The Golden Fire

Ronald started searching for some good solid rocks which he eventually found. Then he collected some try figs & grass and kept in the centre. Once done Ronald started rubbing the stones to get a spark so that he can light up the fire. There was no spark coming but it was only causing friction and sound which was now irritating the King. Still the King and his subjects were showing curiosity in what Ronald was trying to do and had no clue whatsoever. The King was already desiring to have the clothes Ronald was wearing and was attracted towards it. The women also was eyeing at the clothes which Ronald was wearing. Probably they were waiting for the right opportunity to grab their share.

Ronald was sweating now. He was getting thoughts like, was the rock stone picked by him was the correct one to experiment the same or not. What will happen if he was not successful?. Ronald decided to rub it hard this time with all his might. Ronald closed his eyes once to get concentration and also trash all his negative thoughts for the time being and rubbed it hard this time. There was a great sound and a spark of light which struck the dry grass below and it started burning slowly with a golden yellow color. This sight was magical. The whole bunch of wild people along with their King & womenfolk bowed their heads with their hands folded towards him as a mark of respect.

Ronald was assured of his life now and probably would be treasured and protected from now on as he was the custodian of fire now. The King made some sign language and the subjects came near to Ronald and lifted him with respect and started dancing. The women folk got some figs, fruits and some roots to eat for Ronald. Ronald was suddenly in limelight. To make it more interesting, Ronald thought to show them how to start cooking food by using fire. Ronald signaled them to bring him down and they seem to started understanding what Ronald meant and dropped him down with a thud. That was close. Ronald would've got hurt as he almost lost balance and probably hit a rock nearby.

Ronald gathered figs & dried leaves again and transferred the already lighted fire to it. He also got some bigger branches of trees which had fallen down due to wind blowing so the the fire could last longer. Now he took the roots brought by the women to place it over fire for some time. The roots started loosing shape and also was getting roasted on the surface. After some time Ronald placed the hot baked root on a clean leaf. He further inserted a straight thin wooden branch into it like a barbecue stick and handed over to the King to eat. The King didn't know how to react. Then Ronald showed in sign language prompting him to eat the baked root. The king started eating bit by bit. Although it was a little hot but he seemed to like the taste of it. After eating the root he looked very happy. He went to the stream flowing nearby and started drinking water like an animal. Ronald didn't like the same. So he made a bowl shape from a large leaf and inserted small figs to bond the leaf in a cylindrical manner and filled the water in it and showed the King how to drink water. The King was pleased and started drinking water in the similar manner.

Seeing this his people also followed Ronald and the King and repeated the procedure. This time Ronald made triple facility for fire and made the people gather the figs, dried leaves and small logs as fuel to fire. The fuel was stocked and piled near one of the large tree bark. Each one brought the root and gave it to Ronald to bake it and give them which Ronald did it happily for them. Everyone started liking Ronald now. Especially the women folk wanted to keep Ronald for themselves and started showing signs of attracting him by making some funny noises. The King noticed the same at a distance.