Chapter 4

The rise of the soft and cowardly imperial sister (4)

  What does it mean to do missions with peace of mind! ? Nima, how can you do the task with peace of mind and make a dime...

  "Hmm~" A coquettish voice overflowed from Zhou Min's mouth, and Zhou Min immediately got goosebumps. This was definitely not her own voice, could it be, this The princess? !

  It's too ridiculous~

  "You smell so good~" The hot lips of the man behind him kept lingering around Zhou Min's neck, and his body didn't even press against Zhou Min's body, especially the hard thing between his legs. Zhou Min's face was flushed, her eyes filled with water vapor, and her consciousness was a little confused. The man's hands were a little anxiously tearing at her clothes, looking a little anxious, as if he was a little upset by these clothes, "tear and pull" With a sound, the large white and soft skin made people crazy under the moonlight.

  The big red water lily apron and the white skin radiantly made the man's eyes flushed, and he opened his mouth impatiently and bit his apron together on Zhou Min's chest. The sound of the tearing of his clothes made Zhou Min whose consciousness drifted away for a short time. She came back to her senses, grabbing the man by the hair, trying to push him away, but the other party suddenly bit the round on her chest, and she could feel the thick tongue constantly teasing her through her belly. The sound of sucking on Zhou Min's nipples was louder and louder throughout the room, causing Zhou Min's body to slide continuously.

  The man lifted her up. The clothes that hadn't taken off, rubbed her torn dress with only strands, pulled her body to let her stick to the wall, and rudely tore her skirt. The big hand touched the soft skin in the skirt, followed the thighs to the hidden place, some fine pubic hair, the man pushed aside the snow-white legs, the index finger scratched the blooming lips, and the already soaked vagina attracted the man to stretch out. A finger was inserted fiercely and thrust in mercilessly.

  "No~" Zhou Min couldn't help but padded his feet, his thighs were constantly twitching because of the frequency with which the small hole suddenly appeared and pulled out vigorously, and his head tilted impatiently, avoiding the man's continuous lips and tongue on his face.

  Zhou Min had never gone through these things. There was a paste in her mind, and the foreign body thrusting back and forth in her vagina made her feel unusually itchy, as if she wanted more, but she kept telling her rationally, stop!

  Zhou Min's dodging made the man on him very unhappy. He slapped her face and clamped her chin. At this time, Zhou Min could see the person on him clearly through the hazy moonlight, and his heart shook with a black look. Golden Dragon's robe, the cuffs and the robe's corners are lined with gold silk, and I feel that the slender hands under the wide robe sleeves are constantly digging in my body, and the other vigorously ravages the roundness of her chest. , Squeezed out various postures, and the red eyes full of desire were obsessed and crazy, with perfect red lips constantly biting and sucking on his face and neck, leaving a damp body fluid all the way.

  This, this is the brother of this body, Lan Ziyu, the youngest and most domineering monarch of Lan Yuguo!

  Zhou Min shivered, is this going to be incest? Zhou Min's slurred consciousness immediately became sober, and the strength from unknown sources pushed the person away from him, and the hands that had been in and out of his body, with a "pop", Zhou Min looked at Lan Ziyu's two fingers. Crystal clear, with some transparent liquid, his face could not help but flushed, he pulled his unclothed shirt, and cried out in panic, "Emperor, brother emperor!"

  Lan Ziyu held the pair in Zhou. Min put his hands in front of his nose and smelled it, "So the smell on your body comes from here?" He put his fingers in his mouth and tasted it. "Sweet!" I was surprised to find that Lan Ziyu's eyes became more and more dangerous.

  Zhou Min's feet were soft and a little untenable. She could only hold her palms against the wall, watching Lan Ziyu's fingers digging in her body, and when she put it in her mouth without shy, there was a weird burst of water in her lower body. Enough of it, and the stickiness makes the thighs and the entire vagina wet.

  Zhou Min turned his head shyly, unwilling to watch, some soft feet but still did not give up and moved aside, "Emperor, Brother Emperor, I, I didn't break in on purpose, I..." the

  host's voice With natural softness and coquetry, it sounds coquettish and charming, and it sounds nice in an instant!

  "Come here!" Lan Ziyu didn't seem to pay attention to who she was, and didn't care who she was. The crimson eyes and the bulging tent between his legs all showed the man's desire at the moment, and he couldn't. Tolerate it again.

  Feeling the footsteps of someone coming in outside the house, Zhou Min had to quickly pick up the scattered clothes on the ground, dodge, and ran into the depths of the palace. Anyway, first separate the male and female masters, and Zhou Min's escape instantly caused Lan Zi. Yu's anger, he didn't know what to do, and he flashed away. Zhou Min, who had just run to a corner, was caught by Lan Ziyu before he could get out and threw it onto a vermilion pillar.

  The impact of the back caused Zhou Min to frown in pain, and his head was dizzy. Before he could react, he saw Lan Ziyu who was bullying her and trapping her in front of her chest. His sword eyebrows were slightly furrowed and beautiful. Even if his indifferent eyes are full of desire, they are full of evil spirits, like a lion in the jungle, dangerous and cruel.

  Seeing his face close at hand, Zhou Min couldn't ignore the lips that kept burning on her body, with a slight curvature, remembering the numbness and feeling of war when she was bitten on her body, she didn't know how to kiss him. How does it taste?

  Zhou Min looked at the man in front of him and couldn't help thinking about it. This is the host's brother, the highest authority in this country-so handsome and dangerous.

  The host's personality has always been introverted and quiet. That's a nice way of saying it. If it's not good, it's cowardice and inaction. So I reminded her that she can't change the host's original personality, let alone make people around the host suspicious. The princess of this country is also called Lan Min besides her surname Zhou!

  "The emperor, brother emperor~, you start a little bit~heavy~you poke me~" she said timidly, a red color appeared on her drooping white face, and the foreign body between her legs kept poking her. There was some uncomfortable dodge on his stomach, which made Lan Ziyu's already dangerous eyes even more dangerous.