Chapter 3

The rise of the soft and cowardly emperor (3)

  But Zhou Min, who has accepted the task, has no choice but to move quickly to the GPS navigation location provided by the smart housekeeper. Of course, this smart housekeeper is self-styled, according to Zhou Min's own ideas , This is a silly two hundred and five!

  "Please accept the newcomer's benefits from the system~" Zhou Min carried the big skirt and ran to the place given by the system. On the way, he also separated some consciousness and broke with the system.

  "Welfare for newcomers?! You still have such good benefits~ It won't be a pitfall to me, right?"

  "That's, no, no, how can I say it, I decided to give it to you because your basic attributes are terribly low. Is it okay to open the plug-in? I am a very reasonable and humane butler. Compared with those systems, I am very good. You still dislike it. Don't get it down. I don't want to give it anymore~" I'm not happy, a little arrogant. Head tilted, I really don't know good people!

  "Don't don't don't! I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I want, how can I refuse to give it to me? Isn't this not knowing what is good or bad? Give me a chant~" Zhou Min was speechless, but in order to better complete the task, the newcomer Welfare is also very much anticipated. Moreover, she thinks that the so-called basic attribute survey is very watery. She is a gold-collar, a person with an annual income of one million. Although she lives a bit rough, but, please, her IQ is very good. High is good, but what basic attributes are actually so low.

  This unscientific!

  "Ding! d=====( ̄▽ ̄*)b, the tasker has received novice benefits and obtained natural deodorant, (optional fragrance) sweetness is a peach, giving people the feeling of first love; poppy fragrance will follow The temperature of the body emits different concentrations of scents. When the lust is at its peak, it is even more seductive, and you get a famous jade vortex phoenix (the best product that absorbs men in the private parts, which can bring shock, slippery, and sucking feelings, making men feel shocked, slippery, and sucking). Desire and dying), gain 100% body sensitivity, and have water physique at the touch of a touch. Because the host has not been able to choose deodorant over time, the system automatically chooses poppy fragrance for the host."

  Zhou Min is speechless, "This, this is the newcomer's welfare, NTM teases me or teases me, you come out to me, you, you explain to me, this, this is what you are going to do..." Forgive her IQ Not enough, this has something to do with completing the female match mission!

  "It has been detected that the male lead is in this room, and the scheming female lead is approaching. The tasker will immediately take the male lead away, otherwise the mission will fail!" The nervous voice immediately sounded, causing Zhou Min to run wildly in the harem carrying her skirt. He paused, and looked to the side, Nima is a remote palace, sparsely populated, overgrown with grass, and fallen leaves all over the floor. The palace seems to have not been renovated for a long time, and the vermilion door has faded a bit. Once the gorgeous colors, you TM told me the emperor was in it? !

  Don't bully me, I haven't gone to school, I don't know much, I don't know where the emperor should live, but how can I get luxury?

  It seems that he knows what Zhou Min is thinking, and his anxious hair is going to be stripped off, "I said the code name is 250, can you go in and take the male lead away? The scheming female lead is coming soon~" Really anxious machine... …

  Zhou Min just remembered that she was here to cut Hu, and of course it was Hu who cut the heroine. This is the wish of the female partner! Protect your brother and dynasty! Don't let the heroine's scheming bitch succeed!

  Zhou Min wore court women's clothing for the first time. This kind of fluttering clothes added points to melancholy and cold, but it was a bit cumbersome to get things done. The skirt was too long and it was easy to step on.

  Pushing open the door, Zhou Min found that the furnishings inside were actually very clean, and there were elegant spices specially lit. The moonlight spilled into the room, giving it a cool and elegant feeling. It seems that the owner who originally lived here is also an elegant People,

  just when Zhou Mincat was walking in and looking for someone with her waist, suddenly a tall figure sprang out from behind, holding Zhou Min in her arms from behind, turning over, and pressing her in the room. On the cold wall, the hot body behind him was also pressed down.

  Zhou Min was startled at first, and what followed was the goose bumps and the faintly soft legs caused by the scorching breathing of the stamina...

  "Something's wrong with me..." Zhou Min only felt that he was a man. She hugged, her whole body was soft, and something was constantly flowing out of her lower body. Of course, Zhou Min, who had never experienced sex in modern times, didn't know that she was already emotional!

  "Strange? No wonder! Because the sensitivity bonus in the novice welfare makes you extremely emotional, which is conducive to the completion of the task, well, do the task with peace of mind, I will not peek at the screen..." Laughing and Wretched and nonchalant about what he said, but Zhou Min was very frightened to hear it!