The Kingdom of the Wild

Ronald was taken to their kingdom in the wild where there was their warlord fully decked up in colorful feather crown on his head, with an animal skin cloth loin on his waist with small feather bands on his shin. It appeared that he was the undisputed King. He looked strong and huge physically too. He was surrounded by 4 to 5 womenfolk all half naked with beautiful beads made out of some plant seeds & weeds. They were wearing a skirt like material made of bamboo shoots beaten straight so that it is flexible and comfortable to wear. Probably they were at the beck and call of the King. These women were at his service all the time. The King had a throne made up again of Bamboo stems cut into half, neatly covered with dry long leaves like that of a Palm tree.

The King sat on the throne and made a symbolic gesture to his people and they started to make a shrilled noise which was deafening. This was a mark of a beginning, a ritual to be precise. The men and women folk formed a circle. The men were carrying their weapons either the bow & arrow or the spear like weapon and started moving anti clock wise with a scream and a drum like noise coming from the left side created by one of them beating a cut & dry wooden bench like material with a hollow inside.The sound was like that of a traditional drum.

Ronald was now imagining how to escape this wild people or how can the tide be turned in his favor. After serious thought he got an idea. According to his observation they had still not discovered fire and If he could light one by rubbing 2 rocks or stones he may become their favorite and probably liked by everyone for this discovery. He thought of a plan to attract the King and talk to him in sign language. He waited for the right opportunity. The dancing and beating stopped after a while and the King looked at Ronald. Ronald started smiling at the King and showered respects to him to satisfy his ego by bowing down to him. Then he started showing signs to explain as to how he can start a fire which will change their life for good. The King and his subjects were looking at each other with a question mark on their faces. it was apparent that they couldn't understand a thing which Ronald was trying to communicate. It was certainly a challenge for Ronald as it was a question of life & death for him.