, but it was odorless, so he decided to drink it since it would be better than drinking out of the water; he just got done swimming. The clear liquid that went down Chroma's throat soon went into his stomach; then, he started to feel like something was moving around inside his body. A system message soon popped up.

[System message]: Player, to get the full effects of this elixir, we will have to turn your pain setting up to 80%. Will you allow it]

Chroma saw his hp go back to full; then he thought to himself what full effects a bar appeared in front of him; it showed that his pain setting was only on 20%.

Chroma thought back and remembered his training or the first time that he fought Gale then it made sense to him the only thing that didn't feel realistic was the pain cause if some of the things that happened to him in the game happened to him in real life he would scream out in pain.


Chroma started to think differently; why would the game change the pain setting for something healing me? Could the pain I'm supposed to be going through be negated because you can only feel it on a particular setting. The next thing Chroma thought to himself was what could be the full effects what could it do for him that it had to up the pain dial by a total of 60% for him to get the chance.

Chroma looked at the allow button." You will never know what will happen without action." Once Chroma pressed the button, his vision went from standing to floor level. Chroma started to feel excruciating pain, and it began with his hands.

The skin started to remove itself from his hands, and the blood that was hitting the floor was rapidly evaporating, with the skin that hit the floor began to wither away.

Next was his arms. The exact process repeated itself, but the bones started to snap and reconnect before falling. Chroma was already screaming out and in pain, but nothing would come out due to the elixir's effects. It was melting his body, and as soon as it melted or snapped, it would just heal all over again. Once it got to Chroma's, face the skin on his face peeled to where you could see a skull, then his head cracked, and half of his brain hit the floor Chroma lost all thought into the half of his brain regrew then was the next half.

Mirabel and the soldiers finally got to the treasure room and saw Chromas's body.

It was like a skeleton that would regrow its skin but then quickly shed it all off again, or his organs would burst, turning into evaporating blood then regrowing. This process had happened hundreds of times." Chroma, what the hell is going on." Mirabel shouted out, looking at what was happening. The soldiers in the troop, a few of them, started to puke. The others averted their eyes.


Mirabel couldn't understand what was going on, but she concluded." We have to kill him; if he dies, he will revive. He's an immortal, but whatever he's going through right now, I'm sure death would be better." The soldiers Gordon and Alisa all shook their heads in agreement.

Mirabel reached inside Chromas's chest and grabbed his heart. It was the only organ she saw that didn't explode while watching, and she started to squeeze until it busted, but Chroma didn't dissipate into a blue light; it took seconds, and his heart regrew, then the pain started up all over again. Mirabel started to shout." Everyone back up since something regular won't work ill do something crazy too." Alisa grabbed Mirabel." You cant. I'm sure I know what you're thinking, but you will lose your life force if you do this. it's not the same as using up your mana."

Mirabel looked at Alisa." I'm not worried about something as small as a time limit to live when it comes to something like this; one of my soldiers is going through hell. The least I can do is free him now; step back; it's an order." Alisa couldn't disobey a direct order from Mirabel, so she stepped back.

Mirabel's eyes started to light up; it looked like electricity was flowing through them. Mirabel looked at Chroma; then she felt a hand on her leg. Chroma's face that would become a skull, then back to his regular face, was looking at her with tears that were evaporating flowing down." Oh, shut up, brat; you can pay me back later."

Chromas's body began to be surrounded by electricity that was coming out of Mirabel's eyes. Chroma's body slowly started to disintegrate. Chroma began to disappear from everyone's sight until there was nothing left, but then a hand began to form on the floor where Chroma disappeared.

Mirabel picked up the forming hand and started to shout." What the hell is going on? Does this mean his body is going to form again?" Mirabel looked back at the soldiers, and Alisa gasped at the sight; she looked at Mirabel's hair, and her bangs had turned white." Mirabel, we need to get back to the sapphire kingdom before we worry about a regrowing hand. The color of your hair is fading from you using your ability."

The other soldiers didn't know what was going on, but they awaited orders. Mirabel sighed before putting the hand in one of the traveling bags and taking it off the soldier." I'll carry this bag considering the fact he could regrow, and I might need to try and use my ability again, but for now, we will go back to the sapphire kingdom." The soldiers quickly listened to the order and started to move back to the way they came in.

Mirabel rushed the trip going back to the sapphire kingdom. Mirabel slaughtered her way through the dungeon cave and the forest they came through to get to the sapphire kingdom. Once arriving at the sapphire kingdom, Mirabel burst into the castle looking for her father, but he was not there, so she started to talk to the soldiers guarding the Gales castle." Where is my father? Don't waste my time right now."

The soldiers quickly started to shake in fear." Young miss the Duke was sent a request to speak to the king he should be back once he finishes required business." Mirabel thought to herself, what does that damn king want now? Before going to her room, once she closed the door, she used to form a hand that was now an entire arm.

Mirabel took off her armor and set down her weapon, then thought she would have to wait and see what happens before going to sleep. Mirabel had ordered the soldiers and Alisa not to speak about what happened in the dungeon, so only a small group knew that Chroma was nothing but an arm.

So when the soldiers at the barracks asked Gordon where Chroma had gone, he had no choice but to say on a mission. Chroma game pod was open in the real world, and Chroma was lying on the floor of his room. Chroma got logged out after being hit with Mirabel's magic, giving him a three-day death timer.

Chroma woke up the next day experiencing trauma from the pain his mom was standing over him putting a towel on his head; he had a high fever." Chroma, what happened to you? I found you passed out with a fever." Chroma looked at his mom and started to cry; he wanted to hug his mom, but his body wouldn't move, so he only had tears running down his face while looking at her." Don't cry, my son. It's going to be ok."

Chroma's mom started to feed him porridge. Once Chroma had gotten done eating, she began to sing to him, putting him to sleep. Chroma was over his cold days later, so he decided to walk over to his game pod and log back in, but once he touched the game pod, he started to shake Chroma could only think to himself, what if the pain began again what would he do. Chroma tried to think about something else, but then he started to recall his soldier friends, Gordon, His teacher Duke Gale, and Mirabel; the last face he saw Mirabel, the one who had put him out of his misery.

Chroma made a fist and got into the game pod, completing the necessary steps to log in, and like usual, his consciences faded. Chroma expected to respawn in the middle of the sapphire kingdom, but he was wrong; he had respawned next to a sleeping Mirabel; Chroma's hand had regrown into a complete body. Mirabel was holding his hand, and Chroma tried to pull his hand back, but he didn't have the strength to get loose.

[Name: Chroma

Age: 18 Gender: Male

Class: ????

Title: Monster disciple ??????? ?? ????

Level: 1

Str: ???? Vit:????

Dex:???? Int: ?????

Unallocated stat points: 0

Status: Memory loss,

Skill: Muscle sensor, Death sensor, ??????????? Combat, Throw skill, Close call Evasion ???? ?????]