But they both where saved. Then it started to rain suddenly. Yu Ri got up and went to check.
With a trembling face she said: I hope everything's fine , she opened his helmet. Than she saw the guy, he was Yooha. He was in a severe condition.
Yu Ri by covering her mouth: Is he death!!
No I'm overthinking. Nothing would happen to him .
Yooha got wounded on his elbow and his leg was inside the tyre.
Yu Ri: Excuse me, are you okay.
It was raining heavily.
Yu Ri stared him for a long time.
Yu Ri thinks in her mind "How can a living person be this handsome 🌼".
Yooha opened his eyes suddenly and said: I know I'm handsome. But don't stare me like that or else you'd fall for me.
Yuri: Huh! You're alive .
Yooha: What do you think ?
Yu Ri: Perhaps if you turned out to be a ghost.
Yooha: chhhhsss.
Than they saw a van coming towards them.
Yu Ri: oh! there's a van coming towards us. Excuse me... (she waved at the van.)
Then they both went . After reaching the hospital, they went to the dressing of the wound. Yu Ri was wounded on her forehead. The nurse rubbed her forehead. She was rubbing it harshly. Yooha saw that.
Yooha: Don't press it hard. (Yuri looked at him) Girls are soft.
Yu Ri was disappointed hearing that.
Yu Ri said to the nurse: Never mind, let me do it by myself. You can treat him.
The nurse started treating Yooha's leg . She suddenly twisted his leg.
Yooha suddenly held Yu Ri's hand.
Yooha: Ah!
Yu Ri pushed his hand away.
Yooha looked down with a face of embarassment.
Yu Ri : okay, I'll get going now. I have to search for a home. I don't want to waste my time.
Yooha: What do you mean in search for a home?
Yu Ri: I left my house.
Yooha scoffs : Hmm. Trying to stand on your feet.(in a silent tone.)
Yu Ri : Yes, does that bothers you. That's your problem. Anyways , I'll be late. Bye , and I paid the hospital fees because that was my cause. Hope we never meet again.
She went away and was searching for an apartment. After a lot of hard-work finally she finds one. It's was more than good enough and then she started the begin a new life she even got her school transferred. Now she'll be going to Choong Ang High School Korea. And the next day begin .
At the new school.....
A lot of hustle and bustle among the students in the playground and the group of friends laughing . All seems to me new to her, this was really the end of her misfortune.
Some group of boys we're playing basketball. She looked at it and smile . Suddenly the ball hit her face.
Yu Ri: Ah !
The guy asked asked from far away: Hey are you okay ?
Yu Ri showed her finger 👍🏻.
Guy: Sorry.
Yu Ri : Fine, it wasn't your fault. (She shouted.)
Guy: What's your name ?
Yu Ri : I'm Yu Ri ! Gi Yu Ri.
Guy : I'm Lee Yeon.
Yu Ri: Okay , bye.
Yeon: Huh!
Yu Ri went from that place .
She saw two girls infront of the corridor.
Yu Ri : Hi, umm. I was searching for grade 4 classroom.
First girl: Oh you came to the right place. This is grade 4 classroom.
Second girl: What's your name?
Yu Ri: I'm Gi Yu Ri. What about you two?
Second girl: Hi, I'm Kim Yann.
First girl: I'm Lee Dam . And, nice to meet you .
Yu Ri: nice to meet you too.
The bell rang..
Yann: let's go inside now.
They all went inside .
Dam: So this is our classroom. And this is where I sit.
Yu Ri: So where do I sit.
Dam : Anywhere you like.
Yu Ri : okay , I like this window sit. I'll be sitting here.
Guy: That's reserved by me.
She heard a familiar voice. And looked back. It was Yooha.
See you soon in the next episode stay tuned.