Ep: 1 The Misfortune Ends.

Yu Ri went to buy groceries from the store.

Shopkeeper: What do want ma'am?

Gi Yu Ri : Can I get some fresh milk and also eggs.

Shopkeeper: Okay.

The shopkeeper packed her things.

Shopkeeper: Here. (she gave her the bag)

Yu Ri: How much do I owe you?

Shopkeeper: 70 rs.

Yu Ri: Here , Thank you.

Then she went. on her way home . Those girls who usually bullies her ran into her.

First girl (su jin): Hey , what a coincidence.

Yu Ri: What are you up to?

Su Jin: How do you dare talking back to me.

Yu Ri: I didn't I just asked?

Su jin took her grocery back and threw away.

But this time she didn't won. Yu Ri fought back . And she punched her face.

Su Jin: Ah!

Yu Ri: This pain is not more than the pain u gave me.

Su jin tried to punch her back . But Yu Ri hold her back . She scramed her hand.

Su Jin : Ahh that hurts .

Than yuri let her hand go of.

Yu Ri: Bye, I'll be no more leaving here. You can't torture me anymore. 😎

She went her way without taking the grocery bag.

After reaching home.....

That cruel lady her step mom said: what made you take so long. And where are the things.

Yu Ri: You know what. I'm sorry , to be a burdensome. I'm no more living with you.

Cruel Lady: wait, what?

Yu Ri: Yes . I'm packing my bags ryt now.

Cruel lady: You cannot move without my permission.

Yu Ri: I'm not your caretaker. Or a toy u play.

She went to her room and packed her bags . And came out again.

Cruel lady: Remember I won't let you come back. If you once leave.

Yu Ri: That wouldn't be necessary. And here's the money. Thanks for letting me live.

She was about to go. But the lady stopped her again.

Cruel lady: Wait think again. It's the last offer.

Yu Ri scoffs . And went out .

(You might be confused where did that money came from. She joined a boxing club secretly where she does a part a part time job to serve at cafe at the same time she learned self defence. After working three years in that cafe . She was overall saving all those money for the chance which she waited for. So this is the newborn attitude came to her)

While she was walking on the way, she was about to cross the road when she walked suddenly a fast running motorcycle crashed over her.

See you in the next episode stay tuned.