Five man commander End

Mirabel woke up from Chromas movement." Your finally awake, you brat. I had to sit here and watch over you to make sure your body didn't start being weird again, and the first thing you try to do is leave, not even a thank you, huh." Chroma looked at Mirabel, then looked down to try to avoid making eye contact." Thank you, Mirabel, for what you did for me. I promise I won't forget it." After speaking, Chroma looked up and saw Mirabel's white bangs; he could hear when Alisa tried to warn Mirabel about using her life force. Chroma knew what she had done for her; he reached his hand out and started to mess with her white bangs.

Mirabel lay there silent for a while, but as time passed and Chroma just kept running his hands through the white parts of her hair, Mirabel finally grabbed Chroma's hand." How long did you plan on doing that for it here? And it's not going away, but I think it's pretty cool, so why are you worried about it." Chroma looked again." I promise ill never forget it." Mirabel could see the frustration on Chromas's face. Mirabel laughed." I'll hold you too that I wonder how I should make you repay me hmm?"

Chroma sat there in silence, waiting for Mirabel to think of a way he could repay her, but then Mirabel suddenly sat up." I won't think of a way I'm going to do the truly evil thing. I'm not going to give you an objective. You're going to have to think of a way to repay me. Mirabel got out of the bed and left the room, closing the door on her way out. Chroma was still in the bed, bawling up his fist then un bawling it. Once Chroma sat up and got out of the bed, his body felt light.


Chroma's next thought was to see the Duke. Once Chroma made it to the throne room, the Duke was sitting on the throne waiting for him." Master, how did you know I would come here looking for you?" Duke Gale looked at Chroma." If I didn't know what my disciple thought, I wouldn't be a perfect teacher, now would i. Chroma, I don't hold you responsible Mirabel told me what you were going through, so don't bother apologizing, but if you still seek to apologize to me for what happened to my daughter, become reliable and relieve her of some of her burdens."

Chroma looked at his master and bowed his head." Yes, master." Chroma was ashamed for doing something so rash that he made someone sacrifice their life force to save him; he thought about what could happen next time. The Duke appeared in front of Chroma, putting his hand on Chroma's shoulder." I still have to reward you for your training, don't I? and you even went out and slaughtered some Cinder empire soldiers; if not for the last mishap, everything would have been perfect."

[Quest Clear: Training with the Duke

Rewards: 100000 gold coins]

Chroma was shocked by the reward." I don't deserve this much I even made your daughter lose her life force because of my rash decision. Why are you giving me so much." Gale looked at Chroma." I'm prosperous this amount I won't even think about later, and you've done a lot more than what you believe. Sure you made a mistake, but it wasn't like you tried to, so stop whining and take your reward. I can't let my disciple be poor. now I have to solve essential matters, so be off you will have some free time on your hands."

Chroma watched the Duke leave the throne room and saw the pile of gold on the floor. Chroma started to cry again as tears began to run down his face Chroma bowed again and again, thanking the Duke before taking the money.


Chromas's next objective was trading the money in. Chroma knew that he would need some capital, so he decided to go to the auction house and only auction half of it to other players to see what would happen. Chroma logged out after putting the gold in the auction, expecting to get 50,000, but he was wrong.

Chroma forgets that rich players play the game to use their characters for advertising their businesses; if he had exchanged the gold commonly, he would have gotten 50k us dollars. But auctioning it off will bring him much more profit because every rich player wanted a large amount of in-game currency. So they could buy various items from merchants and improve their Characters to be the best in the new world.


Somewhere in a lab, scientists were discussing what was going on." Brother one, what's going on? The system said a large amount of money is getting put in the auction house, 50k gold coins."

"Sister two, I don't know what's going on, and it cant be a glitch. The supercomputer does not make mistakes but who put the money up for auction.

" Hello, it's brother three here to answer the question. His player ID is Chroma. He's Duke Gales disciple; it also says here that he's the first player to acquire a legendary class. He must have got the money from his master." Everyone in the room paused once they heard what Brother three said. Brother three reread the report to be sure that he read it right. A player acquiring a legendary class this early on should have been impossible.

Brother one broke the silence." quickly, go wake up. Brother four, we need him. Brother three promptly ran out of the lab to get Brother four. Sister two got nervous." Do we know where he's from, at least?" Brother one looked at sister two." You know the system won't allow us to pry into private matters about players, and the system will only get us slight in-game data."

Brother three rushed into the lab with Brother four. Brother four looked at Brother one and Sister two." A player got a legendary class this early into the game." Brother one shook his head, yes, and Brother four started to panic." Brother four were going to need you to try to retrieve data on how he got his legendary class ." Brother four got on a keyboard and started to type away, but the supercomputer was not giving away the information; it took a total of 21 hours for brother four to get the info on Chromas legendary class.

Brother one patted Brother four on the back." Brother four, this is why we need a super hacker like you, but quickly pull up the clip and show us what happened." The clip showed Chroma in the cave and what had happened to him. Brother three threw up, and Brother one paused the video before getting to the end." Brother four, are you sure this is the video that shows how he got his legendary class? It's like a horror film."

Sister two looked at Brother one." I have to agree. I knew that the class quest for legendary classes was painful, but this is just insane; this is pretty much akin to torture." Brother four looked at them both." We have to finish the video to find the information that we need; let's not waste any more time than we need to, and Brother three, be sure to clean up that puke."

The video finished playing through then Brother one quickly knew why Chroma has a legendary class." The player Chroma took an immortal grade elixir at max potency so it could heal him from anything but the upset would be what we just witnessed. Still, when hit with the destruction blessing ability that Mirabel has, it wiped his body, but then his body rebuilt itself with the rest of the elixir creating a new body with destruction mana in it."

Brother four quickly spoke up." So you're telling me this kid already switched his mana to destruction and rebuilt his body to be even stronger? Did he plan this from the beginning? Is he a super genius?"

Sister two looked at them both." calm down, you too, explain in a way that everyone can understand so we can put our heads together." Brother one turned toward her." There was no legendary class quest this time around; he created his legendary class by taking the immortal grade elixir and being hit with destruction magic. Even with just the Immortal grade elixir, he would have been able to get unique. Still, the destruction mana he had injected into his body by Mirabel gave his class the qualification of legendary." Everyone in the room paused.

[Name: Chroma

Age: 18 Gender: Male

Class: Legendary Fighter

Title: Monster disciple, Thief of lore

Level: 1

Str: 60 Vit:80

Dex:60 Int: 30

Unallocated stat points: 0

Status: Memory loss,

Skill: Muscle sensor, Death sensor, Destructive Combat, Throw skill, Close call Evasion, Rune Body]